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26th June 2003, 09:14 PM
Just to let the wipeoutzone know...
I feel like dominating the vector tables for the PAL region in W3SE.
I'm going to start with the classic tracks.... then work upto the W3 tracks.
I am going to beat everyone, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Muahahaha!! :evil: :evil:

I'll be posting the times up soon..
..beat me if you can!

26th June 2003, 09:32 PM
*Waits for Thruster in PAL*

*Gets tired to wait and moves on to Venom*


28th June 2003, 01:29 AM
how u doin so far, trhust' ? ( -_-)

30th June 2003, 07:27 AM
ranked 1st on talons reach, and 2nd on sagarmatha with a 1st on laptime.
Altima VII is proving really difficult to beat my current best, but I'm expecting a third at least. I am really aiming for firsts on terramax and arridos. They will be my real test.

30th June 2003, 07:31 AM

30th June 2003, 09:07 PM
just to update you mr. ramirez, I now got 1st on sagarmatha (race), 1st on phenitia (race) and 2nd (lap).

I told ya... I am going to win! :lol:

1st July 2003, 02:02 AM
I've still got 2 tracks left on wo3 tracks, then I might try out the classic tracks Some of wo3 times are very good. I wasted 45 minutes trying to beat assegai pilot1's lap time on manortop when it was a fake time.

1st July 2003, 06:45 AM
oh now thats just great.
I have spent 14 hours straight on sagarmatha just to beat zargz, and now I have to find a way to beat the king??

okay then, if thats the way you wanna play ..... then so be it!
Bring it on! :wink:

2nd July 2003, 07:54 AM
Are you playing Race or Time Trial?
I just looked, and my old Time Trial lap record on Vector Sagarmatha is about a full second faster than the current Race lap record. (and still about 0.3s slower than a time Al Sartwell once said he got)

And because I've brought up my vector sagarmatha times in the past and been called a cheat by you guys, I thought I'd nip it in the bud this time
I wasn't going for a race record at the time, just lap. I believe that it is quite possible to get below 1:00.00 for the race.

2nd July 2003, 08:12 AM
I am playing W3SE on single race @ wipeoutzone rules (12 opps, weapons on, no cheats)

Welcome to the forum, rejj, but I have a word of caution for you, if you want to prove your times, take it up with the moderators. Using your first post to make counter-accusations is never a good thing :)
Trust the moderators, they do know what theyre doing!

I'm sure you know how this place works.... respect.

2nd July 2003, 09:03 AM
Sure - I've been a member here before (while it was the Wipeout Pilots .. something. Assocciation? something like that) and I thought it seemed cool and decided to share my times. I was met with accusations of being a cheat, and other general abuse.

Infact, it was the current owner (infoxicated) that was one of the vocal abusers - hence my defensiveness.

2nd July 2003, 09:39 AM
hi rejj! welcome here! (^,^)/

I couldnt c the pic u posted ..
may b a link would b better.

r u assegaipilot1 / Robert Jeschofnik? ((((m^_^)m

2nd July 2003, 10:54 AM
Yeah, I'm Robert Jeschofnik.
A the pic is located at: http://www.flapdoodle.org/rejj/shots/w3se/27.64.png
It's a timetrial pic though, not single race. A friend of mine and I used to challenge ourselves on timetrial, since we thought it was a better test of skill without the randomness of the AI to get in the way. It's your best lap, no interference.
I have to get used to playing single race now, it seems. heh.

2nd July 2003, 11:07 AM
hi, rejj.
how did you get the screen capture?

single race mode is where you find the most competition here; most of the pilots just find it more fun to deal with the AI, and just consider it part of the game. the best pilots still come out on top. i used to take the view that time trial was the purest mode and the most consistent test, but i no longer care about that purity, and realise that it takes even more skill to deal with the AI, but most important of all to me, i just find TT more boring. i can't keep at it long enough to achieve good times. even competing in single race mode, i find that i rarely ever start up a game, much less play long enough even to beat my own old times. with TT, there would be virtually no chance that i'd keep my attention engaged. you can see on the tables and in the response on the forums that most pilots prefer to play the full competition even though they get interfered with by all the other ships and weapons. god, i hate mines! but even so, it's more fun for me than TT.
[end of needless speech]

2nd July 2003, 11:13 AM
Hi rejj,
Nice to see old pilots here.
Do you race with the PC version ?
Otherwise how can you get a screenshot from this game ?

2nd July 2003, 11:28 AM
ah, yes, rejj/Robert. i knew i got distracted from something. that was why i asked about the screenshot. only times made on a standard Playstation game console, PSX, PS-1, or PS-2, count as official. the variable actual running speeds of the game as played on a general computer can give you either a disadvantage or an advantage relative to standard running speeds on a console.

2nd July 2003, 12:11 PM
While I don't know if rejj's records are done with a regular PlayStationWhatever, the pic he posted has been done with an emulator. I know the kind of images you get with them .
As Lance has stated, racetimes achieved in an emulator are not valid. Things like the FPS can be quite different and thus make the competition unfair.
So, in case your times were achieved with an emulator we're afraid that those could not be accepted.

2nd July 2003, 01:07 PM
Yes, that screenshot is from an emulator - with settings enabled to ensure that it stays at the correct framerate (50 fps, since it is a PAL disc).
I have a genuine Playstation, and spent most of my time playing W3SE on that... Just that playing on my PC is a tad more convenient. For the record, my times on the console are quite comparable. I haven't played on my psx for a long time, but I believe the lap record in my savegame there for vector sagarmatha is 27.88

I don't believe that the emulator (ePSXe) makes the game any more or less difficult.. like I said, it makes sure that it plays just like a real psx. But, I guess that's up to you guys. I sure hope you will allow me to play on my PS2, digging out the PSX and using it will be most inconvenient. :-?

2nd July 2003, 01:44 PM
I don't believe that the emulator (ePSXe) makes the game any more or less difficult..
Beliefs prove nothing, there are too many factors that should be considered. A standarization for times obtained with an emulator is not achievable. Thus record tables would lose their meaning. That's why PAL and NTSC separate tables exist.

like I said, it makes sure that it plays just like a real psx.
Don't fool yourself, emulation is just that. They try to get as close as possible to the real thing but you can never achieve the exact behaviour of the original hardware. Emulators for MegaDrive and SuperNintendo have existed for a long time. That hardware is well-known and surpassed by much with any PC today. Still, emulation for those machines hasn't achieved perfection.

I sure hope you will allow me to play on my PS2, digging out the PSX and using it will be most inconvenient. :-?
Sure, as Lance said, PlayStation2 is allowed. See you in the tracks.

2nd July 2003, 03:29 PM
I just played with my PS2. Emulated times replaced with those from PS2.

2nd July 2003, 03:55 PM
Good man :)

2nd July 2003, 05:09 PM
It's a timetrial pic though, not single race. A friend of mine and I used to challenge ourselves on timetrial, since we thought it was a better test of skill without the randomness of the AI to get in the way. It's your best lap, no interference.
I have to get used to playing single race now, it seems. heh.

I also like TT better than SR and i used 2 post my times only there
but the majority fo pilots here ere competing on SR
so I had 2 begin with that too .. BUT it's equal for all anyway so .. ( -_-)

15th July 2003, 01:00 AM
I'm going to try and post all my venom and vector times tomorrow. I haven't had access to a computer but I have been playing occasionally. Some of the vector time trial times were pretty good.

16th July 2003, 05:53 PM
Looking at the tables, I think my six-day-old career is looking quite promising.

I'm coming to getcha! :evil:

17th July 2003, 02:44 PM
Getting lap times down lower is easy, it's race times that take the practice :)