View Full Version : Where are you?

4th May 2014, 12:29 PM
Where in the world do you live? What is it like there?

I live in Perth, Western Australia - the city of lights, sun, surf, and friendly people.


Some info:

Climate - Perth boasts some of the best climate in Australia. It has become home for many migrants due to this fact. We have mild Winters and hot Summers. Perth is the sunniest capital in Australia with an average of eight hours sunshine a day. During Summer, the skies above Perth are often bright blue without a cloud in the sky. Combine the warm weather and beautiful beaches and it's easy to see why so many people enjoy the outdoor lifestyle of Western Australia. In summer many people can be found at one of the many beautiful white sandy beaches along the coast line, cooling down in the clean blue Indian Ocean.

Sports - West Australians take part in various local and national sports competitions, ensuring that on any given weekend, Perth is always hosting a major sporting contest. The main summer game is cricket, although inroads are being made by soccer and basketball. In winter the religion is the Australian Football League (AFL), or "footy". Perth also hosts the Hotman Cup, one of the world's most prestigious invitational tennis tournament.

Religion - Perth's multicultural society means that many different religions are practiced in the state. Throughout the metropolitan area you can find churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship. Different religions are practiced here in Perth. The most common religions being Buddhist, Christian, Baptist, Jewish Orthodox and Catholic.

4th May 2014, 12:40 PM
Intresting threat, maybe brings some life in this forum :)
I´ll write about my little dump soon :P

BTW Isn´t Daniel Ricciardo from Perth?

4th May 2014, 03:12 PM
I come from the town of Stockport within Greater Manchester of Great Britain :)
A fairly peaceful place, always lively no matter what day of the week. Lots of services and places to visit, and very close to my college of Aquinas.

But I live in the Brinnington area, not as well received but my friends live here so I enjoy it ;)

4th May 2014, 03:32 PM
Pretty much the same as TheConzio, I live in Perth.

BTW Isn´t Daniel Ricciardo from Perth?

Why yes, yes he is.

4th May 2014, 05:57 PM
I live in Athens at Argiroupoli suburb outside downtown side from a mountain... Things here are kind of weird lol! many contrasts but a live place... Summer is coming and thats the good part, sea is close and its always a gateway! I come from Crete where i go as much as i can!! tottaly a place full of energy!

4th May 2014, 06:14 PM
I live in Vantaa, Finland where the climate's anything but stellar: a few days ago it started raining snow for unknown reasons, and at some point during February-March, all the snow melted pretty quickly - well, not that people, excluding me, liked the cold winter climate anyway...

As for Finland's offerings for tourists and such, there aren't too many things that you would want to visit, other than the presence of Näsinneula Tower in Tampere. Or if you fancy some amusement park fun, then Linnanmäki in Helsinki or Särkänniemi in Tampere are your best choices.

However, people do tend go to up north, all the way to Lapland, where the place is breezing with nature beauty and the thirst for explorating (if you're the kin that likes adventures, that is)... :)

5th May 2014, 06:53 AM
As for Finland's offerings for tourists and such, there aren't too many things that you would want to visit...
What r u talking about? Awesome rallies, sick heavy metal... Finland is right up there on my "places-to-go-to bucket list".

Anyway, I live in Albury, New South Wales. For those who do not know where that is, it is (roughly) halfway between Sydney and Melbourne on the main motorway, on the border of New South Wales and Victoria. There's not much right here in terms of tourism, but there's plenty of things to do n the surrounding area.

1/2hr from the Victorian goldfields
1hr from the Victorian alps, such as Falls Creek and Mt. Hotham.
The original Ettamogah Pub (not the imitator in Queensland)
If you want to make a day trip to Melbourne, it's only 3hrs away!

5th May 2014, 11:53 AM
I live in Melbourne, Victoria (bottom-right-hand-side of Australia)
.We have a load of of landmarks that are familiar to me but probably not you(we're semi-famous)
.We were recently voted most liveable city by the Economist Intelligence Unit
.we host the Australian Grand Prix each year
I could ramble in for ages but anyway here's some photos



Oryx Crake
5th May 2014, 12:12 PM
I'm from Stockholm Sweden. The capital and biggest city of the country. Mild climate, lots of water, lots of history. Also the local soul if you will is geared towards the hipster end of the spectrum, which isn't always a bad thing. Sure you do get a lot of hipsters strutting around but they, in their never-ending quest for novelty, make the city's cultural and culinary scenes quite vibrant and interesting. Urk I feel like I'm writing some sort of travel advertisement. But yeah if you're ever in Stockholm, feel free to drop me a line.

Honestly I dunno I hear this from my Finnish cousins as well, but I like Finland, Helsinki is a cool town, and Tukkaniemi is awesome in summer. Haven't spent much time in Vantaa other than getting off the plane when travelling to Helsinki or changing flights to somewhere else, but it's close enough to central Helsinki that it could be considered to be a part of it no?

5th May 2014, 12:32 PM
I'm from Ibbenbüren, more accurate the suburb Laggenbeck. It's in NRW near the border to Lower Saxony.
Here live 2000 people, just the average population of a German suburb and Laggenbeck was first mentioned in a ducument round about 1125.

5th May 2014, 01:50 PM
ND-2-SPD: I'm visiting Melbourne next year, should be nice :)

5th May 2014, 02:18 PM
... but it's close enough to central Helsinki that it could be considered to be a part of it no?

Well, considering the fact that both Vantaa and Helsinki are relatively close to each other AND the airport in Vantaa is called Helsinki-Vantaa, respectively I think it's all the same. After all - both of them are in the same urban district, as with Espoo, Kauniainen and Turku to name a few.

What r u talking about? Awesome rallies, sick heavy metal... Finland is right up there on my "places-to-go-to bucket list".

Well, I - as a Finn - rarely watch rally (although when I do, it IS awesome!), and instead keeping indirectly up to date with all things F1. Of course, since Heikki Kovalainen and Kimi Räikkönen are the most famous figures among Finnish celebs, the latter of which I have been a fan of, most notably during it's successful season back in 2009...

And yeah, I have to admit: I AM a keen heavy metal listener - especially with melodic death metal. Now, if only I had enough money to get to Tuska Open Air Metal Festival... </3

5th May 2014, 05:10 PM
Well, I - as a Finn - rarely watch rally (although when I do, it IS awesome!), and instead keeping indirectly up to date with all things F1. Of course, since Heikki Kovalainen and Kimi Räikkönen are the most famous figures among Finnish celebs, the latter of which I have been a fan of, most notably during it's successful season back in 2009...
I just met this Finn on Facebook who write on Rosbergs (Nico) Wall: "When you win, you´re a Finn" lol

5th May 2014, 06:35 PM
I live in Portugal, but I have two homes far away from each other. One is Nazaré (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/7e/45/a7/nazare-portugal-2007.jpg) (my birthplace and where my parents live), amazing little town by the sea, you should visit it. Also the place where Garret McNamara claimed the title for the world's largest surfed wave in the Guinness World Records.
The other one is Aveiro (http://eneec.aauav.pt/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Aveiro-the-place-to-go-32.jpg), it's an small university city, lots of young people and really active night life.

5th May 2014, 07:06 PM
Send me a postcard already will u?? Get my address on Skype :D

I live in Asslar (http://leben-mitten-in-hessen.de/uploads/pics/asslar_Ansicht.jpg), middle of Germany, small, boring, simple.... But check out our "Grand Canyon" in the background :D

Light Buster
5th May 2014, 08:50 PM
I live in Los Angles, California, USA. Currently my state is under a drought ATM.

5th May 2014, 09:12 PM
I think living in the city is cool...I think about moving to Copenhagen when I'm finished with the scholar stuff.

6th May 2014, 08:42 AM
I'm visiting Melbourne next year, should be nice Sweet, be sure to see the MCG. :p

6th May 2014, 09:04 AM
Im in Scotland, Edinburgh to be exact. We have hills, castles, an extinct volcano in the middle of the city and whisky :) Or for those of you who dont drink alcohol we have Irn Bru which is the best soft drink ever!!! Home of wild haggis, sheep and the worlds spiciest curry (Im not kidding) Our national animal is a Unicorn... Some of the architecture in the city centre is beautiful btw, and Edinburgh is home to the Fringe Festival (if you've not heard of it, go check it out, its pretty cool) We will apparently have working trams at the end of this month, but Im doubtful. If you like really gory history, you should deffo have a look into some of the things that have gone on in Edinburgh over the centuries :) Grave robbing, murder and what not. Our summers last between 2 and 10 days if we're lucky :) For every normal shop we have about 20 "Scotland" Shops, selling all sorts of apparent cultured tat that only the Scottish seem to buy... If you ever visit here, be prepared to have your ears blasted by Bagpipers on street corners. Its not a gentle sound. Yay Scotland!!!

6th May 2014, 12:09 PM
and the worlds spiciest curry

I'm a fan of spicy curry. Sounds like the place I should be when it comes to food :nod

6th May 2014, 12:48 PM
Im serious dude, they make you sign a waiver before you eat it so that if you die they are not to blame lol. People have ended up in hospital XD The Killer Curry aside, they do some banging food!!!

Oryx Crake
7th May 2014, 02:41 PM
we have a hot dog stand here like that... apparently the hot dog in question is spicier than pepper spray. it's called the atomic/harakiri hot dog

8th May 2014, 06:40 PM
I'm a fan of spicy curry. Sounds like the place I should be when it comes to food :nod

Ever had a bbq curry? I have a Recipe that's a bit of a chef secret.