I really don't know why there is a JPG in the commit ... I guess I've changed things after a commit, because here I don't have it. Anyway, should be the 13Mb PNG, by the way make sure you select 'Don't care' and for scaling and 'Nearest' so you retain the old blocky style rendering.
F.lux is good at night only, obviously And yes CRT is the way to go but it's cumbersome, actually I've bought the PSIO thing to play PSX games from SD card but it needs to be soldered and haven't done it yet ... on the other hand, a mouse click on PC brings the whole access to games through Retroarch ... but the latest version is quite weird.
here's gamma for retroarch: (right of the pic)
2016-06-30 21_59_31-RetroArch _ FBA Cores CPS2 v0.2.97.30 __ FPS_ 59.3 __ Frames_ 256.png
shaders = "1"
shader0 = "gamma.cg"
filter_linear0 = "false"
wrap_mode0 = "clamp_to_border"
float_framebuffer0 = "false"
scale_type_x0 = "source"
scale_x0 = "1.000000"
scale_type_y0 = "source"
scale_y0 = "1.000000"
void main_vertex
float4 position : POSITION,
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD,
out float2 oTex : TEXCOORD
oPosition = mul(modelViewProj, position);
oTex = tex;
float4 main_fragment (
float2 tex : TEXCOORD,
uniform sampler2D s0 : TEXUNIT0
if (tex.x > 0.5)
float4 color = tex2D(s0, tex);
float alpha = color.a;
float gamma = 2.2;
return float4(pow(color.x, gamma), pow(color.y, gamma), pow(color.z, gamma), alpha);
return tex2D(s0, tex);
If you're happy with the results and want to apply full screen, simply do replace
if (tex.x > 0.5)
float4 color = tex2D(s0, tex);
float alpha = color.a;
float gamma = 2.2;
return float4(pow(color.x, gamma), pow(color.y, gamma), pow(color.z, gamma), alpha);
return tex2D(s0, tex);
float4 color = tex2D(s0, tex);
float alpha = color.a;
float gamma = 2.2;
return float4(pow(color.x, gamma), pow(color.y, gamma), pow(color.z, gamma), alpha);