Any Glitches found, please report in this Thread.
Same with any other problems found [Apart from I can't beat Phantom]
Wussyness is NOT a Glitch !
Any Glitches found, please report in this Thread.
Same with any other problems found [Apart from I can't beat Phantom]
Wussyness is NOT a Glitch !
Last edited by blackwiggle; 6th June 2017 at 10:37 AM.
Thanks for creating this thread, blackwiggle.
I’m not here to rant, I love WipEout with all my heart, and few reasons (among obvious) for that are astonishing visuals and overall attention to details. But some things get overlooked in the process, and I - being an art-director myself and a picky one – just can’t ignore them.
Some of these things are HD/Fury visual glitches that actually came straight from the Vita version of HD and Fury, others - are not.
The first one is also gameplay related and is about Zone mode.
As you remember, each Zone craft has five blue markings on its both sides which show the level of shield power. I am talking about these markings:
Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 1.11.21 pm.png
When ship loses its first 20 units of power, the top markings turn black, with the next 20 units are lost - the second row of markings goes off. And so on.
So in PS3 version when you lose about 70 units of shield power, your ship and the markings will look like this:
Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 11.52.30 am.png
The top three rows of these indicators are off.
These markings are pretty handy when it comes to high-speed zones, cause you don't need to look at the upper middle of the screen to know your shield level: it's right in front of your eyes.
But. In the Omega version something went wrong:
Once you lose for example about 40 units of your shield the top row of lights will turn on again, and only the second row goes off.
Here in the picture below we have a ship with around 30 units of shield left:
Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 11.36.01 am.png
As you can see only the third row of lights is gone, the upper two rows are lit again. Which is a little bit strange and misleading.
The same problem was in Vita version of HD and Fury.
The second one is all about aesthetics and attention to details. And it's again about something that was in PS3 version and for some reason disappeared from Omega.
I'm talking about the exhaust trails (the blue and red ones) of all the HD/Fury ships. So in PS3 version when you were tailgating any opponent his or her exhaust trail would hit your ship with a specific visual effect. Here it is:
Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 2.04.03 pm.png
Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 2.04.12 pm.jpg
See all these particles surrounding the nose of your ship?
For some unknown reason it's not here in Omega. I doubt PS4 can't handle it. )
I know it's a minute detail, but well that's what WipEout is about - minute details.
The third thing. Voiceovers. Although the idea to include both warning and pick-up voiceovers sounds great, in some cases it works against you. I'm talking about cases when warning voice and pick-up voice are both female. It gets really confusing during intense battles when you really don't know what's coming after you and what pick-up you have. When you have male voice for pick-ups and female for warnings everything is just fine. Maybe there is a way to solve this?
The last one is all about design and consistency (I doubt it ever will be changed, but oh well, you never know).
I'm talking about 2048 campaign grid design. It came straight from Vita and looks a little bit out of place in Omega within the flat HD/Fury main interface. If you remember, when HD and Fury came to Vita their campaign grid design was changed to correlate with the overall 2048 vita interface. So why then the same wasn't applied to 2048 campaign grid design here in Omega? I know each individual 2048 campaign has more events in its grid than any HD/Fury counterpart. But still I think it would be great to have consistency even in a such not-so-important thing as campaign grid design.
Thanks in advance for reading this wall of text, I really hope these minute things I mentioned won't be ignored.
Last edited by chalovak; 6th June 2017 at 12:52 PM. Reason: correcting stupid mistakes
Report as found, that's the whole point of this thread.
Nice Report ! Respect !
Very thorough, just what's needed.
I hope any future reports give the same amount of info, in as much detail....pointless otherwise.
Those new themes for zone mode, i dont really like them. hope they can bring them back, im not sure about 2048's version though, but i think its the same color themes as before.
As for the trials part, same issue on psvita hd fury zone mode, this is a bit annoying to me as well
as for zone, when your ship is destroyed, its the exactly same effect from vita's hd/fury
shooting detonator's bombs is less colorful than PS3 version
when flying the mag strip in modesto reverse, it may deactivate the mag strip effects halfway through (very annoying if you use turbo for it)
As for online
When a host leaves, theres a chance a random player in lobby will be the host
Combat in online is too much, it has the same scoring as vita version, tracks are too huge for combat and too many pads and now you can absorb for shield. so a combat game that had 200 requirement can now last a hour or more
when flying the mag strip in modesto reverse, it may deactivate the mag strip effects halfway through (very annoying if you use turbo for it)
sometimes you will get a error message when joining a lobby (i never seen this from hd fury)
Last edited by Racingfan; 6th June 2017 at 04:08 PM.
Leaderboard times are already showing glitched times. Venom single race times has a leader with a completion time of 0:37 seconds. I REALLLLLLLY hope this gets resolved.
I was really hoping this wouldn't be a long occurring issue. Still ranked 10 on first. Not too shabby for someone out of practice.
BSB "exploit" is still avalaible ...
After racing a ton online, I've come to the conclusion that the dev team removed a few of the badges. Despite winning multiple races by 10 seconds as a green racer, and after winning 2 5 race tournaments, I'm almost positive they got rid of "Time to Spare" and "Unbeatable." If someone else has these badges, let me know as this might just be a glitch.
Can anyone confirm this?
Also, what is up with the ship placement in tournaments? Is that now random? It used to be that the order for the next race was determined by the placing on the previous race (only inverted so the winner didn't start out in first). I've won a race and then started out first the next race, which seemed kind of unfair to newcomers and close matches alike. Can anyone confirm that this was also changed?
Time to spare is still in, i have 19 of them
but some of them are more glitched than ever
come back king doesnt work anymore
pristine also dont work, done this many times in pure racing mode and nothing happend. a friend said he got pristine in 2048 after he destroyed himself lol
unbeatable is also glitched yes, i still havnt got it after 4 tournaments.
some badges when playing 2048 is completely broken... i got the badge for doing the most damage with zone barriers... like what?
also for the last part of your post, yes they changed it... but is it still the same during the first race in a tournament? Host always used to start at front before
Last edited by Racingfan; 9th June 2017 at 05:27 AM.
Don't know if it's a glitch but i can't see beyond 100th place on leaderboards
That was a limit on the Beta as well.
But the Beta Auto disabled, so no idea what's happening with your problem, I can see a lot more than that on the installed full version
I deleted my BETA
my friend just got the badge, and i still havnt got it after 6 or 7 tournaments
however... i did get the badge for most turbo starts in a tournament
photo finish is also glitched now, that one used to be a priority badge, but i got the badge for fastest lap instead
i got comeback king yesterday, and you can still destroy your ship right before the finish line, but it doesnt work most of the time now
btw is there a full list of badges here?
Regarding zone mode 2048 being too bright, it's definitively zone B,A,A+,M1. Please have a look at these zones.
edit: Is there a specific reason why all zone themes of HD/Fury were changed color wise? It's not a bad thing though, i thought i just ask
Two more things, i noticed there's no music equalizer anymore in HD/Fury zone mode, i guess it's because of the removed 'custom soundtrack' feature. Not a bad thing either.
And the HUD isn't moving anymore when driving over a Speed Pad...
edit 2: HD/Fury Zone Battle mode has a few zone themes which are way too bright, making it nearly impossible to judge where the next Zone Pad is located. Especially bad for newcomers, who don't know the tracks very well! My poor eyes again
Last edited by JFthebestJan; 12th June 2017 at 01:30 AM.