View Full Version : The Unstoppable, Untouchable and Unbeatable Zico

10th April 2014, 05:56 AM
This would be my story of how I tried to Beat Zico numerous times, but failed, and decided that it is no longer worth it (and please also note that I do not hate WOHD or the trophy itself, just making up a story):

Beat Zico, the trophy that I thought it would have been simpler... had it not been for the time, of course. Me and my Piranha had tried to get the best time, on a futuristic track of Anulpha Pass, on my first ever attempt. At first, Pilot Assist had caused me to be held back and decided to improve, with the use of Turbo and Barrel Rolls throughout the track.

After around 20 laps, I have accumulated a time of 30.89. I was 7 seconds behind and tried once more, doing what I can to beat Zico's time with my Piranha. After 50 laps, however, the time I accumulated yielded the same results, despite my efforts. My Piranha was unable to even come close to beat Zico's time, no matter the retries. Even with different tactics, it became more of a step back than a step forward. After that, I gave up, my Piranha, even with my skills, was unable to get anywhere close. Not even its tutorials have improved my time, it yielded zero success.

However, with the release of the Fury add-on, the Piranha was upgraded, and I had high hopes that with its upgrades, it would guarantee success into wiping Zico's smirk off of his face to prove him wrong. I pitted myself, with the Piranha Fury in my arsenal, on the Anulpha Pass track and getting ready to beat Zico's time once and for all.

The same 50 laps later, however... the same results as before; 30.89. No matter how good, or proficient, I was, not even my renowned skills have earned any success in beating Zico's time. All of my hopes in beating Zico became next to nothing. I could only tell by just watching Zico, laughing at me and boasting me on how I was unable to beat his time, even with my upgraded Piranha Fury, even going as far by telling me that I will never beat his time, nor that I will ever be the best AG-pilot there is no matter how many times I tried, even though most of my fellow pilots say that I have decent and very efficient flying skills.

I soon realize that all hope is lost; the time he made was designed for me, and among different pilots, to fail, because even though his words were harsh, they were, unfortunately, true. he did so just to watch me fail, no matter how much effort I put in, but even so, after a whole 99 laps, the 30.89 time remains, and it will never be moved for countless of years. Not even a glistening light will yield any new-found success to beat his time. And I also realized that his time is based on extreme luck; skill was out the window. It does not take a veteran AG-pilot to beat Zico's time; it takes luck and luck alone, and in my case, luck has turned its back on me, refusing to assist me on beating Zico at all.

Soon after, the trophy name "Beat Zico" should have been renamed as "Zico the Impossible", after my valiant, yet futile efforts into trying to beat his time from 100+ punishing laps overall, but failed in the end. If only he had configured the time a little, then it would be more of an exciting challenge, rather than making it purely unwinnable. But, me and my Piranha Fury, and its original, had its last flight. Zico is now unbeatable, a man that cannot be touched, no matter how hard you try. He will simply sit back, watch, and laugh on proving that he is indeed unstoppable, such as myself who endured all of this to try and beat him and lost afterwards.

The end.

10th April 2014, 06:26 AM
Except that heaps of people beat the time and own the trophy...

10th April 2014, 08:56 AM
Beautiful your story .. :)
I saw your face and chuckle disappointed by zico .. :)
I'm not a veteran and several times I tried .. but still .. it's my time a few weeks ago I managed to make 2 Roll that seemed impossible to me but it happened, my ghost is still in front of the times are not best because I do imperfections .. but the technique is getting better .. I feel that my time is not far away.

10th April 2014, 01:09 PM
I remember the time I wasted unlocking this trophy.

It took me 429 laps to acquire this trophy, I remember before I unlocked the trophy, my fastest lap was 30.84 seconds! 200th of a second to slow :P

that barrel roll at the track split was by far the hardest technique I ever came across, but I kept trying and beat it eventually :)

10th April 2014, 01:33 PM
Zico is the hard trophy to beat but, took me 600 laps to passed it and trust me, feelings is mutual! ;) Seriously, take a breather and then try to beat the ghost! You will get there. :)


10th April 2014, 01:36 PM
Anyone struggling with this Trophy should consult Hellfire's beat Zico tutorial, it helped me get there.

Sometimes knowledge is the most powerful thing anyone can have ;)


10th April 2014, 01:59 PM
Ziko got beat and buried a long time ago you necromancers XD

10th April 2014, 02:09 PM
What?!! I'm not a ..... rawrrr... necromancer ;) what gives you..... RAWR... that opinion?

10th April 2014, 02:22 PM
Hellfire tutorial is pretty awesome and will help you a lot if you're having hard times with it. Don't give up, it feels very good to finally beat that time.

10th April 2014, 03:38 PM
What?!! I'm not a ..... rawrrr... necromancer ;) what gives you..... RAWR... that opinion?

was a joke bud :)

what does RAWR mean? I'm not to savvy with abbrev.

10th April 2014, 04:09 PM
It is a hard trophy and i spent hours trying to achieve it... but after a Wipeout vet gave me some tips it took 5 mins to achieve. but all those hours i spent weren't wasted. they just helped me master the game.

10th April 2014, 04:37 PM
true words above!!

10th April 2014, 04:56 PM
Hellfire tutorial is pretty awesome and will help you a lot if you're having hard times with it. Don't give up, it feels very good to finally beat that time.

Sadly, not even his tutorial has brought me closer to beat Zico in the end, despite my valiant efforts. I should thank him for that, though. xP

10th April 2014, 05:03 PM
I think there's a video where it shows how to beat zico without using any BR's...

klocki lego's way, no br's at all (whaaat?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJVV06RUom0

Yeldars way (no br onto the bridge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QKoiR-W-DU

10th April 2014, 05:39 PM
It probably took me about 700 laps of serious practice before I finally squeaked by with 30.79. One thing that I will emphasize is the importance of using sideshifts. If you turn your ship by using the direction buttons, you will lose speed. So try to minimize your turns and use more sideshifts. I think 3 BRs are all you need if your lines are tight enough.

10th April 2014, 05:41 PM
It probably took me about 700 laps of serious practice before I finally squeaked by with 30.79. One thing that I will emphasize is the importance of using sideshifts. If you turn your ship by using the direction buttons, you will lose speed. So try to minimize your turns and use more sideshifts. I think 3 BRs are all you need if your lines are tight enough.

Tried it with sideshifts, still ended up with 30.89.

10th April 2014, 06:11 PM
You might want to try tightening your racing line, so cut to the apex's as close as possible with sideshifts to straighten your line. it should conserve your speed and just shave off that little bit of time.

plus remember, if you get airborne, try to spend as little time in the air as possible as wind resistance will slow you down. So manage your pitch well.

10th April 2014, 06:36 PM
ive try and i fail... the last time i remember i was .10 of a sec slower and it got my nerves!!
patience and low pulse lol! one day zico ... one day your time will come and you ll be a memory!

10th April 2014, 06:42 PM
The best advice I could give is to try the different methods out there until you find the method that works best for you.

All you can do is practice, practice and practice more, do this and the more your skill will develop. I found once I got this trophy after those 429 laps, I was hammering the elite AI by 6+ seconds.

Don't give up, just keep trying, you have nothing to lose ;)

20th April 2014, 08:14 AM
Hahaha, man, I laughed with your story haha, it was funny. But, talking seriously, you have to practice, and when I say practice, I'm talking about 200, 300, or even more than 400 laps. I don't remember how many I did (it was the last year) but I'm sure there were more than 400. I know you saw tutorials in youtube, but you really "saw them"? I mean, the way they make their way, the way they make their BRs, etc. But the most important thing in this trophy is the number of BRs you make during the lap. Many people can make a lot of BRs in one lap, but you have to make the maximum number, and you want to know which is the most important and hard BR? That one in the last curve, before jumping to the bridge.

Now go and watch those tutorials, and if you really want this fu**ing record, you have to learn, and practice ^^

20th April 2014, 09:45 AM
imo it's not about BR, but about good lines. for example:
the bridgeroll will give you a little advantage only, since you have to take a wider line in the left-hander.
But on a bad line in the first corner you will loose a lot more. (no airbrake, only a little steering+2 sideshifts on 1st and 3rd pad)
If you can't do the good line, you can't make that BR (in most cases)

BTW: great story indeed :d

20th April 2014, 02:27 PM
ive try and i fail... the last time i remember i was .10 of a sec slower and it got my nerves!!
patience and low pulse lol! one day zico ... one day your time will come and you ll be a memory!

I am 100% certain you can beat zico man!!! 100% certain. just relax and go for it! :)

I got zico by accident. I was showing a friend how to BR, and so I went into SL mode in an icaras, then he asked if I could do it in a crappy ship. So I chose Piranha and did it in lap 2 lol. Total surprise when I saw the trophy pop up. That was years ago now.

20th April 2014, 02:43 PM
Poss, from what I`ve read, did you not beat zico?, well you do surprised me!, cos, the way you race online, you were unstoppable!!! so, imo, you can beat it!

Like Terra said, you will beat it and I wholeheartedly agreed with him :)

Guys, honestly, it`s not that hard, just patience!


20th April 2014, 03:14 PM
Yes bud, he CAN do it, and possibly get a seriously quick time once he figures it out. No doubt about it. He can always possess Zico's ghost too :D

20th April 2014, 03:25 PM
86718672im not the patient guy kind of type...
lol... thank you for you very nice words but zico is busting my balls lol!!
seriously im not in the hunt of trophies... every trophy i got so far i have it by just playing not targeting to a trophy!
only airbreaker was a target and zone zeus will be one day!
i havent got any hidden trophies or the eliminator trophies
stuck at 71%
zico bastard!! lol
today is feast day here im full of meat cheese and lots of alcohol and just came to say hello
hope youre having a great easter too!!

20th April 2014, 03:37 PM
meat and cheese... stop making me hungry man :D everyones gone out and I'm home alone today. frozen pizza is on the menu. derp.

You lack patience like me for offline? I didn't know there were other pilots who felt this way. :) kindred spirits here bro :)

EDIT: just saw the pic. Your BBQ has got me salivating now. I'd do a BBQ too if it weren't raining cats and dogs here :/

Happy Easter, enjoy :)

22nd April 2014, 12:21 PM
Beating Zico is a PITA

Well known fact

Tick off these "Need Too's" to beat the FU90er

Ajust your Air Brakes: The LOWER your Air Brake % = The MORE sensitive your Air Brakes are.
I know, it seems arse about, but it's true.
Try it.
It could make ALL the difference between beating ZICO or constant failure.

21st May 2014, 12:59 PM
zico is history... lol
i finally beat f****** zico
i found the BR i was missing....
at last ho ho!!!

21st May 2014, 01:31 PM
Congratulations! Did you get the platinum trophy? Zico was the last one I needed before I got platinum.

21st May 2014, 01:33 PM
no i think i need the 3 hidden trophies which i dont know what they are about

help anyone???

21st May 2014, 04:04 PM
Congrats fella :) it was only a matter of time before you beat Z. :)

21st May 2014, 04:38 PM
yeah just woke up today and on third attempt i made it....
it was easier than i thought!!!
generally i think experience makes Zico possible....

- - - Updated - - -

f****** zico lol

21st May 2014, 05:06 PM
which BR was you missing?

21st May 2014, 05:13 PM
practicaly they were 2 BR...
one at the beginning of the track just before the startline hit the turbo and pitch up...
but only the HD ship flyes high enough to BR.
and the most dificult the one at the bridge at the small jump at the beginning!

21st May 2014, 11:42 PM
Well, it took about 300 laps and some learning but I finally BZ ! ! I was stuck with my best lap at 30.83 for like 100 laps and it was driving my crazy. Having a ghost that close really helped though.
Finally beat it with 30.71 using the 3 BR technique that Hellfire suggested. Here's a tip:


22nd May 2014, 01:46 AM
no i think i need the 3 hidden trophies which i dont know what they are about

help anyone???

I don't remember what the hidden trophies were. I think one of them was called Gemini and required you to win 20 two-player races or something. Normally the ones people get stuck on are Beat Zico, Zone Zeus, Arcade Perfect, and Elite Campaign Legend. Some also don't like Da Bomb because they don't play Detonator so much.

22nd May 2014, 07:47 AM
the only ones i miss are da bomb, hold your fire and 3 hidden trophies....
thanks anyway

22nd May 2014, 10:32 AM
practicaly they were 2 BR...
one at the beginning of the track just before the startline hit the turbo and pitch up...
but only the HD ship flyes high enough to BR.
and the most dificult the one at the bridge at the small jump at the beginning!

I never do that turbo BR before the track start line. The only ones I do are the following.

First left turn, on the exit pitch up slightly and turbo and BR - align right on the hill going left into the narrow section - side shift BR into it (get the double if you can but not necessary)... then the BR onto the bridge (which you know how to do now) and the final BR is off the bridge, onto the speed pad - then you slap Zico's butt as you pass the finish line and call him "sexy pants" :D

22nd May 2014, 11:03 AM
Lol terra ^^ sexy pants :p
But yeah zico is really easy, I don't understand what's so tough about it, I guess it's just practicing wipeout in general more than anything, but it in the end it,s quite easily beatable, I do wonder how the zico man himself set such a time in a short span of playtime (unless he practiced it like every day lol) wish there was a video of his lap ^^


22nd May 2014, 02:09 PM
lol .... and zico scream in surprise .... big slap!
at first zico was far away from my skills to beat!
after 200 hrs online its piece of cake... try and beat terra or cipher for exampe...
who is zico anyway... lol
but it is a good lap in any case!!

22nd May 2014, 07:09 PM
uh oh, I gets me the feeling that Cypher and myself are next on your hit-list :D

*runs away

22nd May 2014, 09:19 PM
Hehe terra, we can do it! Stand your ground! :D


22nd May 2014, 09:37 PM
Nah, you take the heat :D I'm sitting out til he does his carpal in :D hehe

22nd May 2014, 09:46 PM
don't rest on your daphnes :D ho ho

26th May 2014, 07:14 PM
My daphnes are sore, but my thumb healed :D... however, the controller is still not turning left properly and so, though I'd prefer to wait til I break in the new one, I'm still gonna get online for some races this week... I'm itching for it.

26th May 2014, 11:02 PM
Still... 30.83 after 1000 laps...

I have broken three controllers, two TV screens (projector TV screens), a projector, a PS3, and a computer screen all in my futile efforts to try and get this trophy.

26th May 2014, 11:22 PM
can you record a run of your attempts and upload to youtube?

We here, will be able to spot where you may be able to tighten your lines, or how to get that air and timing for that difficult BR etc... bottom line is, if my hands can do it, so can yours.

Don't give up bud. We're here to help.


27th May 2014, 12:02 AM
Will do as soon as I get the chance. Wait until I'm out of school (which should be in one month), and I should have a run ready to go.

27th May 2014, 02:49 AM
Good stuff buddy :) I'll keep my eyes on this thread

27th May 2014, 07:12 AM
Still... 30.83 after 1000 laps...

I have broken three controllers, two TV screens (projector TV screens), a projector, a PS3, and a computer screen all in my futile efforts to try and get this trophy.

My advice is stop trying to beat zico and start trying to beat online pilots :) in a few weeks youll beat zico while eating pizza!

27th May 2014, 05:49 PM
@ Mike458 i got my ZicoT. after 600 laps spreded throug 2 years of playing , it was not easy since i just started playing online (was 20ish rank or something ) my effort was enormous but nothing helped..... when i came back from holiday after almost 5 weeks absence ive beat crap out of this trophy ;;;;)

Just play online , craft your skills and when you will see some progress try to beat it ,if that dont help take some break , relax your mind meaby that will help ,who knows ,worth to try. sometimes less is more ;)

27th May 2014, 10:09 PM
@possesed13 said: "one at the beginning of the track just before the startline hit the turbo and pitch up...
but only the HD ship flyes high enough to BR."


No, you can do that boost br start with any ship ;)
GG for beated Zico :)

27th May 2014, 10:15 PM
seems im missing smth, ill keep that in mind :)

27th May 2014, 10:32 PM
Pitching to make your ship "bouncing", a good timing for the boost and a good line is the key. Try something like pitching up then down and then up again before boosting. And boost while the nose of your ship is reaching his "highest position". Also, don't br too quickly, stay pitching up a little more before barrel rolling. And slightly press the left airbreak while barrel rolling to corrected your line if needed.
I hope it will help you, good luck :)


@Mike458 said: "CGNStill... 30.83 after 1000 laps...

I have broken three controllers, two TV screens (projector TV screens), a projector, a PS3, and a computer screen all in my futile efforts to try and get this trophy."

Seriously?!! That's too much! :D
You should do a break when u start getting too much frustrated.
And like possessed13 said, practice online against good players first. Try again only when you'll feel enough comfortable on that track, it will make it easier.
Don't get mad trying to beat Zico, just try yo enjoy the game :)

29th May 2014, 07:26 PM
WOW, that cost you quite a bit I imagine :D

I got Zico trophy totally by accident when I was teaching a friend how its possible to BR in places where none are obvious.

Didn't break anything, except Zico's time. :D lucky me.

29th May 2014, 10:04 PM
Mike practice this... run with terra and when you reach about 4 sec behind him you can beat zico...
believe me it works... but no more breaking!

30th May 2014, 06:21 PM

30th July 2014, 08:40 PM
First Platinum attempt, it probably took me around 80+ laps after having beat the campaign. Second play-through, I got it on the 2nd try.

The moral of the story is that if you are trying specifically to just Beat Zico, you will wind up being really good at Venom Anulpha Pass speedlaps. Barrel rolling in general requires practice, and the whole mechanics of it are worth taking time to understand. Once you get a good grip on barrel rolls, and turbo barrel rolls, you will be able to view the track in a different way. A barrel roll is worth about 1.5 seconds, but a well placed sideshift can be worth 0.5 seconds, and each speed pad hit is worth around 0.3-0.4 seconds. It is possible to beat Zico without landing the hard track split roll, but only first by being well rounded in all aspects of control. Lines matter too.

Beating Zico can be done numerous ways, with numerous different rolls. If you are struggling with beating Zico, I would advise doing some other races, or other speed laps. There are few pilots that have beat Zico that haven't first put their time in to master mechanics. Fundamentals make all the difference.