Mabye if you stare at it long enough, it'll turn black after awhile, like the sun... just be careful and don't go blind.(I like it.)
Mabye if you stare at it long enough, it'll turn black after awhile, like the sun... just be careful and don't go blind.(I like it.) still pretty fresh here, i never even knew rob wrote the back story!!
Thanks for telling me guys. Man do i feel like an asshole.
NOW THAT IM FULLY INFORMED, i have a renewed faith in the game, because i trust Rob wont 'botch' it like i said.
Well..he better not.![]()
The Gracer!, I can give you a hint, look at Wipeout Fusion`s credits and Pure`s booklet.
I never thought to read the credits, but waheey!! look at that. Rob Foxx. In all fairness, even if i had have seen that, i wouldnt have made the connection - just because im stupid.
So, like, whats going on in the world of wipeout now? Spin us a yarn Rob, old pal, best buddy....(fades off into mindless greasy babble)
Beer works better!
It wouldn't have been an obvious connection, even if you had read the credits. Not sure what I'm under in Fusion, probably special thanks, but for Pure it's Web Developer, so it's not as if that makes it obvious. Pretty sure it'll be Web Developer for Pulse, too.
Pure was the first one I did, and I've done most of the work on Pulse and I'll probably do some for HD if it's required. Before me it was Damon Fairclough who wrote it, and he also posts here on occasion.![]()
yeah, i followed the link to his small wipeout page the other day.
Pretty deep stuff!
P.S. would you like a beer?
*grease grease*
Was it Damon that wrote the Fusion back story?
Yeah, a WipEout HD for PS3 soon, good marketing operation, they want all WipEout players to buy a PS3 before its price go down. I think I'll wait untill the launch of the real WO next gen before to buy a PS3. It will be hard to resist I know...
Rapier: Damon's name doesn't appear in the credits for Fusion. Can't recall who it was though...I'm still thinking of that damned Dried Water sponsorship in F9000! XD
Neither was Rob! Ah, but hey, stuff happens and one day you ascend to the top and become the grand archiver of the past 150+ years of the sport (-27 after the Overtel collapse, of course) and soon I'll end up as assisstant Web Designer/Backstory Writer for the next installment on PS3. (The job ends once I wake up next morning of course...)
So will the new WO have sonic booms? I want soinc booms! Or sonic boobs, that would also be cool.![]()
I doubt it... sonic booms are for going really really fast, and you can only go so fast moving around tight tracks and corners, much more challenging than just going really really fast, unless the tracks have really long straight-aways, or are really large...
A sonic boom occurs whenever you break the sound barrier: 1,225 kph (761 mph)
I'm faily certain that Wipeout ships routinely break that speed.
Can we say "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" children? I think we can.![]()
They couldn't in Pure, the only time an anti-gravity racer in Wipeout could top that speed was in Wipeout Fusion - and the speedometer from what I heard reads twice as much as the actual speed.
the zone ship could though
Ya, a sonic boom in zone mode, that would be cool!!![]()
My thoughts exactly.
Gentlemen, I thank you for your time.
Given that in fusion the numbers are double the reality, what about Mandrashee, track three? Even if you half the numbers all of those Boost Pads push you over Mach 1 by an easy 200kph.
One thing I noticed is that in WO3 some ships developed "wing-trails" at high speed, rather like Thrust in that video.... what happened to that little effect? It gave a much better feeling of speed than fiddled speedo numbers.
I never noticed the wing-trails in WO3. Maybe it's because the NTSC-A version doesn't have it, or I'm just too slow.
Yeah, I know that sound barrier speed can be attained in Zone, but who can handle it? The thing that made the booms possible in XGIII - take a look at the track design. The tracks are LONG, and there's tons of straightaway on almost every track. Wipeout does not have many of those tracks.
Picture it:
You're playing Zone, wizzing around Florion Height, or maybe Cubis Float, you enter the trackless area, the dust picks up... and you hit mach 1:
Excessive, I know, but would you not feel cool as ****? Wouldn't that make it all worth it?
ED: Ooh, here's a real one!
That would be cool too... you could have one of those light bending effects around the ship...
.....I'll be quiet now.
Lol, I love mythbusters (much better than brainiac imo)
I'm sorry, where were we?......
*thinking really hard*
Zone mode! I guess I'll have to pop the fusion disk in![]()
Brainiac is more about the shits and giggles (read: Chips done quick by exploding a potato then exploding the pieces for slightly charred and underdone chips)