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View Full Version : Do we have some Vault Hunters?

22nd July 2014, 08:52 PM
I'm getting back into Borderlands 2 recently and its kinda boring roaming Pandora on my own or with random strangers :P any of you guys have the game and fancy playing together? ^_^
I'm only a lv50 cause I don't have any of the DLC's as of yet, but I got a lot of legendary weapons in my arsenal :D

23rd July 2014, 12:10 AM
Well, sort of. First I have to get my rig working again. Then, I'm only lvl 18 or so, because I focused all my time into my X360 copy (and of course my Xbox croaked.) And even then, I live on the West Coast of the US, so you have to wait for my sorry arse to wake up and get sorted. But yeah, I play ;-P

23rd July 2014, 12:54 AM
Me and mannemily are both Vault Hunters. I'm around level 35, I have all the DLC's and she is around level 30 and has a few DLC's. We live on the US East coast. Give us a little time to level up and we'll be there. Where are you story wise? I'm guessing you are on the second + playthrough?

mannemily - Commando
mannjon - Assassin

What's your class?

23rd July 2014, 08:22 AM
Well I'm getting some of the DLC's soon but yeah I'm on ultimate vault hunter mode, I run a commando as well.
Perhaps when you guys reach lv50 I can duplicate some of my legendarys for you *cough* infinity, conference call, bee shield and more*cough, cough*

Oh sorry I had something in my throat lol ;)

23rd July 2014, 09:24 AM
Yep, I've got a L55 Siren about to start UVHM :)

23rd July 2014, 08:13 PM
I don't suppose that's on PS3 Charlie, cause I'm gonna do UVHM soon also
Also I got a Pitchfork legendary sniper today :D I love it.

15th August 2014, 09:25 AM
Hey Snakenator, I'm about to buy BL2, it'd be great if you could introduce me!!

15th August 2014, 01:41 PM
But that means I have to use my Bluetooth mic to communicate, which is something I'm rather shy about :redface:

Ah well just hook up with me when you have the game sometime and I'll start a new character from lv1 and I'll do the campaign with you :)

15th August 2014, 01:43 PM

@Snake and @Hellfire:
I now have a level 50 Assassin, and I'm about to complete TVHM, so I would definitely be down for some UVHM mode action. You guys let me know! I hear it is brutal without multiplayer. I just looted a level 46 Babymaker with the larger magazine and a level 45 Rolling Thunder. Would love to have the Pitchfork... where did you gets? And about those other Legendaries... I'll take what you don't need any day! Duplicate? What??? Is that a PC thing? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!!!! ;)

@ ND-2-SPD:
I have a few lower level characters (Lvl 2 Krieg, Lvl 5 Gaige, Lvl 1 Salvador), and I need to level them all up for the first playthrough. When you get it, let me know and send me an invite. I'll add you to my friend list today.

15th August 2014, 06:44 PM
I have this. Beat Normal with my Commando, whereas I've got a Zero and Salvador at low levels. May make a Siren soon.

15th August 2014, 07:04 PM
Pitchfork?? You'll have to kill Terramorphous the Invincible for your best chances of getting one. I have spent around 12hrs of game time farming him for that Pitchfork :P

If you're looking for a specific legendary then certain enemies will have a Increased chance of dropping said legendary but this is not a guaranteed drop everytime. As a example (This is not the actual facts) :
Pitchfork drop chance from enemy/chest: 5%
Pitchfork drop chance from Terramorphous: 9%
Also take note that the percentage increases ever so slightly for every player in the party

Also Duplication works on all platforms of the game and hasn't been patched as far as I am aware. Still looking for a new Infinity as well as the drop percentage was increased FINALLY!! :)

If you're after a specific legendary item then this list will tell you where all the legendarys in Borderlands 1 and 2 can be found and which enemies have the increased chance to drop said item, Hope it helps: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary :)

16th August 2014, 01:52 AM
I've visited that list frequently!

I'm after the Bee, Pitchfork, and maybe a Love Thumper at a high enough level to use for a Zer0 Bloodshed/Cunning build. Currently I have a Sniper/Bloodshed build with the weapon swap upgrades from the Cunning tree. I was planning to use this for the slag/DoT combo needed for the UVHM mode. I hear that is really the only way to go.

So how do you duplicate a weapon? I might like to give mannemily a few of my good level 40-45 gear so she can get through TVHM and maybe do a UVHM campaign after she finishes.

One of the best places to farm legendaries is the same spot where you can farm for Jenkins. You go to the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, and right past the place where you fight the Super Bad Ass Loader and the Super Bad Ass Stalker are the cages where there are two Super Bad Ass Skag spawns. In the room with the chest, there are 4 cardboard boxes. Nine times out of ten you'll get one or more of the chubby robots to spawn there, and a slight chance for Jimmy Jenkins to spawn. I got the Rolling Thunder and Baby Maker off of that particular place back to back. I'm a little overleveled to use them for my current level at TVHM, but they are pretty useful still and compete with my other 50 level stuff.

Is Terramorphus possible to take on solo at level 50 on normal? I've never tried it before. Any gear suggestions?

16th August 2014, 10:04 AM
First off I have a Bee shield and Pitchfork but not the love thumper :P

Duplication glitch tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhCMx4nph5w

Also hate to tell you this but the chubbies and Jimmy Jenkins at the exploitation preserve have been patched now :( so it is now VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY RARE that they will spawn in those boxes.

BUT! yes it is possible to solo Terramorphous by following this tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9YR4IXF00Q
With my Commando loadout right now I can kill Terramorphous by myself in less than 10 minutes ;)

Also you guys do have this game on PS3?? Because I only have it on PS3 and Vita

16th August 2014, 12:54 PM
Played BL2 solid for a year. Great game up until I maxed out 2 chars at LvL72 OP8 (siren and commando) at which point matchmaking went totally to crap (ironically, a Gearbox fail and not the modders and glitchers that threatened the game for a while) therefore, with much sadness, I gave it up. Would hardly know which buttons to push now. A lot of my "legendaries" were acquired through "trading", some through randoms dropping gear and most, towards the end, from a jolly good friend with good contacts to someone able to mod "perfect" legitimate legendaries into the game. At Lvl72 and OP levels particularly, you will need a really good set up which the games gear drop rate will unlikely allow you to achieve completely legitimately and at least one good buddie. Without this slightly questionable assistance I would never have gotten to where I did. Good luck guys. :)

P.s All sniper rifles become increasingly useless as you level up to the point of being a complete waste of available space. DPUH at all levels and for most chars is a "must have" and easily available from torgue vending machines. Also, the higher your level the more you will need to slag everything first (bandit "bullets go fasterified slagga", Moxxis binary Rubi/grog nozzle for best examples (slag versions obviously), the latter two also having the mightily useful ability to heal as you deal).

Think I have dumped all my lvl 50 and 61 stuff. May be able to help out with 72 and op lvl stuff if it helps anyone as long as I can remember how it all works of course.

16th August 2014, 02:57 PM
I suppose i'm an old vault hunter, as in a crappy loot rewarding tentacle monster kind of vault :p (BL1) Crawmerax made up for it though ^^
Have BL2 as well and completed playthrough 1 and some of the DLCs, but didn't have the same feeling as BL1, dunno what it was about that one, but it was tits :D

Might hop on with you guys from time to time maybe after my exams, so hit me up on steam if you want, ID; apple_guy


18th August 2014, 05:41 AM
SWEET on the dupe video!

Any suggestions on where to find F'in Jimmy Jenkins? I keep getting the chubby robots from the exploitation reserve, but never Jimmy :/

19th August 2014, 12:17 PM
Also you guys do have this game on PS3?? Because I only have it on PS3 and Vita
Yeah, we're fine, I'm downloading it right now and should be able to play in about 20 or so hours, hopefully see ya there mannjon and Snakenator! ;)

2nd September 2014, 01:19 PM
i havent loaded up the game for a while so im probably way to rusty

2nd September 2014, 01:44 PM
To help out with matching, please say where you are in the game and what characters you are using (include level). I currently have a level 54 TEAM ORIENTED Assassin, and a level 45 Gaige, and a level 17 Gunzerker. I've completed TVHM with the Assassin, Normal with Gaige, and I'm on playthrough 1 with the Gunzerker.

I try to be a team player, and I have TONS of legendaries, so I don't ninja loot treasure finds (I can even dupe 1 or 2 if you need them). Legendaries I have that are notable: Lvl 36 DPUH, Lvl 50 Bee Shield, Lvl 53 Tactical Hornet, Lvl 50 Fire Leech, Lvl 48 Neogenetor, Lvl 50 Hellfire, Lvl 50 Slagga, Lvl 50 React Sandhawk, Lvl 39 Core Logan's Gun, Lvl 9 Unkepmt Harold X2 (GREAT for Gunzerkers) on playthrough 1, Lvl 50 Potential Conference Call, Lvl 45 Rolling Thunder, Lvl 52 Corrosive Guaranteed Baby-Maker, and Lvl 50 Legendary Gunzerker class mod. I also have a variety of semi-useful Lvl 30 gear, like a Shock element Social Conference Call, Lvl 34 Bonus Package, Lvl 37 Skirmish Emperor, Lvl 39 Operational Invader, Lvl 44 Guaranteed Baby-Maker, Lvl 37 Flame of the Firehawk, Lvl 35 Shock Infinity, and a Lvl 44 Ruthless Mongol. And just remember, like Marcus always says: No Refunds ;) Seriously though, I don't need the cash, just happy to share.

Basically, I make for a great team player. Also if you need to "power level" I'm up for that too. I also have all the DLC's, so anyone that needs DLC help, I'm game for that too.

2nd September 2014, 01:47 PM
i really couldnt tell you at the moment without looking i think i only had a fairly high level character with legendary stuff

2nd September 2014, 06:20 PM
May also be worth listing the platforms we all play on as well, as I'm sure some of us are on different systems. I only play on PC.

By the way, anyone getting The Pre-Sequel?

2nd September 2014, 07:19 PM
im thinking about getting it:P

2nd September 2014, 08:48 PM
May also be worth listing the platforms we all play on as well, as I'm sure some of us are on different systems. I only play on PC.

By the way, anyone getting The Pre-Sequel?

Yeah, good point. I only have it on PS3. I've heard from a friend that too many people mod the game on the PC, so to keep the multiplayer interesting, I will like stay with it for the PS3.

I definitely plan on having the pre-sequel probably by launch date. So now is a good time to meet up with some reliable team mates. I've already decided that for playthrough 1 for the pre-sequel, I plan to be Nisha.