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Thread: Wip3out Japan box art in HD?

  1. #1

    Default Wip3out Japan box art in HD?

    I'm planning to order a custom skin for my PS4; while looking for inspiration I found the Japanese box art, but I would need it in HD to be able to use it.
    Do you know where I can find it?

    Also there are two colour schemes but I don't know which one is "correct":


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    the lighter one I think. I can post a photo later. Wouldntmind buying onefrom you if you are interested in making two

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    GMT + 1
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    Second one is correct ;-)
    You're probably best of doing a vector trace of it or getting a scan of an original one (I'd do it, but don't have my collection here with me)

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    the lighter one I think. I can post a photo later. Wouldntmind buying onefrom you if you are interested in making two
    I plan to order it on aliexpress, as soon as I got everything I will make a quick mock-up

    Quote Originally Posted by Cipher View Post
    Second one is correct ;-)
    You're probably best of doing a vector trace of it or getting a scan of an original one (I'd do it, but don't have my collection here with me)
    That would be great if you can scan it! I'm ready to make myself the vector version based on it; I try to find scans on websites like The Cover Project but they don't have the J version.
    By the way, this SE cover is pretty nice too.

    Also I found another colour scheme:
    If I'm able to create the vector version then it'll be easy to make all of them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    sorry forgot! I will tryto remember tonight to bring it to work to scan it

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