View Full Version : Your most memorable gaming moment?

14th April 2014, 07:47 PM
This can be anything from a cutscene to a boss fight. But out of all the games you have played, which one stands out in your memory the most?
You can only choose one! so choose wisely.

This is my most memorable moment.

Ace Combat, The Belkan War - Mission 18, Zero

Throughout the first half of the game you have a trusted wing mate codenamed "solo wing pixy" who serves as your team mate.
But about halfway through the game he disappears, you acquire a new wing man who serves you well. until the final mission.

After disarming a war head from causing complete destruction, you celebrate with your team mate about the end of the war. He even says how he will propose to his girlfriend once we've returned. But then AWACS warns us of a incoming attack, and in the process, your teammate is shot down and KIA. He sacrificed himself to save you.

Snow soon falls and you see the source of the attack. An unknown craft mounted with unseen weapon technology emerges. Its pilot:

Solo Wing Pixy! corrupted by the terrorists organization he engages you in a head - head dogfight in order to stop him reactivating the warhead!

What ensues is a amazing dogfight between aces with the most incredible music to suit it. This is also my favourite boss fight in video games! An emotional and intense experience with a perfect difficulty level that well suits the situation. Throughout the fight as well, pixy treats you to some moving quotes that further emphasizes the experience beyond what I've ever felt before.

In the end you shoot him down and finally end the war, but at a great cost.

Those interested, here is the full mission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vexpkH7mjc

14th April 2014, 08:16 PM
Ace Combat 5, Journey Home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vry6J6htpg) mission. I cried, I literally cried

14th April 2014, 08:45 PM
^ I was torn between Zero and Journey home, but I found Zero more memorable. But that would be my second choice as well :)

btw I didn't know the X-02 was in Ace Combat 5 O.O I'll have to play the game again to get it :P

14th April 2014, 08:57 PM
Well I chose it on how much of an impression it left in me. The one that made my legs shake uncontrollably to the point where I couldn't even stand up after I finished the mission was Dead Ahead, the tunnel part, on my first playthrough of AC5 as a kid.

14th April 2014, 09:06 PM
I need to find my copy of the game again, all I have is Belkan war on my shelf :P

Zero left a lasting impression in me, I found it to be amazing and is therefore my favourite in the series.