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Thread: WipEout Omega collection VR patch Announced

  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lion View Post
    I find the options for PSVR users frustratingly unclear - I still don't know what some of them do. But I turned on anything that looked like it might be more inclined to cause motion sickness or increase a sense of speed. It still didn't make me motion sick (I just played for 2 straight hours) and either it feels faster now or I have made the necessary mental adjustments.
    So I have spent some time messing with this...
    Camera Settings
    Lock Camera to Track - the camera is located inside the cockpit, but glides around comfortably. the cockpit visibly rotates around your view. probably the most comfortable for people who are sensitive to motion sickness, but I found the cockpit distracting and it didn't feel as immersive as the other options
    Lock Camera to Cockpit - the camera moves a bit more here. it pitches and rolls with the cockpit, but I don't think the cockpit bounces as much in this mode? not sure what the balance is
    Lock Camera to Pilot - the most like actually being there, but also the most likely to make you feel sick. I'm pretty sure that where Cockpit gives you rotations, Pilot gives you rotations and translations. I'm not very sensitive to VR motion sickness but I could only do one race before I had to go back to Cockpit view.

    Headset Settings
    Off - as much of a view as the game can give you
    Small - like playing with horse blinkers on. Directs your view and probably helps some people with motion sickness
    Large - like playing while looking through a toilet paper roll. I had turned this on in error before I realised what it was. Thought the solid walls thing was how it maintained framerate in multiplayer at first and left a couple of games early before I figured this out. Jabberjaw, this is what you encountered when you said "The view just changed. the top and sides of the cockpit are solid now, they used to be see through (glass I think). I could see way more when I first played"

    Field of View Settings
    On/Off - I am still unclear on what this does. My best guess right now is whether or not the game can temporarily increase your FOV to make it feel faster when you go over speed-boosts or use turbo. I can't quantify it well so that's just a guess. I have worked out that the game feels more correct with it on, but I can't give a definitive reason.

  2. #142
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    FOV Setting ON makes your head position in the game artificially bob back a bit when you accelerate due to speed pads and turbo pickups and bounce forward when getting stopped due to weapons/crashes. It's a bit like visual force feedback and makes everything feel a bit more real imo, even though it is very subtle. I would recommend leaving it ON.

  3. #143
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    I wonder, is it possible to get used to motion sickness?
    I don't really want to limit myself playing the fast stuff with VR

  4. #144
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    I hope you can, otherwise Sony will have to make a Wipeout trash bucket (with holograms ) so people can keep it next to them while they play, just in case you need to make a deposit

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
    These are the three new ships. A 2048 VR ship, a HD and a Fury VR ship. All with the same body, but varying liveries.
    That makes 6 VR ships then, with 4 ships from 2048 (each class looks different).) I thought they were talking about absolutely new (VR exclusive) ships separate from the standard set and not about design changes.
    But it appears it's just 3 different cockpits from 3 instalments and that's it. Oh, well.
    Last edited by chalovak; 30th March 2018 at 11:09 AM.

  6. #146
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    Extensive videotest by Digital Foundry:

  7. #147
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    One would have hoped that at least some interest would have been shown about the VR release at Sony's own PlayStation UK based forums.
    Read won't take you long as there are bugger all posts.....nobody cares.......even 72 hours after the BIG RELEASE.....PHFFFTTT....Nothing....Sad.

    Then again, that might be a reflection of the PlayStation community forum.....I know there is a lot of "CONTROL" , 'Laughable' that still goes on , and why few actually post there feelings anymore.
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 31st March 2018 at 01:46 PM.

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdHoc View Post
    Extensive videotest by Digital Foundry:
    Seems they didn't do their homework as relates to the blacked out cabin walls at 1m28:
    This is the "Headset Settings" behaviour. In the video you see that set to Large - which obscures a huge amount of the scene and (in my opinion) ruins the game. When set to "Off" the game stays in the state it was for them on the grid.

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
    I wonder, is it possible to get used to motion sickness?
    I don't really want to limit myself playing the fast stuff with VR
    Yes you can acclimate yourself to smooth locomotion in VR. Basically only play up until the point that you "feel off" or uncomfortable--never play until you're actually sick as that's counterproductive. Then take a break for a while (a few hours to 24 hours) and then repeat. Start with translational smooth locomotion, then rotational in yaw/heading within a cockpit setting, and finally rotational in roll and pitch.

    Long version:
    Although a small percentage of people can't, most absolutely can "get over" simulator sickness. They call it "getting your VR legs". If one follows the correct procedure they can typically acclimate pretty quickly. However, looking at the videos, Wipeout VR is probably not a good game to start with. One should typically start with experiences that only have relatively slow translational (as in positional--not rotational) smooth locomotion. It still amazes me that Sony is willing to drop kids into these VR experiences without a sort of preliminary smooth locomotion "training" game--I can only imagine that tons of kids are getting sick and coming to the false conclusion that VR isn't for them, but that's a different discussion.

    Anyways, this is based on my own anecdotal experience demoing VR to many people (and corroborated by others). There was a large study performed by the US military which pretty much came to the same conclusion but I don't have a link to it.

    First, as mentioned before, I recommend you start with games that don't have any artificial smooth locomotion--that is, only games that have teleport or no artificial locomotion. This is just to get your eyes accustomed to the strange visual quirks of VR, that mainly being that you're limited to a constant focal depth of about 2m (6ft). After this, start with a game that only has smooth translational artificial locomotion and preferably one that is slow paced. By "translational" I mean "positional" (forward, back, strafe left, strafe right) and without rotation. In the PCVR world this would be Onward but I don't know what its counterpart is in the PSVR world. It will also help if you sit down. But the key is this: only play up until the point that you "feel off" or slightly uncomfortable. Don't ever play until you're actually sick. That is often counterproductive and can actually make you more prone to simulator sickness. Most people can only tolerate 5 to 10 minutes of this at first, but that's completely OK. Once you feel "off", stop and take a break (how long the break should be depends on your level of discomfort--to be safe I tell people 24 hours). Then repeat this process.

    Using this method, most people are OK with smooth translational artificial locomotion after a few days. I started with 15 minutes and by the end of the week I didn't really have a limit. At this point I don't even think about it.

    After you're comfortable with smooth translational locomotion, move on to a cockpit game that incorporates smooth rotational artificial locomotion. The cockpit itself usually makes this more tolerable than smooth rotational locomotion without a cockpit as the cockpit provides a frame of reference or "grounding". I recommend you start with games that only have smooth yaw rotation (rotational about the "up" axis)--probably just a vanilla racing game. Use the same procedure as noted in the prior paragraphs. Once you're OK with that, move on to games that incorporate smooth roll rotation ("tilt" left or right) and smooth pitch rotation (up and down).

    Wipeout VR incorporates translational smooth locomotion as well as rotational in yaw, pitch, and roll. While some people may be OK getting their VR legs with Wipeout VR, I really can't recommend it.
    Last edited by crabcreature; 7th April 2018 at 03:36 PM.

  10. #150
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    Thanks for this Lion!

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