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Thread: Zone

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    sounds like the problem i have!!!!

    working on it though, all this advice is really helping, thanks!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Suggestions for playing zone mode....

    1. Relax
    2. Adopt a position where your feet are higher that your head (more blood circulation to brain)
    3. Slow breathing down
    4. Empty your mind
    5. Become the ship

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    so i should play zone whilst in a headstand position?????

    that might b hard..........

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Not if you turn your tv upside down as well

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002



    so zone means breaking my neck and my tv!!

    does anyone do this????? :-?

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Can't say I've tried! :

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    how I play Zone,

    In game music must not be played, I listen to my own cd's in which I feel more comfortable with...

    I sit in a cross legged position on the end of my bed, just over 1m away from the TV which is 34cm, the TV is higher than my head so the neck has to be raised slightly, my hands hold the controller basically in my lap, yet on the outer-side and infront of where my legs actually cross...

    I drink only inbetween Zone races, never during, I don't eat anything, and try to keep my thumbs grease free

    I use the STICK, not pad, I find the pad very very bad for zone, others may be the other way around but this is my feelings on the Stick/Pad debate.

    Now, in-game tactics are hardto explain, as during the highest speeds I find that I am just doing what needs to be done and I don't think about turning the corner, it just comes naturally, when to turn, how much brake, etc...

    But, braking is important, I use it from Zone 1 on, usually on the slower speeds to get an extra pad or something, but in the teens, i use the brakes to correct lines and things like that, this way you become reliant on them, which is needed on the higher speeds, and using them early is good to gain confidence in how well they work, how much pressure is needed to get around certain corners and all the things like that...

    Oversteering around a corner, the brakes maybe your best weapon to save yourself, turning the opposite way could cause you to start fishtailing around and eventually hit a wall, but oversteering and using the opposite brake to the corner (ie:left corner, right brake) this gives the ship a strafing effect, pulling the ship away from the wall and can straighten the ship up.

    A BIG POINT - Relax! ignore what Zone you are in, that is the downfall in everything, trying to beat a certain Zone, and knowing your getting close will cause major problems... take each corner 1 at a time, yet also keep track of where you are on the track, this way you know what is ahead of you, and you can line your ship up for the next section with ease, will lead to perfect laps...

    In my early days at playing the game, I got stuck in the 40's, when I hit the 40's would tense up and just all my reactions would be delayed. I have implimented a mental tactic...

    Visualise yourself at Zone 30, and having say 20 shield points left.... after you get that, Zone 30 and 25 shield points, etc and so on... after a while I was thinking, going perfect to Zone 30, and then after that, losing 1 point of sheild per Zone, so that would take you to Zone 60+! That's how I play the game...

    Currently for Area 1, I am hoping that at Zone 60 I still have 30+ points on the shield... it's the only way I got to Zone 109!

    So I'll end my post (story) here, enjoy the game, as that will get your further than you think! Keep Playing and practicing!

    Cheers All!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2002



    thanks oggob!!

    il have 2 try some of that advice!

    and i think i now know what the problem is, i always look at the zone counter!!

    i shouldnt but i do!! i have 2 try and relax more!!!!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Hi Oggob

    very useful advice there. I think I knew a lot of it but the problem is applying it, especially relaxing at zone 40+. Getting the right mental attitude is hard. I once thought I needed to be home alone to do zone, but my best score on Florion 3 was done with my daughter sitting on my knee, leaning on my arms, while I was talking to my wife and brother in law and I was not really paying much attention to the screen. Any advice (anyone) on how to get "in the zone"? How exactly do you go about "emptying your mind" and concentrating at the same time?

    Also, Oggob, can I ask what view you use? I like nose view. I would do cockpit view, but while its a rush its not succesful in zone mode.

  10. #30
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    Great technique description Oggob. I always race with my legs crossed as well, it gives a much more stable place to rest the controller. As for finding the best environment to race in, I guess it really differs from person to person. Lunar, you got your best score with company, yet I would probably get slaughtered on Zone 10 in the same situation! I can only race with absolute concentration on the track, even my own music distracts me. Emptying your mind can mean whatever you want it to mean; either empty your mind of the tense atmosphere of Zone, or empty your mind of your surroundings. :wink:

  11. #31
    Join Date
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    Sounds like sitting with legs crossed is the way forward. Unfortunately, if I did this I`d be in extreme discomfort by zone 20. :x

  12. #32
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    Lunar - this is probably where I "cheat", the view I use is from behind the ship, while I do like racing in low for Arcade and all that, I just find that I have to see my ship so I know where it is on the track and how much I can slide it out around the corners before hitting, so that's my view...

    anyone hitting good Zones from within the ship, I take my hat off to you!

    I liked the legs crossed because it is so stable, that way the only things that can really move is your thumbs and fingers, yes your body can move, but that would move everything else as well...

    Cheers All!

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    thanks 4 the info, Oggob. When I feel I can`t go any faster I`ll change view and see what happens. Lots of crash and burn to start with I expect.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Default high zones

    I until recently have had under 25 getting up to zone70 or so, and then raced really well from there on out, but am finally not messing up on zone 8 : for a one point loss or zone 54 for a one or two point loss. these are my main trouble zones. between 50 to 60 and losing a point or two before 40, basically wasting energy due to lack of concentration

  15. #35
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    I have a mental problem during the race, I am fine until I get to Zone 30, after this I WILL hit a wall between 30-45, it's a mental thing, I can't go prefect, if I was to, i'd get more stressed out and couldn't relax.

    At 50's ok, only lose a couple, silly mistakes, having hit 60 is where it starts to go like Al, i lose easy shield points, and by 70 can be down at 20.... and then get better, have to work on the hardest parts..... when the ship isn't going it's fastest! :-?

  16. #36
    Join Date
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    The Netherlands


    Lol... right now I can only dream of reaching the zones you people are reaching... I've just opened up the zone option and 28 is my current highest...
    By the way, what are the speeds you reach around the higher zone numbers, that's what I would like to know.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Queste
    Lol... right now I can only dream of reaching the zones you people are reaching... I've just opened up the zone option and 28 is my current highest...
    By the way, what are the speeds you reach around the higher zone numbers, that's what I would like to know.
    in time you will start getting better and reaching higher and higher zones.

    about your query about the speeds, around about where you are, i would say that a lap would take about 20secs... by zone 60 where it reaches its top speed, i clocked a lap that took 11.2secs.... which is 7secs faster than a 100% Pirahna.... think about it....

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