View Poll Results: wipEURout 2018 Vienna date

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Thread: wipEURout 2018 Vienna Calling

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default wipEURout 2018 Vienna Calling

    Hello everyone!
    I am making a seperate thread now because I feel some pilots don't constantly follow the changes in planning (understandably) - but time is pressing and we need to organize!

    So, right now, the plan is to have this years convention in
    VIENNA,Sept. 9-16

    A few infos:

    I've already scouted out some good options for us to host the PS4 cups (HD and 204 and am currently looking into getting more PSVR Systems together (currently we have 4) - I am hoping to get a full grid of PSVR systems together, plus we will have a big spectator screen where we can switch between pilots to watch them race!

    I also have some nice options for places to stay, ranging from cool hostels to nice little guest apartments - more details on that when we have a fixed date.

    All of this is gonna be in the 7th district of Vienna, which is basically the cool young center of the city, with tons of small shops, shared offices, galleries and lots and lots of fantastic but affordable bars and restaurants. That's also why I live there

    I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to my hometown and showing you around!

    Update: Date is now fixed to Sept. 10-16, G'Kyl and AmigoJack are confirmed to come so far. How exactly the tournamets will be arranged still depends on how many will be coming, but it will most likely be a rather loose gathering with lots of free time and visiting the city. If someone wants to come strictly for the racing, Saturday (Sept. 15) would be the day to look into, as that is the best option for a tournament at set location with screens and VR. Please post your intentions in the thread below so we can get in contact and book your stay.
    Please ignore the poll as it is no longer relevant but I don't know how to remove it
    Last edited by eLhabib; 8th July 2018 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hey Elhabib,

    Could you provide some more details on what you had in mind for day planning? Nugget is tempted to come (along with a friend of his), but would like to know more with regards to the games (will it be PSVR only? Any plans for retro PS1? Which games? Where exactly are we doing the games? (someone's flat, rented place, public place, ...)), he'd post himself, but he doesn't have an acc on wz anymore. Although I think that would be useful information for everyone regardless.

    I've done some research myself and i might be able to make it (expensive, but eh, yolo ), but won't confirm just yet (no clue on dates from my side), if I do though, I'd be able to bring 1 ps4 (but no display), but we'll see ;-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sure thing.

    Day planning, as usual and like we had in the past years, is pretty loose - we hang out, maybe check out the city if the weather is nice.

    As for games/tournaments, there will definitely be a PS4 Omega Collection tournament, I am currently planning to do a PSVR branch of the tournament as well. For this, we would of course need some people to bring their PS4 and/or PSVR headset if available. The details of this will be worked out once we know who is coming.

    If enough people bring their PSPs, there can of course also be a pure/pulse tournament for those interested.

    I also have a PS1 with wipEout1/2/3SE, if someone else brings theirs (PAL), there could also be some link play.

    And yes, I have 2 places available to rent for the PS4 tournaments, which one will depend on how many people will attend.

    Finally, due to relative lack of interest this year, I have to say that if this doesn't generate more feedback in the next 2 weeks, I will have to cancel the plans for this year.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the heads up, how many people would you need to consider it "worthwhile"?

    Because I know Michael mentioned he's most likely coming, G'kyl was in as well, Nugget seems pretty keen, who's coming along with a friend of his, I'm probably also coming, Dre said he'd be coming as well, but that was assuming Frankfurt, don't know if he can make Vienna (same thing for JF), but if everyone is there, we'd be 8, that's a full grid!

    If you want to call it off however, then please do so with due notice, so people know what they need to plan for, as the backup location would be Michael's place (if he's still down for that of course)

    And yes, Nugget said he'd be able to bring 2 PS1s with him, I also have a PS Vita & Vita TV that I could take with me for pulse & Pure (We'd need 1 PS3 for adhoc though)

  5. #5
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    I'm gonna need people to answer the poll on top of this thread, since I need to know when most people are available. As long as noone inputs their possible dates, I can't plan anything at all. I hope you understand.

  6. #6
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    I understand that of course, but seeing as people are still replying in the old thread, I don't think anyone's aware of this thread's existence apart from us 2
    I asked Nugget and he's fine with both dates

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