Hello folks,

I think I've stumbled upon something here that deserves a thread of its' own.

The following is a quote from ThreeSpeech that doesn't really make complete sense by itself..

Under the heading "Future PS3 Games";

"Looking a bit further ahead, there are persistent rumours that Sony Liverpool is working on a new version of the much-loved, ultra-cool WipEout. Alas, that won’t be ready until next year,although there could be an HD-ised version of the PSP’s WipEout Fusion to keep us going in the interim.."

Now, we all know that Wipeout Fusion is a PS2 game. We also know that it wasn't a very popular or well-selling PS2 game (especially here in North America).

So I think it's safe to assume that they actually mean the PSP's Wipeout Pure or Pulse.

Which got me thinking... the recently released Pulse screens are much higher resolution that normal for the PSP...

... so could we all be REALLY looking at the screenshots of a PLAYSTATION STORE release of Wipeout Pulse for PS3 ? Cross-platform online multiplayer, anyone?

I'm betting the farm on YES.