View Full Version : Assegai Vs. Mirage Thread (Equilibrium)

5th December 2013, 10:01 PM
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8546/8695054541_53eebb6397.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/1991willy1991/8695054541/)
http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3798/9069008580_9344a5a78f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/1991willy1991/9069008580/)

Welcome to the Vs thread for Assegai and Mirage!!! Everyone apart of these two teams on Equilibrium have to sound off that they're still in the tournament here and connect with your team members!!! (On Time, Circuit, Anything)

6th December 2013, 12:58 AM
I would like to host for this round. I need notice from everyone from either on PSN or on this thread, so I know everyone is competing, and to add everyone on PSN.
I need notice from:

True Endurance
6th December 2013, 01:35 AM
I'm still in. I have a completely free weekend, so I can run day or night. Choose a time that works for you guys and I'm good to go.

6th December 2013, 07:13 AM
Awesome news, but we need to hear from the rest.

6th December 2013, 02:09 PM
Alright, I've set the time to be 11:00am GMT on the 7th (tomorrow), is everyone ok with this?

6th December 2013, 06:39 PM
Works fine for me.

True Endurance
7th December 2013, 01:36 AM
Yes, that works

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Yes, that works

7th December 2013, 10:14 AM
I'll repeat again what I said on the Equilibrium Thread:All of the Assegai members are happy to participate at 11:00am GMT (in 1 and a half hours). We are able to extend it the time. I haven't heard from any of Mirage members, and we won't be able to proceed without hearing from them. This is:

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We haven't been able to play today due to Mirage's absentees. Once we have every player confirming they can play, we will start to organize a new time.

7th December 2013, 04:46 PM
Hi, sorry i just got your message on the psn..
Let's hope we'll manage to play.
We should also use wipeoutzone mailbox (which send alerts on our personnal mail)

Messages sent to the mirage fellows.

8th December 2013, 12:14 AM
Alroght, once the rest can confirm they can participate, we'll organize a new time.

Oryx Crake
8th December 2013, 02:59 AM
damnit missed the time, saw the message at 6 this evening, but I am in, who's the leader for team mirage?, nice to see some old faces here too, and people who've beaten me once or twice at that :clap hehe

I'll check in more often from now on I promise!

8th December 2013, 06:44 AM
So when the tournament starts?

8th December 2013, 08:28 AM
We are now waiting on MusicalMikeyR and BROKENWING777
Once these two have confirmed they are participating, we will start to organize the time/date.

9th December 2013, 03:08 AM
Are you in need of some reserve players? I'm on team Icaras myself, but I know some people that might be able to fill in if you guys need it! For an update, Round 2 should be Icaras (who slipped by AG Systems tonight) vs FEISAR, and whoever wins your round vs Harimau (who won today against Goteki). Good luck to everyone! I'll be interested who wins in this battle of balance!

9th December 2013, 06:38 AM
Yes, I think we might need 2 pilots for Mirage. MusicalMikeyR and BROKENWING777 haven't been active since the start of the tournament, and i doubt they'd be showing up anytime soon.

9th December 2013, 01:54 PM
I'm willing to sub for other teams of that's allowed

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I'm willing to sub for other teams of that's allowed

10th December 2013, 02:18 AM
We need to start organizing our time to do this. I suggest 11:00am GMT on the 11th?

10th December 2013, 02:40 AM
That works for me!

10th December 2013, 05:10 AM
Sorry, I leave school at 16:15 (GMT +1) on the 11th :<

10th December 2013, 05:15 AM
Ok, scratch that time, what time suits you Maciek?

10th December 2013, 06:15 AM
For me it's the weekend or any day after 16:00 (GMT+1) except 11th and 13th. Maybe very early morning as well if weekend doesn't work.

10th December 2013, 07:07 AM
maybe 5:20 PM (GMT+1) on 11th?

10th December 2013, 07:21 AM
I'm unable to do 16:00 MrOrbital on any day except the weekend, its just too late in the night for my time.
And unfortunately Maciek, that's even a later time. I think we might have to do this on the weekend, even though that's pretty late. I'm happy with any time on the weekend, even if it's 3am where I live.

10th December 2013, 01:15 PM
So are we racing on the 11th or on the weekend?

10th December 2013, 01:28 PM
On the weekend, we don't have a good time for all of us until then.

10th December 2013, 01:57 PM
OK added all Assegai and Mirage Pilots, I'm set and free this week from the 12th onward. So just tell me the time and I'll practice till then.

PSN - Greevb - Mirage Confirmed

Oryx Crake
10th December 2013, 02:04 PM
I'm ok for weekdays after 16:00 gmt and this weekend should be fine though on friday will be tough for me til fairly late (21:00-ish gmt)


also hey Eric I'm fine with splitting captain duties between us if thats good with you? we're both old hands so we should be able to synch pretty well no?

10th December 2013, 03:07 PM
About time you guys should have a captain. I've been organizing your team more than I've been organizing mine! I think you guys should be organizing your replacement pilots, not me ;)

10th December 2013, 06:05 PM
Why not at 11:20 AM (GMT +1) on Friday?

10th December 2013, 06:47 PM
I'm ok for weekdays only after 18.00 GMT time :(
I can be free this week-end at anytime.
It would be better that you took the lead Oryx Crake, i will probably miss the last part of the tournament (i'll leave for christmas from 23th to 30th )
But i can help you by collecting results, sending messages to pilots..what you want.

11th December 2013, 01:55 AM
Hey conzio, are we still doing the race at on the 11th at 11am GMT? I have work at 12pm and was wondering if we could push the race back to 10am so I still have time to be to work

True Endurance
11th December 2013, 04:18 AM
I'm good any time. Conzio, If you could give me a heads up with a time remaining on the PSN at some point before the start, that would help me out. I'm afraid I might mess up the time zones.

11th December 2013, 06:20 AM
We're going to be racing sometime on the weekend, I mentioned this before. How about 11:00am GMT on the 14th?

11th December 2013, 06:54 AM
That works for me.

11th December 2013, 06:58 AM
That works for me too.

Oryx Crake
11th December 2013, 09:06 AM
11:00 am gmt on saturday... yeah works for me, gives me a reason to drag my miserable carcass out of bed a little earlier that day too. :) what're the tracks we'll be playing have we decided that yet?

Also yeah, Eric, I don't know how my availability will be during christmas either but I'll certainly try to be here for most of it. it all depends really, on how much time I can get inm front of a tv, time really does get a lot more scarce the older you get... I'll turn into an old man long before I physically grow old I fear.

11th December 2013, 09:39 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot about the circuits. I vote for the Grand Circuit.

11th December 2013, 09:54 AM
11am GMT works perfectly for me, but that shouldn't surprise you Conzio, seeing as we're in the same timezone, haha! :D

I vote for the Grand Circuit, too.

11th December 2013, 10:45 AM
Yep, same city as well Ace. 8)

11th December 2013, 10:48 AM
Aww Yeeeaahhh! 8)

11th December 2013, 11:50 AM

We are starting the second round of the tournament this Saturday, Round One was really supposed to end when all the teams raced and finished getting their results but now it's this Saturday, Team Mirage Vs. Team Assegai are racing that day but soon after it's the winner vs. Harimau, (and by soon after, I mean within that week) I'm posting this on all of the threads too, but as soon as Assegai and Mirage finish their match and post the results, the winner will then be in the week of round 2 to face off against team Harimau.

11th December 2013, 03:53 PM
I'm ok for 11.00 Gmt time on saturday too.

11th December 2013, 05:17 PM
11hr on Saturday works for me too, see you on the tracks ;)

12th December 2013, 06:42 AM
Alright, good, everyone can make it. It is now official, we will be doing round 1 (Grand Circuit - Heat 1) on Saturday at 11:00am GMT.

12th December 2013, 07:31 AM
Neat! I'll try to stream the round, hopefully my computer isn't so craptastic, and it can actually stream properly.

Maybe I'll do a test stream before Saturday to see if I can stream, otherwise, I'll just record and upload the standard video.

12th December 2013, 06:42 PM
Curious what do you use to record or stream the match, I always wanted to make zone videos? Also I've seen this Ad-hoc online meeting for Pulse/Pure, is there some sort of software that creates a ad-hoc link through the network to play together, because I always thought Ad-hoc had to be set up within the PSP/PSVita proximity of another.

Sorry I ask many questions, anyways time to log some practice.

13th December 2013, 03:52 AM
I use an Elgato Game Capture HD, the software provided with the capture device allows for streaming to Youtube, twitch and other streaming sites. Unfortunately, due to no fault of the capture device, and instead the fault of Sony putting HDCP (High-Def Copy Protection) on the HDMI output, I have to use a somewhat complex setup for my PS3. I will be able to explain it in full, but only if you want me to.

If you are looking for more info about my capture device, here is the website: http://www.elgato.com/en/gaming/game-capture-hd

13th December 2013, 06:36 AM
I have the option to record it to video tape, but using a camera to film the screen will be better. I do record the audio separately though.

13th December 2013, 02:04 PM
I'll be there!

14th December 2013, 05:42 AM
I will be testing the stream one hour before we start, i.e. 10am GMT. I would prefer it if some people come and watch to see if everything is alright and the stream works and all that.

14th December 2013, 08:05 AM
I'll watch it if I can. Are we all ready to compete? We are starting at 11am GMT today (in a few hours).
Pontiac: Sorry, this was discussed before, you have to stay with team Icaras. Greevb is replacing instead.

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Remember this Ace? :P

14th December 2013, 09:33 AM
Haha! I do, that was a riot!

It will be awesome racing you again!

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Double post, sorry, I'm going to test my stream now, go here to see it: http://www.twitch.tv/thataceguy

True Endurance
14th December 2013, 10:39 PM
I'm going out of town from the 16th-30th; I leave GMT -7 on the 16th, 9 AM. This was kind of a last minute thing. Is there a way we can do round 2 later today or tomorrow? I will try to run from where I am, but I may not have access to a PS3 during my time away. I'll keep you guys updated on whether I can race on your chosen times. If I can't I will need a substitute. Sorry if this causes any troubles. I was looking forward to this tournament and if I can't finish that will be unfortunate, especially since our first round was awesome. Either way, I'll keep an eye out and post updates so you guys know.


Also, Conzio, is there a way i can get or buy some of your tracks? I really like A Better Legacy and The Main Event!

31st December 2013, 07:42 AM
I'm not a normal Mirage Pilot so I brought the team down which I feel pretty bad about, also even hardwired here in Belgium our connection is pretty poor; I noticed 1-2 second delay in weapon pad pick-up's and missile hits registering. So It's mostly my piloting novice in Mirage, maybe also network. Just wanted to apologize in full to the whole Mirage team; in many ways I feel like I brought the team down personally; so I'm sorry guys.

Hope you understand, and to see most of you more online and possibly in matches in the future :)

Kind Regards