View Full Version : What other games do you guys like??

24th February 2014, 07:41 PM
Title is self-explanatory, but as a example I also like to play (a lot of!)

1. StarFox Assault (DO A BARREL ROLL!)
2. Super Smash Bros Brawl
3. Ratchet and Clank 3
4. F-zero GX
5. and Metroid Prime Trilogy

What about you guys? Also you cannot include any WipEout games in this thread as it obvious we all play those games =P

24th February 2014, 08:01 PM
Well, as the name suggests, Im a massive Sonic fan :P You'll find me playing most of the sonic games on a regular basis and on their original platforms if I can ^_^ Besides that, I play all of the Oddworld games (Abes Oddysee etc) GTA, DMC, Final Fantasy... Theres a huge list lol. I love my games!!!

25th February 2014, 09:03 AM
World Of Tanks - Other than WipEout, this is currently the top of my list. Bloody fantastic game, and heaps of fun with friends.
LittleBigPlanet - It's a great game to escape reality, and I've followed the series from the beginning.
Gran Turismo - Have played the series thoroughly throughout my gaming life, and I was a massive GT fan before my WipEout craze.
Sonic The Hedgehog - Big fan of the blue character since early childhood, I was very amused to the Sega Genesis titles.
Mario Party - I mainly play this with my younger brother, we've been through the series for quite a while. I'm not a massive fan, but my brother certainly is.
Total Drivin' - My first racer on the PS1, had awesome 90's electronica music, which I would put onto CD and would listen to the soundtrack for many, many years. Similar to WipEout, this influenced me to produce electronic music.

25th February 2014, 08:03 PM
1. F-Zero GX- The game that got me hooked on AG racing! And is probably the only other game besides Wipeout HD that I have beaten 100% and man was it hard, much harder than wipeout HD I felt, and to make things worse the learning curve is even steeper due to the gamecube's less-precise-controller. But that doesn't even matter cause this game is FUN! I got so hooked on the blistering speeds and having a full grid of 30 ships of the track that when I played wipeout for the first time I found it slow and boring. In fact the only reason I became a wipeout but was because my GameCube broke and I was forced to play HD in an attempt to satisfy my cravings!

2. StarCraft 2- Between Brood war and the SC2 series these two games have sucked hours of my life away!! The fast-paced, non-stop action has had me hooked since 2004. No other game can deliver such an amazing feeling of accomplishment than going toe-to-toe with an equally matched opponent! Trading blows back and forth, making split second strategic decisions in an attempt to gain even the smallest advantage over your opponent while frantically striking the keys and flashing all over the map! The level play you can achieve is astounding. Making it no wonder professional SC2 players rack in 100,000+ salaries. At my prime I was hitting 160 apm (actions per minute) and was number 1 gold 1v1 in my division.

3. Gran Turismo- this series as a whole is just amazing. The passion and obsession that man has for automobiles becomes captured perfectly in this game. No gimmicks, no rubberbanding, just pure pedal to the metal racing that's all about learning your car and cutting the perfect line on the track. Think Gran Turismo is slow and boring? Take a BMW M5 for a lap around the Nurburgring with no assists and get back to me :)
I could go on about this game but I feel it's reputation says enough!

4.The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past- One of the first (if not the first) video games I've ever played, this game is just wonderful. You aren't going to see me talking about Adventure/RPG games often, it's just a genre I've never cared for, but this game will always be the exception. The maps, the story, the bosses; all the items, weapons, and hidden goodies this game contains makes the replayability of this game very high. Transitioning between the light world and the dark world is one of the games best features and makes all the puzzles and challenges that much more intriguing. I bust out the SNES about once or twice a year to replay this gem of classic games.

5. Timesplitters: Future Perfect- Let me just start by saying if you haven't played this game you MUST TRY IT! This is one of those games that is just pure fun, it reminds us why we play video games and just how enjoyable they can be. It's the type of game you can recommend to anyone regardless of their tastes in gaming. It has so many amazing levels, an awesome storyline that's pretty interesting and has humor scattered all through out it as you fight in the past, present, and future in all kinds of wacky settings with all kinds of wacky sidekicks and villains! If that wasn't enough there's tons of characters to unlock and some of the funnest weapons I've ever laid my hands on! This game is so under rated and I can't praise it enough!

25th February 2014, 08:27 PM
My favorite games I like is the Dead Space series, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Gears of War series, and the Halo series before I brought my PS3 & PS Vita after I traded my Xbox 360 because the disk tray was jammed and sometimes it didn't open the disk tray. And the Nintendo Wii I have now, its a dust collector.

26th February 2014, 02:58 AM
3. Gran Turismo- this series as a whole is just amazing. The passion and obsession that man has for automobiles becomes captured perfectly in this game. No gimmicks, no rubberbanding, just pure pedal to the metal racing that's all about learning your car and cutting the perfect line on the track. Think Gran Turismo is slow and boring? Take a BMW M5 for a lap around the Nurburgring with no assists and get back to me :)
I could go on about this game but I feel it's reputation says enough!

Would you like to join a GT tournament I'm organizing? :)

26th February 2014, 03:35 AM
I think I have only bought one game in about 6 months, and that was the last GTA which I got on release day, but apart from playing for about 30 minutes on day one, I haven't touched it.
I got a + subscription when they were discounted, on the basis that I would need one if I was going to get a PS4 anyway.

The side effect of getting a + subscription is that I suddenly got the "Instant Games Collection" and nearly 20 free full titled PS3 games so far, in the 5 months I've been subscribed.
I really like to try and finish a game I start, so I now have quite a large backlog of games that I have no idea if I will ever play, let alone finish.
Games I haven't even started or have played for 1 hour or less:
Payday Heist, Battlefield 3, Dragon's Dogma, Catherine, Spec Op's the line, Assassin's Creed 3, Remember Me, Metal Gear Rising, Devil May Cry HD, Metro Last Light, Malicious.
I tend to like the more recent genre of action/adventure games, and try to avoid those that seem, to me at least, more like 1st or 2nd person shooters.

Saint's Row the Third [+ sub] I found perversely enjoyable
MAFIA II [+ sub] was really good
The Last of US - really liked that - currently playing the latest DLC on Survivor difficulty
LBP 1 & 2 I like, but always have lag problems when playing online with others :frown:
Ratchet & Clank - I won the HD Trilogy in a comp - I found them enjoyable [I bought the Jak & Daxter trilogy thinking they would be the same - disappointed ]
Borderlands 2 [+ sub], Not bad, still to finish, FPS so it's becoming a bit of a chore for me to remain interested.
Far Cry 3 [+ sub] Really liked this game, especially Hang Gliding
Need for Speed Most wanted [+ sub] - got into it for a while then lost interest.
GRID 2 - Got into it, then tried online [a shambles]- lost interest.

3rd March 2014, 03:01 PM
The Sims series - I know, guys are a minority over there...
Crashday - Best German (racing) game ever!
Race 07 - If you manage to control a racing car with 900hp its pretty cool
Grand Prix 4 - still cool today

Just to name some...wow, never thought I play SO much racing games lol

3rd March 2014, 08:56 PM
Mainly Final Fantasy but I have started getting into the elder scrolls series recently also, I am a fan of the Zelda series. I used to be into playing callofduty but I lost my temper with it and put it down for good and on the Final Fantasy part I prefer the older ones mainly before ten but saying that ten was good :)