Well, it's a good thing those esses weren't zees.
[or zeds, depending on one's brand of English]
Well, it's a good thing those esses weren't zees.
[or zeds, depending on one's brand of English]
They actually are more like "zeds" as Jeremy Clarkson would put it. Just an absolutely vile feature to what is otherwise a nice looking track.
Anyone else's gripes?
wip3out was kinda great, maybe my favourite game of the series.
it is the triumph of design, colours hud and everything else created a parallel futuristic world that it was fantastic to be in.
ships were great too, icaras and assegai, two of the most popular teams, were introduced here!
While I do think that the bounciness could be annoying, and Autopilot doesn't help with thattiming turns better and using the Square button fix those problems - same with Reflector. So, they're minor...
As for the font...I like its futuristic feel. Believe me, back in '99 I had some trouble reading it as well...but you get used to it. I know by now I am!
Getting used to those things adds to the challenge, which IMO makes it more fun. As long as I've been playing it, I don't have ALL the medals - heck, I barely even know the prototype tracks. So, what some say is tedious I think adds to its replay value.![]()
The first Wipeout i played was 2097, so it makes it hard to find a new "king of wipeout" in my opinion.
But one thing that really got to me in Wip3out was the ion trails. I mean C'mon, they just look like a stereotypical rocket trail, with a point at the end.
A few more minor rants might include the sound of the ships are like electric cars, and the cartoonish way your ship is destroyed.
but other than that, its practically perfect.![]()
I love the quiet ships; they made it feel like the future to me.
Oh come on Lance, you can't tell me you don't like the roar of a engine now and then? Besides at the speed them AG crafts are flying, I expect to be hearing some ROARING sounds![]()
At least they're making noise in Wipeout 3, WipEout original has no engine noise at all save for using a turbo!
about the only thing I REALLY can't stand in WO3 is the little speed boost you get when another ship rear-ends you. Sure it can help but say you accidentally smack a wall around a turn... you're in the middle of correcting yourself and getting back into your line when someone rear-ends you back into the wall. I've had times where this has happened 3-4 times IN SUCCESSION, like wall, straighten, rear-end, wall, straighten, rear-end, wall, straighten, rear-THROW THE CONTROLLER ACROSS THE ROOM
Isn't there a "BLAM" missing for the gunshot wound the pilot inflicts upon himself?![]()
The "Everyone Hates You" Syndrome
I don't think I've ever known my opponents to attack each other unless they "know" the player is there, which can occasionally lead to some fun things happening:
Imagine floating along with Cloak humming away.
You round a corner and there is a small pack of four or five ships.
Your Cloak wears off.
BLAM! At that instant they all fire, annihlating each other.
Anyone who's ever played a Destruction Derby game, where this is most blatant on the PS1, should be intimately familiar with this syndrome... I imagine it had something to do with the limited amount of space on the PS1 for things like AI and stuff, b u t (I just remembered) this also happens on Fusion, in a much more obvious manner. WTF?
This doesn't happen only in Wipeout. It's sad when developers have to do this to create a challenge because they know that otherwise it would be a piece of cake. I can list many game where the AI plays mostly only against the human players, and never against itself. :/
Uh, I don't think the AI in Wipeout Fusion shows this everyone hates you syndrome, they have ZERO problems with massacring each other as well as the player. Also you can tell on each track when Fusions AI will start the fight it seems to wait till about half way through lap 1.
Then again, I do have the default audio settings on which is biased towards Music volume...
I revised my list of ten, just like with Fusion, at the end of Page 2.
I've noticed my thoughts on all the Wipeout games have changed since I've been getting back into them to pass some time these days since I've been in the mood.
Wip3out was fantastic when I was playing it at release, especially with everything that could be achieved for each track/class that kept me pushing forward till I got to the phantom leagues. Then the "I accidentally deleted my save file" plagued me for months, lol. Never was able to complete it due to that problem. It was an amazing experience, but nowadays I'm just annoyed with a lot of things, although I'm very sure I can keep positive about it and go forth, however, time flies as we get older.
Recently, the most annoying part is getting banged left and right into the walls which literally drives me up the walls, haha. Yes, yes, I'm getting the hang of the game again, but I always enjoy going back and learning again in any game.
Now I may be going off topic a bit; Wipeout XL is the only Wipeout and GAME in existence that makes my jaws drop even to this day. Not even MGS4 compares to the feeling WOXL gives me. The (physics?) or coding for the craft movement with the turning/airbreaks is absolutely perfect to me, I can't even describe the feeling in words. Not to mention Firestarter playing! /squeeeeeee ^^
This is another thing that throws me off in WO3 is I'm so used to WOXL, I just have a hard time adjusting to the hyper thrust system, realizing I'm low on shield strength rather quickly. And lastly is my shift from the Qirex team to those with more maneuverable crafts like Piranha since WO3 is a tad bit different in the handling physics. Qirex will always be my team in WOXL.
well, wip3out is my favourite game ever, never mind favourite wipeout. the only thing i hate about it is that my disc is scratched and i cant play manor top or terminal anymore and some of the music doesnt work but thats not the game's fault. =P
the only things i dont like about it is the grey of the menus and loading screen, and that its not fast enough. the AI is way too slow, im past them after the first lap and then i dont see anyone till i lap then on the forth so i dont get to use weapons as much as i would like and races are just a bit too lonely.
but yeah, i think hyperthrust is amazing. speeding round the track using bursts of hyperthrust inbetween corners is so much more satisfying than picking up a turbo in other wipeouts and it makes the whole race so much faster. i love the physics and stuff too
as for the unlocking stuff; jazznazz, wizzpig and avinit - then i save the game so i can just load everything up fully unlocked. ive unlocked it all before anyway so what does it matter =]
and ive never noticed the ships sounding too quiet, ive always loved the big roar when you turbo start![]()
Last edited by andy; 23rd August 2008 at 11:10 PM.
This game was my second wipeout and my first playstation game purchased, when i moved back to Columbia, SC.
I already said some hates about it.
other than its where I started with Wipeout64. In training racing pilots, friends, and others.
It proved to me, to first use the inside cock pit screen. some say that its wild to drive in the vision.
for me. its reality.
reality as every turn is like a real turn off the highway and the five points streets. Ripping, Running, Burning tire tread, and breaking all limits/laws the DMV/law division puts on the street roads.
Well, it's still possible to feel lonely on LS104. When the other ships are out of sight ahead of you.![]()