If anyone plays WipEout on an Emulator we could upload our time trial save files to "race against each other" in a way, It might be fun
I'll be adding from time to time, If you want a specific track with a specific class/team let me know
Venom: From Proto Kora to Stanza Inter
Rapier:Porto Kora: Assegai 1:36.96
Rapier:Mega Mall:Assegai 2:23.80
Rapier:Sampa Run Assegai 2:27.04
Rapier:Stanza Inter: Assegai 1:25.88
Phantom:Stanza Inter: Assegai 2:12.84
Phantom:P-Mar Project: Assegai 3:15.00
Phantom:Arridos IV: Assegai 3:12.32
Phantom:First 4 tracks:Icaras
Porto Kora: 1:42.68 (Perfect run-No hyperthrust)
Mega Mall 2:39.84, Best Lap 0:31.00 (This one has hypertrust in all laps since ghost will frequent pits)
Sampa Run: 2:31.28 (Perfect-No hyperthrust)
Stanza Inter: 2:12:08 (Same as ^)
Override the file in ePsxe\memcards
Might post more ghosts later.
If you want you can tell me which track/team should I make a ghost for since I'll post in no track order, you can also tell me which speed class you want me to play.
You can also post your ghosts here, you need to upload your epsxe memory card in order to let other users use your ghost saves.
[Take In mind that most if not all of these ghost saves are full perfect laps, so you might need to use hyperthrust in some sections to outrun them]
[All of my ghost saves are run with Assegai (Mostly), If you want me to do a time trial with another team, let me know]
[Don't Forget that you can also upload your ghost data here]