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Thread: Alistair -time on mega mall

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Alistair -time on mega mall

    ARe you sure this time was achieved 2:30.04 on time trial mega mall(pal version)? YOur lap time is only slightly better than the total(for 5 laps). Do you have a video of this time, or could you redo the race recording it so we can see your lines.

  2. #2
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    I beat this time this morning, but it was done on a perfect race, ergo I didn't lose much time at all on my lap record, per lap. I clocked a 29.96 on the first lap and kep that average for the whole race, including one 30.40 and a 29.48 to counter it. Thing is, I swore when I clocked that earlier time that I couldn't go any faster because of how close the average was to my record, now I'm sure that Mega Mall has topped out (as in, I won't be racing it again any time soon.) I would get you a ghost (I think I recorded the earlier (2:30+) race,) but my compy's monitor died a few weeks ago so I can't use my DexDrive.

    I can't even get you a screenshot of my TT records screen as i've not got a camera aside from my webcam (which I'd need my PC monitor to use.)

    I haven't got a VCR or the cable required to get the image to the recorder either so I'm stuck for proof. If required I'll reset my time to the first time I clocked that I beat Arnaud with, but I've no ghosts for MM currently up on this site, aside from a third place Qirex one:

  3. #3
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    8 ) I'm sure we all believe you can do it, the question here is HOW?

    If you can't video your race (which it sounds like you can't, but hold on to that ghost so you can upload it when possible! Definitely want to see that!) then just describe your line for now.

    With a time like that, you likely won't be going back to that track unless someone beats your time. Which might happen if you describe the way you tackle the course and a phenomenal pilot learns something vital from your description and finds a way to fly the course even faster than you've managed.

    The never-ending quest for the faster race time!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    WOW Ali

    my race time being kicked by nearly 5 sec !!, i must reckon you have done a perfect run... an amazing perfect run !!!

    I know you have encountered several issues with your broadband provider since our last msn 2097 session... too bad ...
    And now this is with your own pc... damn
    Just burn a candle it's not the time for your neg or ps1 to die!!

    congrats for that result anyway !

  5. #5
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    And this is the pal version? wow. Could you give a breakdown of the race(when hitting turbo,braking ect), There is definitely something you are doing that arnaud and I are not, although I haven't tried to race lately, the way I'm playing probably wouldn't get me any faster than one hundreth of a second faster than arnauds time

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    very "smooth" Ali, well done. That`s a really great achievment.

  7. #7
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    I described my line and style of racing in the tips thread (sticky) ages ago, my technique hasn't changed much, but to do that time I was pushing as hard as possible all through the race. Some tips would be:

    - When coming off the jump at the bottom of the helix, before the right turn, pitch up to pass over the wall without having to let off at all, the ships peel nicely off the track on that corner, into the pits.

    - boost on every jump, every lap, pitching back off each until you run out of hyper thrust

    Other than that, it's more down to the way I pilot: brake hard, thrust hard, burn all your shield and never miss the pitlane

  8. #8
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    Brake hard only for steering? Or is it sometimes necessary to slow down with both brakes to make a turn?

  9. #9
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    sometimes it's better to brake hard with icarus so Your ship doesn't waste time sliding around turns. I think that is my problem, too little braking.

  10. #10
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    I never use both brakes at once, Lance, braking for steering is the only way I use the brakes in W3O. That said, on the longer, wider open corners, like the first one on Mega Mall, just tapping the brake a couple of times to adjust your line while hammering it through the curve is the quickest way I've found. For the tight corners it's a balancing act between braking hard and not braking too hard (and so drifting too far and losing too much speed.) With the big, poor handling ships, i'd say having no fear is the fastest, if most sporadic(SP?) way to do it. It's what I do with, quick, though rare race times, mastering braking is essential! On corners that require heavy braking, don't hit your brake until the last moment, then hit just the one and hold it as long as necessary. This technique's hard to pass on TBH because I can't relay to you all how long to actually brake for and where to brake Best of luck anyhow

    P.S. I've been racing hard at Terminal also recently, trying to beat an erm... frontier... in the Qirex, much like what i've been trying to do with the 2:30 at Mega Mall. The other day I ran four laps in the Qirex at Terminal with an average of less than 26 seconds (good enough for a final time of less than 2:10,) only to make a dog's dinner of it on the final lap, this makes me believe that 2:05 might be possible in the Icaras... So let's see some hustle people
    Last edited by Smoothly Does It; 9th August 2006 at 12:55 PM.

  11. #11
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    Yup, so I've been caning Terminal in these past few days and I did manage to break 2:10 in the Mighty Q (after a 3 hour Red Bull fueled TT session,) also clocked a 25.24 in the brick bullet, which I also doubt will be bested without an Icaras, but is the quest for a sub 2:05 in the icaras worth it? Is anyone else still running on these circuits?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    No sorry Ali not me yet.
    I need to finish ( or may i say : polish ! ) the Kai videos i did.
    Be sure i have a look on your great results ( very nice terminal times) and probably try to break yours when these things will be finished.

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