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Thread: Rumours of a new WipEout game on PS5/PSVR2

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    Default Rumours of a new WipEout game on PS5/PSVR2

    This is a thread for the rumoured new WipEout game possibly in development by Lucid Games or Firesprite.

    Last edited by AdHoc; 9th September 2021 at 12:10 AM.

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    Well, PlayStation Showcase in less than 12 hours away, so...🤷*♂️

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    Doesn’t look like anything came out of that, but it would have been very surprising anyway, if development only started recently.

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    I think people are putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5. if only because that a lot of EX Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis people are at Firesprite.

    But then again.......Looking at what other games Firesprite have/are working on, a lot of them are, or at least have a VR element to them.

    Now we all know SONY is bringing out a new VR helmet, and more importantly, and new VR controller to go with it, probably with a large dose of the HAPTIC technology that comes with the current PS5 controller.

    Long time WIPEOUT tragics like the forum members here, all know SONY has traditionally always used WIPEOUT to showcase any new technology it has.
    1] First PSP Game - Wipeout PURE
    2] First game with downloadable DLC - Wipeout PURE
    3] First game to use all the VITA's functions - Wipeout 2048
    4] First Download only game - Wipeout HD
    5] Not the first, but definitely the best integration of VR in a game - Wipeout Omega

    So, given that history, it's not that unrealistic to think that some new form of Wipeout ''MIGHT'' make a appearance around the time of the new VR helmet and VR controller are released.
    And since at least some of the people at Firesprite would have a good intimate working knowledge of the Wipeout games, it's not unreasonable to assume if any [I hazard to say NEW] Wipeout game were to appear, it would at least partially come from Firesprite.

    I looked up who, apart from SONy EXDEV, that worked on Omega have been doing, Creative Vault [Formally EPOS] haven't made anything since Omega Pack, Clever Beans only other game since Omega has been Gods Will Fall.

    Both the above gaming studios were given access to the Studio Liverpool/PSYGNOSIS Wipeout archive by SONY EXDEV......what has been done with this archive since then, or who it is being passed onto is unknown [Logically it would be passed on to Firesprite given its recent purchase by SONY]

    I'm not going to get my hopes up on a NEW Wipeout.
    If true to form, SONY will be cheapskates and revamp HD/FURY/2048/Omega yet again to show off the new technology [This time in TRUE 4k and 120hz - Omega on the PS4 isn't true 4k ]......reason being to build a new Wipeout game from scratch would cost around US$30 mil [I got that number from somebody who worked on PACER, and they estimated what it would cost to build a new Wipeout from scratch]

    We MIGHT get a couple of new tracks and craft added to a revamped Omega Pack, but that will be about the extent of any new Wipeout.

    I sincerely doubt SONY would spend that much on a new Wipeout game, when by it's own admission, AG racers are a tiny niche market and don't sell enough to cover the costs, and this was the main reason Studio Liverpool was closed.

    Anyway, its nice to dream, and given the recent news, there is more of a possibility of it happening now than there has been in a LONG time.

    EDIT: I suppose it depends on how far Firesprites game [Star Citizen - Theaters of War] is completion that determines if they start working on any Wipeout
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 15th September 2021 at 03:35 AM.

  5. #5
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    Exactly. And thanks for your thoughts and information.

    This thread is not meant to hype a new WipEout, it’s merely a one-stop shop for a bit of irrational hope. There’s not much meaning behind it, just dreams.

    By the way, Shaun Mooney, who designed the Tigron ship for Fury, has left TT Games and is working on a new secret project. Two weeks ago, he said he hadn’t been approached by anyone regarding WipEout, but I just thought I’d mention this here for prosperity.

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    I forgot how I worked it out, but there is a estimated 7 Wipeout tracks that SL had that have never been released....

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    I really wish firesprite the best of luck. I somehow feel partly responsible for sharing game ideas that could have influenced the game's direction toward failure but I don't know. I truly still believe there's a lot of opportunity for this franchise if it can be done well enough.

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    Whoever takes on Wipeout, they should consider making doing Barrel Rolls a single button affair, or at least make controller remapping available to do barrel rolls IN GAME.
    The ability [or more importantly] the lack of ability to do barrel rolls, has been the reason a lot of the original fans of the Wipeout games on the PSone didn't take to Wipeouts from PURE on-wards.[Original forum owner INFOXICATED is a classic example]
    They were just getting their butts kicked by those who COULD master doing Barrel rolls, this divided the Wipeout community immediately, causing a loss of a lot of players.

    I know [As I've recently done it again] that you if you go into the PS4's system settings > Accessibility > Remap controller [you have to tick this first to open up Custom controller remapping] > Custom controller mapping ....In this menu I remap D-Pad left to L1 and D-Pad right to R1.
    It doesn't HAVE to be remapped to L1R1, you have the choice to remap them to whichever control buttons you wish.
    This makes doing barrel rolls incredibly easy [pretty close to 100% success rate] by quickly pressing L1 R1 or visa versa, you can string barrel rolls together very easily.......but that means flipping craft in Eliminator mode is now remapped to D-Pad L or R as default

    The only problem with this style of remapping is that it effects controller use for everything else, from going through menus, to typing messages, so you would want to be a diehard Wipeout player to do it [not that it takes long to do, or reverse, it's just a PITA]

    SO, if they made this remapping available IN GAME it could possibly even the playing field, and consequently bring some old times back to the game.

    Just a thought.....I imagine IF Firesprite do work on Wipeout, it will be for implementing the new VR controller , and I have no idea what that would entail......hopefully the above mentioned barrel roll remapping could be incorporated....Wishful thinking
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 16th September 2021 at 04:04 PM.

  9. #9
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    *clears throat* the new Wipeout game, titled "Wipeout Rush":

    They've re-uploaded the video with the 3d party IP removed:

    And an article covering it with more info:

    I don't know about this one y'all 👀

    I'm not big on mobile games, considering the predatory practices, soo I'm not going to comment on the appeal, but using the Wipeout name here as if it's a full fledged title probably wasn't the wisest decision by marketing.

    But hopefully this is some positive news that Sony hasn't forgotten about the franchise and perhaps more is on the horizon? 🙏
    Last edited by Cipher; 17th September 2021 at 09:46 AM.

  10. #10
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    Well that clip sort of makes a lot of sense of what is one the horizon regarding Wipeout.....Although the CARD system comes directly from PACER

    The PS5 can do great graphics OR 120hz gameplay, it can't do both, 120hz gameplay results in a lot of loss of detail in whatever game being played compared to standard 50/60hz gameplay.

    Given the simplified graphics shown in that clip, I imagine that it was designed specifically for 120hz gameplay and VR.....SONY's Legal Dept would be ALL over this in a flash if it were not a LEGIT I think this is what might be to come.

    If I remember correctly, Wipeout RUSH was supposed to be the second lot of DLC for Wipeout HD after FURY.....but looking at quickly at that clicp, it seems like some of the same tracks have been used YET AGAIN.
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 16th September 2021 at 04:49 PM.

  11. #11
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    @blackwiggle you should have a read through the arrticle, it's a mobile game, apparently you don't actually race/fly yourself either, more of a team manager (guessing similar to football manager, but I don't play those, so don't know)

    Hope your health is doing well btw, glad to see you back on your feet

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    Bummer.. Similar to the quick cash grabbings of Silent Hill and Kingdom Hearts. It's a shame Wipeout had to become a part of that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cipher View Post
    @blackwiggle you should have a read through the arrticle, it's a mobile game, apparently you don't actually race/fly yourself either, more of a team manager (guessing similar to football manager, but I don't play those, so don't know)

    Hope your health is doing well btw, glad to see you back on your feet
    Cheers CIPHER.
    I posted a link to the the video and mention the CARD system in the PACER DISCORD page, OH, that did not go down well at the PACER DISCORD community

    I'm not exactly back on my feet, my mobility is the worse of my condition, but apart from that I can still play Wipeout .
    Dozed out of my face on painkillers doesn't help the reaction time unfortunately....trying to BEAT ZICO...AGAIN, I hadn't touch 2048 for over 2 years....and 2048 A+ challenges are a bitch.
    I'll do them eventually

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Chill View Post
    Bummer.. Similar to the quick cash grabbings of Silent Hill and Kingdom Hearts. It's a shame Wipeout had to become a part of that.
    Flog a dead Horse anyway you can seems to be SONY's ever thought regarding Wipeout

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    Post removed as I clearly over-reacted and the devs have since reached me and clarified the subject. Gosh I feel like an idiot now, but we all make mistakes.
    Last edited by Snakenator1; 16th September 2021 at 07:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    I'm not exactly back on my feet, my mobility is the worse of my condition, but apart from that I can still play Wipeout .
    Dozed out of my face on painkillers doesn't help the reaction time unfortunately....trying to BEAT ZICO...AGAIN, I hadn't touch 2048 for over 2 years....and 2048 A+ challenges are a bitch.
    I'll do them eventually
    Aw bummer Hope things turn around soon for ya, I'm sure you'll still get the tricky challenges eventually though

    @Snake calling it plagiarism is probably a bit much.., plagiarism implies ill intent, which I doubt is the case here, it's most likely just a slip through the cracks of what was assumed to be finished/publishable material
    Amuzo games will be dragged through the mud for disappointing so many Wipeout fans as is, despite their games on the app store all being fairly well recieved, to add on top of that for what seems to be an obvious mistake is a little overkill

    With their previous games rating as good as they have, this might actually be fairly well recieved for those who actually enjoy mobile games and might not be as fond of (or even know) Wipeout, unlike us, with expectations much higher and in a completely different ballpark

    tldr: The game might be fun for those into mobile, but most likely not for us

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    Oh well, at least Sony hasn't forgotten it at least.

    if we only could get the Omega collection for PC with modding support & Cross-play.

    I really miss playing the online on HD although I'm not a fan of paying subscriptions to play a P2P-based game.

    Luckily someone i know is developing a medius server for the OG HD/fury (which is a server used by Sony in a lot of 2003-2012 games) that should work on both OFW PS3 & RPCS3 with cross-play, so I will check it out when it's out

  17. #17
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    Two positive takeaways:

    1) The obvious one: at least, Sony is still showing some interest in WipEout, which brings the hope of a future game.
    2) At least, the rumours were true and we didn’t have to wait for years (Ã* la Half-Life/Valve Time) to find out.

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    Well it won't be a game for me but maybe those that play it there for the first time become curious about the WipEout console titles. If this things succeedes, it hopefully shovels a path for a console WO on PS5

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    As we know historically at least, that SONY has used Wipeout to showcase any new major TECH advancement regarding Playstation, and the most likely, if any chance that we see another Wipeout, is if Sony use it for the new VR controller release [rather than just the VR headset, as that's just a upgrade]

    In the link below is the new VR controller and it's design explained.

    After having a look at it, how successful do you think this controller would be for playing Wipeout?

    We all know how well the Motion Control went down regarding Wipeout when it first appeared, virtually Nobody uses it, except maybe for Nose UP/DOWN.
    What would make things any different with this new VR controller ?

    I could see HAPTIC feedback ''Might'' be interesting with Wipeout, I imagine you would FEEL when you were hitting side walls, or hitting other craft while racing a lot more than you do currently
    Also being hit with, or even possibly when firing a weapon, might have a added depth to the gaming experience.
    But you would also get those same sensations if using a standard PS5 controller, how much those sensations would differ on the VR controller is unknown.

    The new VR controllers motion is detected by the new VR headset, not a PS camera, so hopefully you won't need to have your arms outstretched, or in some other uncomfortable position for it to work properly, it would be hopeless if it does, as your arms would be tired after a few races.

    My major concern is how long the charge would last on this controller, as I imagine it's not going to be cheap [Especially being a SONY product], so it's unlikely that somebody is going to have a spare charged up to swap over.

    Anyway, it's something to ponder.
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 17th September 2021 at 04:29 PM.

  20. #20
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    Just posting it again just in case. Sony is really trying to tarnish the WipEout name by making it mobile:

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