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View Full Version : Unreal Tournament - the mother of free action, "MOFA"

8th May 2014, 07:10 PM
... Okay, enough with the cheesy acronyms. :paperbag

While I was strolling through Twitter, I noticed that there was a really big hype around Epic Game's newest installment of Unreal Tournament that will be developed and released to the PC, Mac AND Linux using the new Unreal Engine 4 (which looks seexay). And the best part? It's free!
According to Kotaku, this game will have no microtransactions, making free-to-play games pretty obsolete - well, in my own opinion, that is. YES :rock

What's your take on this, fellas?

9th May 2014, 02:42 AM
Really? That's damn cool. UT's one of my most favourite multiplayer fps games of all time. I love the atmosphere of the each of them, y'know? The futuristic feel to them. I dunno, I guess I have a thing for futuristic designs lol. And about it being free? That's even better!

9th May 2014, 12:10 PM
Love unreal and quake. I really like the dodging weapon aspect of the game, and it requires significant skill ( which I don't have :) ) to master it.

12th May 2014, 07:22 PM
I was wondering if - when the game itself releases - we can play a couple of games for fun, just to know each other?

12th May 2014, 07:41 PM
Sounds like a plan. I recently cracked open UT2k4 again and it's just as fun as I remember :)

13th May 2014, 03:49 PM
I used to play that also, and DOOM, the latter being one of my faves back in the day. I saw the DOOM movie, lol... all I can say is "WHY????"

13th May 2014, 09:17 PM
I was wondering if - when the game itself releases - we can play a couple of games for fun, just to know each other?

We're totally down for that! :D