View Full Version : Lent 2014

6th March 2014, 02:37 PM
So its officially Lent within the religious community, and this year I'm going to give up on all the fizzy drinks for the 40 days ;)

For those of you who do not know what Lent is, Its a religious festival where you have to either give up on something you really hold onto dearly, or you do more for others such as volunteer work. The whole point behind it is for you to aspire to be more rather than want more and for you to feel like a better person and helps your soul grow.

If you guys want to take part, the whole event lasts for 40 days (March 5th till April 17th) and tell everyone what you are going to give up or do for others?

7th March 2014, 03:19 AM
I'll give up trying to do a Phantom Sebenco Reverse Elite race with the Piranha HD. (Annoyed me to death!) :P

Seriously, I'd actually give up eating dessert for 40 days (Don't expect me to stick it out though!) :P

8th March 2014, 03:20 PM
I am going to cut down on smoking and energy drinks. I drink a ridiculous amount of them and I done the math the other week to realise I spend just over twenty quid on them a week and as for smoking I plan to cut down from thirty a day to twenty instead. This will be battle of willpower mostly but im up for it :)!

8th March 2014, 10:54 PM
Well at least you guys try, that whats really counts to be honest with Lent. Not whether you actually pull it off, you tried.

17th April 2014, 05:03 PM
Guys I did it!! I stuck to my Lent and did not have a single fizzy drink for 40 days straight ^_^ so proud of myself :D

I think I'll celebrate with a 2 litre bottle of coco cola :P

17th April 2014, 07:13 PM
Nicely done mate :)