Hi guys,
I am considering buying an old PS1.. then at the second hand shop I saw a PS2 and it got me wondering whether that was a better option?
I plan on buying a digital TV with composite input. I've never owned a PS2. The model is very small, flat, and has a silver color, there is one gamepad which also has a silver paint (no idea if its custom, I remember the PS2 was black?)
It should be PAL, and I'm wondering if I can play these PS1 titles flawlessly on it?
- WipeOut 3 SE (PAL)
- Rapid Racer (PAL)
- Wipeout 2097 (PAL)
Are there any gotchas to playing these PS1 titles on the PS2 ?
If not, it sounds like the better option since I could also play the Pulse and Fusion titles.
edit : okay I did some research and
- games shoukd work (according to compat list)
- require a PS1 memcard on the PS2
- might have to tweak the digital TV mode to "game mode" (something about refresh rate?) to remove input lag