Welcome to the WipeoutZone Forum.
If you wish to create an account on WipeoutZone, please read this forum before doing so
Keep an eye on this forum - updates, changes, problems will be announced here
If it's not Wipeout related, here's the place to post it.
Here's where to chat about hardware and video games that aren't WipEout
Keep up to date with projects involving ex-SL/Psygnosis members
Forum for discussing the development of the community-led AG-racing simulator - SlipStream GX
Discussion and news forum for the community-led AG racing game - Ballistic NG
Forum for the discussion of R8 Games AG racing simulator - Pacer
Place your next-gen anti-gravity discussion and speculation here.
If you want to take part in RPG's in the WipEout universe - here's the place to do it. Or, you've created WipEout fan fiction you want to share, then this is where it belongs.
Place your AG Racing challenges here!
WipEout is back!... sort of. Here is the place to discuss the remaster of WipEout HD Fury and WipEout 2048 on the PS4
The place to talk about the franchise reboot and first WipEout to offer cross-platform play.
The place to chat about WipEout HD / Fury on the PS3 or PS Vita - the official simulation of the FX350 Racing League.
The place to talk about the official simulation of the FX400 Racing League.
The place to chat about Wipeout Pure and the circuits of the FX300 Racing League.
Discuss the PS2's AG Racing simulation of the F9000 Racing League.
The biggest, boldest, baddest wipE'out'' ever for the original PlayStation!
The place to chat about WipEout 3 - the official simulation of the F7200 Racing League.
Qoron IV and beyond.
Hail to the fat cat... Odessa Keys forever!
Talk about the original #1 Psygnosis classic.
Welcome to our newest member, Naotyu