heh, none of the prototype tracks work on my copy of wip3out xD i need a new disc, its all scratched
heh, none of the prototype tracks work on my copy of wip3out xD i need a new disc, its all scratched
Y'know, I never even noticed the left/right thing. I just went with it. I wont hear of this thread though. It is blasphemy purified into thread form. I love Wipeout 3. It is my favourite game of all time. I must've put in some crazy hours.
First things first, hyperthrust does make a sound- the sound of the ship becomes higher pitched and more pronounced, like an engine maxxing out its revs. Secondly, the colour scheme is brilliant, it is the only Wipeout (to my knowledge, I missed a couple) which has dark colours. The urbane mundanity of the tracks serves to heighten the realism of the game- would the future be clean 'n' shiny or gritty and grey, with sharp edges and sharper corners? The latter, definitely.
Say what you want. I just love Wipeout 3. And I could write a whole essay on the tracks, from Mega Mall to Stanza Inter, Hi-Fumi and the masterpiece that is Manor Top. The game is a classic.
If we don't already have a thread for ^Ten Things I Love About WipEout 3^, we should.![]()
I have got 2097 (though I played it after Wipeout 3) and I didnt think it was darker. The tracks had much richer colour schemes and ran through lush environments of ice and jungle as well as the darker city tracks. I just felt that the whole theme, the atmosphere of Wipeout 3 was moodier and yet more mundane, tracks like Stanza Inter felt like they were weaving through the heart of gritty future urban citites, from the dark reds and gungey greens of Stanza to the industrial influences of Terminal and Hi-Fumi. Similar tracks in 2097 to me felt optimistic where WO3's were self-consciously decadent.
Just my opinion, though.
Interesting how perception differs! To me, the original wipEout and 2097 always felt underground and gritty, whereas wipEout 3 felt set in an almost utopia-like future. Might have to do with the cleaner design and pastel color scheme.
Have to agree with fusionfrenzy.
WO2097 definitely is a dark game, but WO3 felt way more realistic (in terms of atmosphere) and had a red thread through the tracks (we're talking about WO3 here, not WO3SE, so only consider the original 8 tracks here).
It's brighter than WO2097, sure, but it has a more urban feel to it.
I always thought that W3O's environments look closer to a present-day modern city with industrial park and suburbs with the whole thing projected just a little bit into the future. Makes it seem more real than the others, and the quiet sound of racing, and the convincing feel of floating as you race makes it feel like you are truly in the future.
Yes, definitely, I agree with this. The sense of immersion built up from the feel of the speed and the float of the ships as they turn through the corners made it seem almost real to me. I mean, the brilliance of the design was that it presented the distant future not as some brilliant utopia but as an almost dingy, harsh reality of industrial presence and inner-city cluster, but contrasted it with the speed and energy of a pure-adrenaline sport passing through it's midst. No other Wipeout has matched it for that in my opinion.
Kind of ironic that we should be so positive about it in this of all threads![]()
Last edited by Lance; 14th September 2008 at 12:08 AM. Reason: Redundant quotation removed. Read the guidelines, please.
The world of W3O is not so much harsh as just banal. Average. Bland. Undistinguished. Mediocre. Ordinary. With the brilliant exception of Anti-Gravity racing.
Sorta like our world.
Exactly, and that's what makes the game feel so special, so true, so real. I wish that the new generation of Wipeout games (not that they're not great) could match it.
And yeah, a lot like our world. Only 11 years until AG-ships are invented, right?![]()
Today I was very excited to post in the "favourite things about W3O" thread. So excited I had to play the game today.
Today I am tired, and when I am tired I mix up phrases and words until I sound like igpay atinlay Yoda teaching.
I have all Wipeout memory cards carefully labelled "WIPEOUT! DO NOT SAVE OVERTOP!" You know, just in case some poor sod unaware of my true love happens to come along and touch my Playstation. *slap*
Back to the story. I turn on my PS1, watch the intro lovingly, load my save game, fire up Sampa Run Rapier TT, and like usual, the game hasn't loaded my saved Neggie presets. So I go to change them, and like usual, this freezes my game and I have to reset.
So, I reset, go to load game, hit I, and take a sip of coffee until it tells me "save completed". SAVE COMPLETED?!
Saved, absolutely no records. Deleted, the most precious wipeout records I have - the ones I've had the longest, including my Portokora ones which are so special....the records from my very first wipeout game.
And so I sit there, staring at the screen with my coffee - weep, ROAR, KILL! That order seems to work well for me. At myself pissed I am.
And so now I know. There is one thing that I absolutely hate about Wipeout 3 - the way that "load game" and "save game" are on the same selection screen.
My deepest sympathies. I did that twice! Took a week to get the records back, but I improved almost all of them. Look on the bright side.
Luckily, I did have a couple of separate saves of my very earliest 'records', slow though they were/are, I have a nostalgic attachment to them.
OUCH! I feel your pain (I think...)
I feel sorry for you Medusa
That also happened to me several time ( not only W3O but also other wipeouts) but since the 1st crash, i have doubled the saves : i mean i copied into a 2nd memory card all my saves, now i can feel more reassured.
Thanks guys for the sympathy, I may have gotten over it now. Mostly, LOL.
I do have all the times written on paper...nerd that I am. But it's just not the same. And now that copy of W3O seems to have developed a grudge against the Neggie I use with it (or maybe vice versa?). It won't allow me to reconfigure the buttons at all without freezing. I'll just stick with SE for awhile, until I can dig out my other neggies. SE is really idiot friendly.Just my thing!
To unfreeze the configuration page, try pressing both shoulder buttons of the neG at the same time. Repeatedly if necessary. It sometimes works. Sometimes.
I need this game.
And a PSX memory card.
Man I should really grab my flame shield first but I might be one of the only people in the world than who actually likes Wipeout 3 over XL. It felt like a natural progression. I also think that pulse owns pure and there is something wrong with Wipeout Pures controls...I can't put my finger on it but they don't seem to flow as smoothly as pulse.
I just recently found my original copy of Wipeout 3 and am trying to unlock everything on the PS3 save unit Hard drive. Feels like a fantastic wipeout to me.
PS: I wish we had the track "Stanza Inter" remade in HD for Wipeout HD! that would have been sweet! the City back drop would rule.