Sorry, but where is everyone getting the idea its the FX350? :\
Edit: aha, rob is speculating. sorry, followed the link from the homepage to this thread
Sorry, but where is everyone getting the idea its the FX350? :\
Edit: aha, rob is speculating. sorry, followed the link from the homepage to this thread
Very interesting indeed.
Well, if there was something that would convince me to get a PS3, this would be it
*eagerly awaits release of additional information*
Oh look! A reason to own a PS3 has suddenly appeared!
I signed up for a free one![]()
Spotted this on avforums yesterday.
At last I might have a use for my PS3 outside watching Blue Rays / DVD's!!!
bring it on Sony.
If SL will show WO:HD at E³ it was nice if they also offer some info directly to the gamesites at the same time.
Cause trailers, filmed from an TV with a hand-camera, aren't really that nice compared to high-res sceens or trailers directly from the development studios that usually have a far better quality![]()
i was under the impression that E3 was no more...
Exarkann: The super-spectacle E3 is no more.
E3 still is going on but now it's a rather low-key event this year. No more booth babes I guess![]()
In the know eh? My my, aren't we special.
They are going to have to pull a fast one on the storyline then, otherwise the story will get all muddled.
The back story is one of my favorite parts of the wipEout series, so ill be disappointed if it gets botched.
To be honest, im going to have to assume a remake of pure with all the downloadable content added. Sorry, a 'point-five' game doesnt appeal to me - until there is more info on this release im not getting my hopes up.
Please prove me wrong. Ive been far too negative today. whats wrong with me!?
Last edited by The Gracer; 28th June 2007 at 05:42 AM.
WipEout graces us with TWO games in 2007.
This is going to be a big year, fellow pilots.
And now to start saving for a PS3...
Well, Rob has been writing the backstory recently, so he's about as "in the know" as it's possible to get... I hope.
Unless Col, Karl or one of the other designers changes something and screws it all up![]()
Fortunately I knew about WipEout HD early enough that I could work around it for the WipEout Pulse backstory. It did kind of mess things up a little, though - designers weren't to blame, this time - it was the artists, I tells ya!![]()
Uhm... Rob writes the back story
Primarily because he is better at it and more enthusiastic for it than anyone else, not sure if that makes him special
His occasional blue hair makes him special !! but we havent seen that for a while
And no Adam !
I would dare touch the back story, nor let anyone else near it
Otherwise it would end up filled with Rocky references and orcs in Wales
Are you sure you don't want to be a writer Colin? Sounds like you could've wrote a story for the Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood, with the Orcs in Wales concept. Torchwood is filmed and set in Cardiff.
Any ways, good news for Wipeout fans most definitely. Like someone said, two Wipeout titles in one year! It's like we're dreaming.
Sadly, this isn't enough to convince me on picking up a PS3. I do plan to pick one up, but a couple of titles in my opinion isn't enough to buy a PS3. Now if by some chance this is my year and I end up winning the red PS3, well then I'll be so on top of buying Wipeout HD
Any ways, glad to see the Wipeout universe back in Sony's favour. What a month and a half it's been!
OooI don't like that red PS3 I think it looks truly awful, I wouldn't complain if I got it for free through could always put a bag over it
I am giddy with excitement about this. Specially since I have the two main things in order to make this work already. The TV and the Console. I took the hit early... well... right at the start (and living on bread and butter till i can stabalize the hit i took from that), and I still play my GTHD time trials
. By the time WOHD comes out, rumble will probably be finally getting it`s final touches done on the new PS3 controllers (if they overcome their packaging problems - rumour that i heard). I wonder how you guys will integrate that into gameplay.
MMmMmmmmmm... and with the PS hooked up to my computer music collection Ooooooohhh man. I can picture it already! Good times all around