Since some people had trouble running the dlc2dlc conversion tool,
here are all out-of-region ships (plus a ship from the Stealth Demo)
converted and ready to go for Wipeout Pure EUR:

- UCES00001DCOKESTYLES00 Coke Style from JPN
- UCES00001DWIRE05S00000 Wire05 from JPN(*)
- UCES00001DPAKDAXTERS00 Daxtinator from USA's Daxter Pack
- UCES00001DPAKJAKXS0000 Havenzoomer from USA's Jak X Pack
- UCES00001DPAKSOCOMFTBS Patriot from USA's SOCOM Fire Team Bravo Pack
- UCES00001DPAKSOCOM3S00 Guardian from USA's SOCOM3 Pack
- UCES00001DSTEALTHS0000 Stealth from the WipEout Pure Demo on the "Stealth" Movie UMD

(*) Wire05 has the same shape/mesh data as "Puma 1" in EUR, but has a different texture/skin

Do not forget that this only works with the cwcheat code that disables DLC signature checks.

All in one nifty ZIP file: