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Thread: 10 Things I hate about WipEout 3

  1. #141
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    If I could still +rep you, I would. I agree with everything you've said. 3 is my favourite game ever

    The only thing I hate in 3 are the invisible boundaries, such as the invisible walls on the sides of the halfpipe-style section of sampa run, but once you know where not to go, those aren't really problems and they're not exactly as if they interfere with any proper racing lines.

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy View Post
    The only thing I hate in 3 are the invisible boundaries, such as the invisible walls on the sides of the halfpipe-style section of sampa run, but once you know where not to go, those aren't really problems and they're not exactly as if they interfere with any proper racing lines.
    They were also in the first two games, so what difference does it make?

    Actually, my biggest complaint regarding Wipeout 3 also applies to the other games in the series: the opponents are very badly-implemented. Enemy positions are obviously rigged to keep opponents spaced at certain intervals, which makes the races feel less like actual races and more like time trials with traffic. They barely put up a fight, even when compared to Wipeout XL - it's possible to get to first place by the second lap, especially with the Icaras. Also, there are eight different teams, so why do the races only feature four of them at a time? The first game added to its pseudo-realistic atmosphere by making all of the opponents different; Wipeout XL's repetition of the same five ships was understandable, given their limited number, but Wipeout 3 has no excuse for making me race against two identical Auricoms, three identical Piranhas, three identical Qirexes, and three identical FEISARs, let alone expecting me to believe that a pilot would blow up another pilot from the same team, racing in the same ship, with a guided missile. Even in tournaments, half of the teams aren't even present for any given race. How in Burcombe's name does that make any sense?!

    Thankfully, the newer games are much, much fairer in this respect, and actually bother to diversify the opponents (along with adding a much-needed difficulty option), but they don't play nearly as well as the older ones do.
    Last edited by Dan Locke; 23rd April 2010 at 08:28 PM.

  3. #143
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    yeah, I find that AI annoying sometimes because its so slow - but I go for lap times these days anyway, so it doesn't really bother me, less stuff in my way is fine if I'm trying for times.

  4. #144


    dan, i certainly agree that 3 refined everything that was good about 2097 to a point, but it does also have an identity of its own, in the form of content unlocking, teams, track environments, race physics and soundtrack as well. it introduced its own innovations, such as eliminator, and of course split screen but i see what you mean

    andy, the invisible walls - you mean at the end of sampa run, when you take a left and go up the hill and come down again before the sharp right, the tunnel and the home straight? when you go over the hill and hit the invisible wall if you go off track? - similar story on stanza inter when you take the left and go straight, but it's something i tend to overlook because it's not a big deal for me, even though it can muck up your race

    if anything, it increases the sense of precision and achievement if you ace the track and avoid those as well as everything else, although it's a bit annoying when you hit them

    i think pulse introduced energy shields that protect the crowds as a way of justifying having invisible walls, but in pure you could go all over the place, although of course you'd be retrieved and lose time if you lost the track

    as for the complaint of the field of teams you race against in 3, it's something i also overlook but then it would be nice to test yourself against all of them in each race, and have the more realistic scenario of team-mates avoiding blasting each other - is this rectified - lol, i love using that word - in the special edition? as for the field spreading out across the track and becoming rigid in terms of opponent ships you pass and being spaced out evenly and caught up easily - i thought that was more the case in 2097 then 3, and certainly more then in the original game, but the stats of each ship were kind of unbalanced in 3 anyway, so you'd always pass goteki and feisar first, and you'd always be going ahead of the likes of qirex and icaras for 1st place, i found

    anyway, in this thread of hatred for this particularly game, 3 is the magic number

  5. #145
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    The Auto-pilot was crap in this game. It always seemed to wanna play the, "LETS HIT AS MANY MINES AS WE CAN!!" game, whenever you engaged it behind an opponet . That was the ONLY fault in the game that truly got frustrating. Especially when you're just starting.

  6. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by WolfKill01 View Post
    Bruuuaaargh, uahahahah !
    I have the impression that Auto-pilot in Wip3out follows only default trajectories, probably this is the reason because you can hit every possible type of dangerous items like mines...

  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by XpanDrome2097 View Post
    I have the impression that Auto-pilot in Wip3out follows only default trajectories, probably this is the reason because you can hit every possible type of dangerous items like mines...
    That's correct; it (and the ones in Wipeout XL and Wipeout 64) just stick the player ship on a rail and call it autopilot, paying no attention to the game's actual physics engine. It actually turns the player ship into a drone, with the same penalties (greatly increased weapon effects) and advantages (DRIVING THROUGH WALLS!) as the others.

  8. #148
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    10 things i hate about wipeout 3?...

    Hmmm my numbers...

    Numbers 1
    the person whining about i can't turn right in the game. Have problems with the clipping ( yes if u know what it is, passing through walls or something more, their was a cheat for this in the first doom for the pc "loved it! )

    numbers 2
    they didn't have enough tracks... Really!

    Numbers 3
    if u can't get good at it. Don't break the game. Get ya money back!

    Numbers 4
    if whoever told the guys n gals (if their were any woman) creating and working on wipeout 1-3 the originals teams, not studio liverpool. If that person (s) didn't put the brakes on them developing one more time. The next ag racing after wipeout 3 would have been better than the time wipeout fusion came out.

    Numbers 5
    the final ending when u are defeated (ship destroyed) or didn't finish (ship destroyed), not the didn't become first place.
    Your ship is turned into a darked non moving piece of junk... In wipeout xl and 64. Your ship was blown away. Its bad when ur playing 2 player. And your friend 's ship is turned into a just a black piece of dead weight on the track. And guess what. You can still end up hitting the damn thing. Well at least in the wipeout 3 here in the usa i played.

    Number 6
    i already said music and racing tracks... The music that could have been from djs of early nineties who remixed pretty good tracks of today.
    No offense keep sasha... But chemical brothers, paul van dyke, mkl, and probably one more. They could have also added.

    Moby ( say all the boo's and im crazy you want )
    but go, bodyrock remix, and some of his songs back in the underground years 90's and 89. Yes!
    josh wink theirs some good stuff by wink, yeah higher states of conscienceless is long. No matter where you heard it from his remixes, extended versions, radio version, etc.
    so on...

    Numbers 7
    it was, i believe an early time for this game to have come out, and it could have been a hit on the playstation 2.

    Numbers 8
    it was the only one in the wipeout series. That had a real cockpit view. Of you being in view inside the vehicle.
    You know the visual picture. Your team logo on the bottom left or right, the front windshield the view and size you would assume if u were inside, and some bells and lights.
    And the yahoos in studio liverpool didn't want to apply that idea in the future games. Till i think later... I haven't played wipeout fury to know.

    Numbers 9
    oh the united states and the rest of the ntsc side of games didn't get the wipeout 3 special edition, but euro and pal players did....
    I guess it was not a kind of share the wealth or restrictions that the usa has on things imported into the united states. Hmmmm? The wipeout game was made in the usa!

    Numebrs 10
    i love wipeout 3.
    But it had its bad parts.

  9. #149
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    kfmdm Juke joint jezebel music version would be nice. very bizzarre covers for their albums

  10. #150
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    bah , I am convinced Wip3out is the best game of the whole series, I love graphics , I love the Background Music , I love races, I think the Manortop,Terminal,P Mar Projects races are so much beautiful. It is the best Wipeout of PS1 and it is better too than the various PS2' s Wipeout.

  11. #151
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    WOW i thought WO3 was pretty solid, i mean the tracks were well designed the ships were great plus the graphics put the playstation to it's limits and to round that all out the music i thought fitted in well.
    Last edited by mistroboy; 14th April 2014 at 12:41 PM.

  12. #152
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    Well said mr.mistro. wipeout 3's music fit the atmosphere of the game very well. oh, and welcome to the zone. hope you enjoy your stay.
    Last edited by WolfKill01; 27th March 2010 at 02:03 PM.

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by AG-wolf View Post
    about the only thing I REALLY can't stand in WO3 is the little speed boost you get when another ship rear-ends you. Sure it can help but say you accidentally smack a wall around a turn... you're in the middle of correcting yourself and getting back into your line when someone rear-ends you back into the wall. I've had times where this has happened 3-4 times IN SUCCESSION, like wall, straighten, rear-end, wall, straighten, rear-end, wall, straighten, rear-THROW THE CONTROLLER ACROSS THE ROOM

    Sorry to quote myself, but I realized making an addition to a post I made two years ago probably would be pointless lol

    I just fired up WO3 for the first time in a while... I have a few additions to my list:

    - The save/load BS... everyone has said it before, so I'm only echoing their sentiment, but that damn lag between making a selection and when it actually happens on the save/load screen is INFURIATING. I don't know if I ever accidentally saved over my previous game, but I know I've loaded the same game like three times in succession... "NO I JUST WANT TO SELECT "EXIT"[/i]

    - I also hate how many weapons hit you completely unannounced. I don't remember the CPU being such a rape-machine in this game... it's just like bam bam bam unsympathetic

    - and I don't remember how much of an issue this was in any other wipeout games, but I can't stand when you're RIGHT before a turn, you've already got your fingers on the d-pad and airbrake, and out of nowhere some weapon hits you... you immediately lose all your speed and turn straight into the inside part of the curve. >_<

    I think I wanna start playing this game again, though. I remembered eating it up back when I first found it... and I also somehow used to be good with the analog stick. Once I'm competent with that again, I'll be satisfied lol

  14. #154
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    Just here to express my deep love for Wip3Out 3. For me, WO3 it's the best WO game ever. Yes, it has it's own quirks and downsides, it lacks the music and feel of 2097/XL, but for me it's still the best of the bunch. And I totally hate everything after WO3.

  15. #155
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    Weird, I thought the music was even stronger in WO3!

  16. #156
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    Coming from WO1, 2097/XL, and WO64, I didn't really like Wip3out when I first played it.

    It took a while to grow on me. And now I love it. Especially with the refinements seen in WO3:SE.

    I still do suck at WO3 pretty badly, though!

  17. #157
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    Well, i have many positive feelings about Wipeout3 - but game have some issues... it's true. When i get WO3SE some things changed, because this version have many bugs fixed and many things added. Generally I like this game. It's not best WipEout but it's good

  18. #158
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    I'll have to agree with some of those points, now that I'm playing through it after all these years.

    - The in-game HUD is hard to read, and since you need to concentrate on the race, reading through the clutter takes too long. No lap indicator is a real pain, especially since there's not even an audio cue for the final lap, and the only visual indicator is blinking yellow text, which is easy to miss when you're focused on the game.
    - Hyperthrust. I know it's an unique thing about WO3, but its cost and function aren't really appealing. Turbo pickups were fine, especially for ships like Feisar on higher classes. Thankfully, this mechanic is not required if you want to win.
    - Some of the items are, frankly, drivel. Cloak is beyond pointless, being basically a shield that doesn't make you impervious to damage. Force Wall is almost entirely useless since Quake already does the crowd control job a lot better, and doesn't throw opponents at you (which is ridiculous). And Reflector - oh, Reflector - it throws the whole combat balance out of whack. What a brilliant idea, to make yet another Shield that doesn't shield you from everything, but also punishes you for having the gall to use weapons so you can have a chance to overtake another racer. I wouldn't have much of a problem with it if the AI didn't abuse it to no end. Got missiles? Reflector. Rockets? Reflector. Got freaking Cloak? You better believe the AI has Reflector on, just in case. The worst thing about these three is that they're a waste of weapon pads. I could've gotten an actual Shield, an actual Quake, or actual weapons instead of these.

    Beyond that, WO3 is pretty good.
    Last edited by T-301; 21st September 2019 at 05:42 PM.

  19. #159
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    I really agree with the HUD part. Kinda ironic flaw in a WipEout game that it lacks functionality for the sake of appearing futuristic.
    Some may say it is a prediction cough

  20. #160
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    Wip3out is still up there at the top of my favorite WipEouts. Probably just because of the amount I played it. It definitely has its flaws though. The design aspects still holds up surprisingly well but looking back and can be tempting to say that it’s teetering on the line of form/substance. Really hoping to find a good emulator so I can come back and visit it again soon.

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