View Full Version : How would you rank the various Wipeout racebox events?

9th January 2014, 04:57 AM
Just curious to see what other pilots here are into racing. The choices are: single race, speed lap, time trial, zone, zone battle, eliminator, tournament, and detonator

I'm interested in seeing how the posters here would rank all of these events from their most favorite to their least favorite. For me, I'd say this:

1. Zone
2. Zone Battle
3. Detonator
4. Single Race
5. Eliminator
6. Tournament
7. Speed Lap
8. Time Trial

I guess with me, I love the sheer speed of Zone. I also like how anything that happens in zone is my fault and my fault only. No chaotic weapons flying around. No bombs leftover on the track to trip me up. No rogue quakes. If I crash into the wall and lose 30 ship energy, then I only have myself to blame. As for Zone Battle, that's my absolute favorite mode to play online. The thrill of flying through challenging courses at Super Zen while dodging zone barriers and making split-second decisions whether to boost up or absorb energy is incredible. Zone and zone battle FORCE you to be perfect.

I'd imagine that Detonator is not too popular, but I view it as a Zone/Eliminator hybrid event. I like that I don't have to deal with chaos from other racers. And shooting all those bombs can get quite challenging at higher speeds.

Single races are fine, but I am not particularly good at straight-up racing. I've got gold medals on elite for all racing events in HD and Fury, but I'm just not that competitive when it comes to this.

Eliminator is hit or miss. I like the concept of it, but I think it's a little too random and a little too unfair at times for my taste. It's more manageable offline, but it's not as satisfying as it is playing human opponents.

I am not a fan of tournaments because sometimes I have to disconnect from the room before the event is over. Also, sometimes it's a foregone conclusion who will win and who will come in last, but you have to race 5 or 6 more times just to officialize that.

I just don't care much for speed laps. I suppose they could be useful for mastering individual tracks, but that's why I play zone. Maybe speed laps are basically zone events with better barrel rolling ability and no increases in speed class. But I'm not a perfectionist and I am not willing to put in the hundreds of laps required at the various speed classes to master a track. (Of course, Beat Zico is the only trophy I have yet to earn before I finally get Transcendence.)

Time trials are even worse for me because I am locked into going around the same track a set number of times. I'd rather do that in a straight-up race. And I can practice laps using Speed Laps.

So how about you guys?

9th January 2014, 11:55 AM
that's a really hard decision for me, cause im a jack of all trades ;)
if it's racebox only, i would say:

1. Zone / Speed Lap
2. Time Trial
3. Single Race / Detonator
4. Zone Battle
5. Eliminator
6. Tournament

my online ranking is a little bit different:

1. Zone Battle
2. Single Race
3. Tournament
4. Eliminator

9th January 2014, 12:40 PM
On racebox game modes with AI arent interesting For me. Thats why they arent regarded:
1. Speedlaps - just me and the time. Similar reason as zonkmiles described for zone.
2. Time Trail - also great but you need more consistency :P
3. Zone - i dont play it often but sometimes it is fun
4. Detonator - i hate it -.-

1. Single Race
2. Tournament
3. Eliminator - it is ok...
4. Zone battle - i dont get the mechanics :D

9th January 2014, 02:10 PM
Pre 2.51

Everything else is trash :)


9th January 2014, 07:19 PM
01 Single Races (Phantom)
02 Time Trials (Phantom)
03 Tournaments (Phantom)
04 Zone
05 Speed Lap
06 Zone Battle
08 Detonator
09 Eliminator

I go with Time Trials when I want to work on my racing line. Single Races (Elite AI/Phantom offline, only Phantom class online) when I want a quick play. Tournaments offline are a good warm up, online they're pure fun. I mainly play these modes.

9th January 2014, 11:46 PM
Currently, my offline rundown goes as follows (it changes every once in awhile):

01: Time Trial - I now sit on the Island of Yeldar :P
02: Zone - No better rush
03: Speed Lap - Good practice to gear up for a Time Trial ;)
04: Tournament - Love to run through all the venues
05: Single Race - Quick an flowing, even with elite yet easy AI
06: Detonator - Great for a change, and keeps you on your toes
07: Zone Battle - Okay, not my favorite, so I've never mastered it
08: Eliminator - Occasional stress relief :)

Ragsus Maxima
11th January 2014, 06:49 PM
1. Zone / Zone battle
Great speeds, thrill, and a mindblowing experience.

2. Single race / Speed lap
Since I like to practice and improve my racing lines, I tend to spend a lot of time on those. I also use both to warm up.

3. Detonator
A funny game mode and a nice change of pace. Also, it has beautiful colors.

4. Time trial
Putting my experience from Speed laps on Time trials is also a good way to improve, although I don't play it as much as the Speed lap events.

5. Tournament
Normally I don't set up tourneys on Racebox; I'd rather do Speed laps or Time trials. However, I play one or two tourneys online sometimes.

6. Eliminator
I'm not too fond of Eliminator, but sometimes I like to do something different for a change.

14th January 2014, 01:54 PM
2.Single Race
3.Zone Battle
6.Speed Lap
8.Time Trial

14th January 2014, 04:08 PM
01: Time Trial - I now sit on the Island of Yeldar :P

It's a happy place on TT island :beer

18th January 2014, 11:22 PM
1. Single Race (phantom)
2. Tournament (phantom)
3. Time Trial (phantom)
4. Speed Lap (phantom)

I generally don't play the other modes (and never anything slower than phantom) so can't really rank them.
It's not that I don't like the other modes, they just don't interest me, and I honestly think they don't belong in a wipeout game.
They feel gimmicky and break immersion. This is supposed to be a futuristic racer, not some psychedelic arcade game.