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View Full Version : How is 2048 multiplayer these days? Are the multiplayer trophies still achievable?

Chris OTR
11th June 2014, 06:54 PM
Hi everyone,

I was just hoping I could get some advice. I bought 2048 when it first came out and got all the achievements except the multiplayer ones. I got a bit frustrated with them because it was a little glitchy and I couldn't do the multiplayer trophies on the train (no connectivity) so it was slow going. Anyway, to cut a long story short I sold my Vita.

Anyway I got the itch again a couple of weeks ago and have been thinking about getting a new Vita and trying to get those last couple of achievements! So my question is - how is the multiplayer scene now for the base 2048 game (without the DLCs)? Are people still playing, and if so, are there enough people still playing to make those achievements possible?

Oh - and one more thing - is it possible to get the platinum trophy without playing the DLCs? I think/hope it is, but it would be good to know for sure.

Anyway thanks for any/all replies.


11th June 2014, 09:06 PM
Well multiplayer is still up but people mainly vote for combat and it tends to be a hit & miss with multiplayer because sometimes no ones on also from what I know you don't need the dlcs for the platinum trophy. I hope I was of help mate :)

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th June 2014, 08:38 AM
Just beware: your multiplayer progress will wipe itself as soon as you are almost done. Happened to me five times.

12th June 2014, 08:56 AM
I’d say there are 3 issues here (some of them already mentioned):

the game was released with a crappy online mode (not judging them, maybe they didn’t have the time or resources or enough experience), it’s pretty obvious that if SL wasn’t shut down they would have fixed several issues like interaction between players (the voting system sucks for instance) or simply fixed bugs,
not sure why but every now and then your online statistics will be wiped (see what I did there?), which makes online progression a real Hell even if you play very often (unless you’re a hardcore player and try to rush 24/7 between two resets, and even in that case you might end up rushing just when it resets),
we have absolutely no idea how multiplayer will be supported in the long term (which is a problem for all games actually), to be honest I’m even surprised online still works after SL was shut down.

TL;DR: in theory you can still get all online achievements, in practice you might fail to get some of them even if you try hard.

12th June 2014, 12:56 PM
Just beware: your multiplayer progress will wipe itself as soon as you are almost done. Happened to me five times.

Actually, I'm one that would like to have my multiplayer progress reseted : My save file was corrupt on my VITA (infamous c2-14780-0 (http://gdvlsr.free.fr/c2-14780-0.jpg) error) and I had to restart with 0 experience points and multiplayer campaign finished. Unfortunately, finishing the solo campaign only allows you to gain half the experience points to progress to the maximum level (which is 50).

I can't have the multiplayer experience points back, even though I've already got the achievments.

This results in me only able to race with half the unlockable ships (adios pirhana prototype) and made me stop playing this game.

Chris OTR
12th June 2014, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the replies folks. You all said pretty much what I thought you would. I'm really in two minds. It would be great to get that platinum, but it sounds like it would be a painful and frustrating experience. Shame, I don't have any platinums and given that I have done all the single-player bits...

12th June 2014, 01:28 PM
well, first thing i've to say, DON'T PANIC if your online progress seems to be lost. you can bring it back very easy, just go back to the main menu, enter cross play, when the lobbies are showing up go back to main menu, and enter 2048 online campaign again, your progress should be restored now. that's the way i handled the online progression lost, and it worked out very well for me.

12th June 2014, 04:37 PM
well, first thing i've to say, DON'T PANIC if your online progress seems to be lost. you can bring it back very easy, just go back to the main menu, enter cross play, when the lobbies are showing up go back to main menu, and enter 2048 online campaign again, your progress should be restored now. that's the way i handled the online progression lost, and it worked out very well for me.

Is the multiplayer campaign resetting randomly or are you able to reset it yourself ? I'm very interested to know that :)

12th June 2014, 05:09 PM
the only way to reset the online progress on purpose, is to delete the game, redownload it, reinstall it and start from scratch. or you can export the game in its current state to a PC, and then delete just the savegame part, then reimport it to PSVITA.

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th June 2014, 05:30 PM
If your online progress seems to be lost, you can bring it back very easily;
Just go back to the main menu and select Cross Play. When the lobbies are showing up, return to the main menu and select 2048's Online Campaign again. Your progress should be restored now.

I tried that in the past, but it has not actually worked for me. Thanks anyway, though.

Actually, I'm one that would like to have my multiplayer progress reseted : My save file was corrupt on my VITA (infamous c2-14780-0 (http://gdvlsr.free.fr/c2-14780-0.jpg) error) and I had to restart with 0 experience points and multiplayer campaign finished. Unfortunately, finishing the solo campaign only allows you to gain half the experience points to progress to the maximum level (which is 50).

I can't have the multiplayer experience points back, even though I've already got the achievments.

This results in me only able to race with half the unlockable ships (adios pirhana prototype) and made me stop playing this game.

It will happen to you eventually, so don't give up.

P.S.: If the multiplayer save-file is separate from the singleplayer one, I'd really appreciate those Alt Skins :3

23rd June 2014, 06:14 PM
An update on the multiplayer: There are still a few people that get on, but they ALL vote Combat. The same issue still remains, no one actually ever finishes a lap. The other "pilots" just camp in the same spot spamming quakes and missiles. Every now and then someone will forget to vote, and you get to actually race. The first time this happened to me, 3 of 6 players quit after the race. Of the two that stayed, they lost by about 17+ seconds. There really was no competition at all on racing (and I'm not that good at 2048 honestly, it was just too easy). After that, the racers lost the majority and it was back to slogging through the boring weapon campground that is 2048. If you still want to try to elite gold the multplayer trophies, the only viable strategy it to know where they camp, find a quake, make sure you hit your targets to elite pass, then watch a show for 5 minutes until the next race happens.

So my advice is that if you are trying for multiplayer trophies, get a "boosting buddy" that will always vote the way you want to, and go through it together. There are a lot of fans here (although expect the competition to be absolutely on another level).

It is no wonder that people that often show up on the Vita lobbies rarely if at all show up in the WOHD lobbies. Quite simply put, real racers = WOHD, casual racers = 2048.

Not to say that on the whole the game is a disappointment, but it seems to cater more to casual gamers looking for a quick talentless fix.

24th June 2014, 12:02 AM
Is it possible to "trigger" empty lobbies, maybe this could allow a league with "real" AG pilots

Amaroq Dricaldari
24th June 2014, 07:56 AM
Sometimes a race will start counting down to start, and then some of the people will leave before it finishes.

Also, every now and then, I'll get a day where everyone is voting for races.

2nd July 2014, 03:38 PM
@Johnny, unfortunately, even if you were able to empty a lobby, there is no way to ensure the same people won't come back and upvote Combat.

I have a theory though about that. It seems that goals are easier to achieve for many that aren't accustomed to racing if they play Combat. To their credit they may just be trying to go through the boring and monotonous multiplayer campaign and just suck at racing. So they chose combat. I can confirm this, because I see players all the time that are rank 45+ that will lose an actual race by 20+ seconds. The only way to be ranked that high and lose by that much is to play Combat where you don't actually have to race. It is different from HD because in 2048 to get any experience, you would have to WIN races to get the elite 20,000 exp bonus. I figure that someone that can't get within 20 seconds of me on a C class race probably doesn't get much experience racing past level 5 or 6, so they turn to combat where all you have to do is essentially joust.

In fact, they should have called 2048 "Super-Awesome-Funtime-Happy-Happy-Futuristic-Joust" game, because that is absolutely what it has become. There isn't even any skill involved to win combat the way it is typically played now'adays. When you are in a lobby with 3 others, and they all bunch together at the start chasing over the same weapon pads back and forth, the winner is the person that just randomly gets the most quakes. Its as simple as that. I rarely have people that will chase off after me, and even rarer is it that I see more than one player chasing after me. Out of 1 week of racing, there was only about a 2 hour timeframe in which people actually raced. Most people rage quit after one race or less against the true AG pilots, and there weren't enough people in the lobby to race again. There was a solid hour where there were about 5 people playing that were all about the same skill level, and there was only maybe 2 combat races the entire time because people kept voting to race, but that is uber-rare.

The only thing I've actually gotten any results from is taking a picture of a message saying something like "This is bullsh*t, no more combat, etc..." or something similar. It's a shame that the multiplayer has become so broken. :/

2nd July 2014, 04:02 PM
^and that is exactly why we should queue up together and have some races by agreeing to all vote for race, Maciek and I do it quite a few times and it works usually, but yes, there's few skilled RACERS out on the 2048 multiplayer, not enough to get a random race lobby going.
The reason people chose combat is because they want to complete the multiplayer grid, not because of lack of skill, you get skills by practicing, but they simply don't race, so they can't get any better. But simply saying they have no skills is wrong. They want to complete the multiplayer to see if there's anything afterwards and for the trophies that come with it ;)
You have to admit, some, if not most, objectives are nearly impossible to achieve in a race, but nearly all of them are achievable in combat, Destroying 2 ships in a race? good luck with that, shoot 2 specific players without intentionally slowing down? good luck again.. I'm not exactly sure why they decided to go that way, i like the idea behind it, but the objectives itself are meeh, a shame you can't simply chose race or combat before joining a random lobby.


2nd July 2014, 08:36 PM
Normally I choose the first option, regardless whatever mode it is.

3rd July 2014, 03:53 AM
A better solution would have been to have a lobby for "I want to race" and another one called "Quickest path to complete multiplayer." I feel bad for the people that just want to race. I'm getting to the point where the level requirements are pretty tough (lvl 12-13), so I can sympathize. But I still just want to race, regardless of unlocking additional levels. SO...

Here's an idea... How about we organize a specific weekend or set of days where we flood the game with race-only members from WOHD. It won't be a tournament in the sense that we keep score, but it would be a fun chance to race some of the friendly faces here, as well as provide an opportunity to have a reliable source of people to race with to actually play online to unlock multiplayer progress.

We could even start a chatroom for anyone interested on the PS3 called 2048 Lobby or something like that, so people that have a PS3 and a Vita can chat during loadtimes, and collectively decide on what type of race to do. Anyone interested?

All in all, I love this game on the Vita, but it doesn't really feel like an online racing game nor a Wipeout game for that matter. Every now and then with the right lobby, there is a glimmer of hope. So let's make that happen!

3rd July 2014, 07:36 AM
Would be nice yeah, just tell me when, i'd love some races ^^


3rd July 2014, 09:33 AM
I'm very interested ;D

3rd July 2014, 11:07 AM
mannjon just said what I thought :)

3rd July 2014, 01:07 PM
I like the sound of that. The reasons you've stated are exactly why I gave up on 2048 multiplayer so this would be a very welcome excuse to pick it up again :)

3rd July 2014, 03:04 PM
I join in guys but I know the moment I try to go online it will ask for *sigh* the update and the moment I do that I'll get the infamous C2 error >.<
Is there a way to only delete the update data without deleting the entire game? because I don't fancy doing the 2048 campaign again for the 3rd time :P

3rd July 2014, 08:37 PM
If this get sorted i'm defo up for it!

Ragsus Maxima
3rd July 2014, 10:10 PM
If this idea comes true, then I will definitely join! I'm really tired of combat and I need actual racers to race with. :)

5th July 2014, 09:34 PM
Hey there snake! If you log in to an HD cross play lobby, it restores your progress. Next time it pops up, try joining an hd lobby. Whenever I sign in with both accounts at once, it temporarily scraps the data, but then it is restored when I log in to crossplay from the vita.

5th July 2014, 10:18 PM
Wait! you are saying if I join a HD lobby from my vita, it should restore me back to LV50??

5th July 2014, 10:33 PM
Yep. It is as simple as that. In fact, you don't even have to race. I think as soon as you select the cross-play option, it should restore your lost data.

When I first lost mine, I coincidentally thought,"Well, I might as well play some HD now." Then as soon as I logged in to the cross play, it all came back!

5th July 2014, 10:34 PM
Okay I'll give it a go now and see what happens.

5th July 2014, 10:35 PM
Now you can't start a game with your PS3 running at the same time, you have to actually start it with only one account active to restore it. But this has happened to me numerous times, but I haven't lost any data permanently.

5th July 2014, 10:38 PM
I tried just joining and leaving a lobby after a minute but it didn't work, still lv28 :| i'll try racing now

-update- racing didn't work either. still LV28 :( My PS3 was turned off as well but nothing happened.

-update 2- I just realised the game installed the update for me to go online long ago without me knowing 0.0 but I haven't had no problems yet. So you know, I don't care if I get the C2 error again. I'm going to join you guys when this happens, as long as I have my Pir-hana speed ship I will race. COUNT ME IN :D

6th July 2014, 12:30 AM
I got to thinking about it, and if you had started racing again after the crash, the game would autosave as soon as you completed a race. So essentially, the only way to get the data back is to do the process described BEFORE you do anything that might cause an autosave. :/

But that being said, I agree with the Prianha Speed being the only ship you need.

6th July 2014, 11:07 AM
First of all, are we doing only races, or also some Combat here and there?
Secoundly, when is the first meeting? :D

6th July 2014, 04:51 PM
I wouldn't mind mixing it up, but if combat is involved then it should be played like an Eliminator from HD. None of this jousting bollocks.

7th July 2014, 01:04 AM
I just had a Multiplayer session and who joined? mannjon ^^
Atually I couldn't moan, there were some races and combat and only one was idylling (afv = away from vita :P)

Ragsus Maxima
7th July 2014, 11:53 PM
Today was a good day. I spent the whole evening in 2048 and everyone wanted to race! And they were proficient too!
Wish every day were like this...

7th July 2014, 11:57 PM
Oh I didn't met you on WOZ before and always thought:"Maybe you should advertise this guy" :D

8th July 2014, 07:37 AM
Should let us know! Darnit would've loved to join! :)


Ragsus Maxima
8th July 2014, 01:40 PM
My bad. I didn't think about that possibility; I was really immersed in the game. :P

"Maybe you should advertise this guy" :D
Hahaha! That's what happens when I spend most of the time lurking around rather than actively commenting. :P

10th July 2014, 04:41 PM
the only way to reset the online progress on purpose, is to delete the game, redownload it, reinstall it and start from scratch. or you can export the game in its current state to a PC, and then delete just the savegame part, then reimport it to PSVITA.

I've done this, but I've got the cardridge version : deleted Wipeout from the VITA through the content manager, reinserted the cardridge, downloaded the patches and the network pass and... got my multiplayer progress back to completed with 0 experience (thanksfully, I had a backup of my save on PS+) :(

It will happen to you eventually, so don't give up.I'll try but it seems the game was coded to prevent me from doing so :(

I'll try to play multiplayer again. I just loved playing the other ships people did not take usually >.<

14th July 2014, 01:31 PM
I just got the game through plus myself right before they pulled it down and I’m trying to work through a platinum. Multiplayer is hit or miss and I’m pretty much getting my ass handed to me, but I’ll be on for as long as it stays active or i get the plat.

Amaroq Dricaldari
14th July 2014, 03:41 PM
In case anybody is wondering, I would love to be added to a Skype group chat to plan our next lobby session. I think mannjon has a good idea. This might be the chance that I was looking for to finally race against Hellfire.

I already completed the multiplayer campaign though... But I still have many nodes to finish I used a glitch to get to the very end, because I was tired of waiting.)

15th July 2014, 10:28 AM
@radioavon: Hey, nice to see that you joined the boat. :)

15th July 2014, 01:41 PM
Hey, Thanks. Wish I would have checked out the series sooner.

Amaroq Dricaldari
16th July 2014, 04:45 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention; We should probably all post our Skype names, and possibly set up a TeamSpeak server. That way, we can more easily plan our next... Attack... On the 2048 lobbies, and as for TeamSpeak we can set up two teams for when we do combat, the way we can have "red" against "blue."

18th July 2014, 07:31 PM
Interesting idea, can we add a PS3 lobby to the mix? Many 2048 fans also have HD Fury on PS3, so I'm thinking we can set up a casual day at the races and start a new chat called "2048 Chat" or something similar. I think it will help to get better organized in addition to Skype.

I finally made it through the campaign, but I'm also missing a lot of nodes. I think if you get first, that should suffice for an automatic pass at least. I WILL platinum this game. It just sucks that the only trophy I don't have is the elite mulitplayer trophy. I prefer trophies that require skill as opposed to flat out grinding with no control over race parameters any day.

3rd September 2014, 04:56 PM
Just wanted to bump this thread a bit. It seems that the idea has either happened and I didn't know about it or it never happened.

I was brainstorming a bit while playing 2048, currently using the Sol exploit for XP. I'd prefer not to but its promising to get the job done.

I like to watch the youtube videos of events like AVALON, OMNIUM and all the other tournaments the forum has had. Perhaps one day we could organise say another AVALON but for 2048 perhaps??? An official AVALON just like HD in the arena. Could this be possible one day? Obviously not now with the upcoming AVALON but maybe sometime in the future.

The 2048 AVALON: All members with 2048 flood the online server and vote for pure races, overwhelm the combat and give 2048 some love :)
Just an idea. But WipEout 2048 needs love, its an absolutely brilliant game which I could describe in a whole essay (maybe I will one day).

4th September 2014, 04:33 PM
^10/10 would write that essay :P

Amaroq Dricaldari
4th September 2014, 04:55 PM
I know this is just venting, but the multiplayer in 2048 would be a lot better if bots would fill in the empty spaces when a lobby wasn't full.

The multiplayer in 2048 would also be a lot more interesting if there were rare super weapons that you could only receive if you were in last place, things like a global drain (except it'd heal the firer), a global disruptor and/or a hunter missile.

5th September 2014, 04:35 AM
The 2048 AVALON: All members with 2048 flood the online server and vote for pure races, overwhelm the combat and give 2048 some love :)
Just an idea. But WipEout 2048 needs love, its an absolutely brilliant game which I could describe in a whole essay (maybe I will one day).
Hey, that's an alright idea, not many people are usually on the servers anyway, we would probably need a party chat to find each other.

5th September 2014, 05:52 AM
How about making a simple thread where ppl post when/if they are playing 2048 multiplayer? Adding extra information like; Races Voting Only Please, or the opposite for combat, or just progressing through campaign or some other note

Or a weekly meet at a specific time/day, anything goes really ;)
