View Full Version : Ozone - Saturday 1st June 2013

27th May 2013, 04:54 PM

Ozone XI - Saturday 1st June 2013

Ozone Social Group (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?groupid=81) - Because you're worth it :P

Ozone Leaderboards (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArRl3YNE85fkdFhVazlVTU5CSklNajB4S1lHWEJVd FE)

First of all, apologies for not having done one of these for a while (First one this year :(). Let's all get together on Saturday and have a proper HD session. I'm aware coming back after a couple off months that online is quieter than back in January, so I really want a good turnout for this one. New players are essential, so if you've never been to an Ozone and / or are new to the game, please come, you'll have a great day I promise. We also need the old pros to come out in force, so even if you haven't picked up the game in ages, come and spend a day with your friends and swap some rockets.

We'll be kicking off at around 11.00am (GMT), and will be going until at least 10.00pm. If you've not attended an Ozone before, just go online and find a room hosted by myself or another WOZ regular (we'll be pretty easy to spot). I'll be using my Erik_Ponti account. If you see me online send me a PSN message and I'll add you to my friends list, so I can in invite you to the Ozone Room (text chat). But do stick your name down in this thread so we can keep an eye out for you.

All Ozone rooms are public and all players (Zoners or not) are welcome, with one exception. I'll only mention this once and I don't want a discussion about it on here (PMs only), but garymaxwell is banned from Ozone for life. His behaviour towards and treatment of fellow Wipers has been disgraceful and he'll never take part in anything I'm involved with again.

Rooms that will be hosted throughout the day include:

Phantom Single Race – traditional Grand Prix (All tracks, forward and reverse... one race with weapons, one without)
Rapier Single race – traditional Grand Prix
Flash Single Race – Weapons on
Zone Battle – 50 – 55 target, selected tracks
Rapier Eliminator – variable targets, selected tracks
Assorted mini tournaments and silly games

* Bling Brigade Room - 5.00pm(GMT)

** Endurance Trophy match (12 race rapier tournament) - available on request, for anyone who needs it.

As always, suggestions for any events we can do during the day are more than welcome.

Let's nail it...

Colonel :rock

27th May 2013, 05:22 PM
Yay!!! OZone!! I'll be around for a little bit early on than Im off to Glasgow and getting my rave on for Coloursfest. Looking forward to racing ^_^

27th May 2013, 05:49 PM
Cool. I should be there at around 15.00 (GMT+1).

27th May 2013, 05:57 PM
so fun :hyper

Count me in :)

a pleasure to race with you guys :)

27th May 2013, 06:41 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I've been suffering from Zone Battle Deficiency for quite some time now.

27th May 2013, 09:32 PM
Played the game last weekend after so much time and had some really good races. I'll definitely try to be there this Saturday.

27th May 2013, 10:11 PM
I'm glad to see Ozone is back on its feet. I'll be there!

28th May 2013, 10:52 AM
Can't wait till Saturday then! :hyper:guitar

28th May 2013, 12:03 PM

After the "Off the cuff", Random online Phantom race I had with TheConzio the other day ..... I'm racing.

Should be fun. :cowboy

After further research I didn't realize that I wasn't a group member ... OUCH

Are you going to throw me out if I turn up to clog your path? [sorry , Race against you?]

28th May 2013, 03:37 PM
if i find the time in between my finals and projects, i'll hop on for a bit :p


28th May 2013, 07:07 PM
Count me in!

28th May 2013, 07:29 PM
Yeah gary used to be a good guy, he's definitely gone off the deep end.

29th May 2013, 06:11 PM
Hello Colonel thank you for the Ozone.

I must race this time. I miss it the last time. This time I will race the flash rapier and phantom oppa gangnam style :D My phantom is not very good but I like the speed.


Challenger #001
30th May 2013, 02:58 PM
Hopefully without incident, I should be there Col. Would be good to catch you again.

30th May 2013, 07:24 PM
Did someone say Wipeout? Count me in.

p.s. - please don't hurt me Miles. Thanks.

30th May 2013, 09:19 PM
Excellent, lots of interest, that's great news. Remember, we need new players as well as the Ozone faithful. If you've not been before, send a PSN friend request to my Erik_Ponti account and I'll invite you to the chat room :)

31st May 2013, 09:43 AM
See You tomorow pilots.:cowboy

31st May 2013, 10:29 AM
epicdudettu, (has an account on this site, but he's only ever logged in once to sign up for omnium) has chosen to attend as well.

31st May 2013, 01:36 PM
Slight change to my personal schedule tomorrow, in that I have to take a break for a couple of hours from about 6pm to 9pm.

Ozone rooms will of course run just fine without me, but in case any new players come online during that time, give a shout to one of the regulars from here, and they'll hook you up.



Ragsus Maxima
31st May 2013, 01:47 PM
Some "de-rusting" may work wonders for me. I'll try to be there with you guys; it's been a long time I didn't touch Wipeout. :)

1st June 2013, 12:45 AM
When eliminator rooms will be hosted?

1st June 2013, 07:41 AM
LJ I cant promise anything :p

1st June 2013, 09:11 AM
I think it's better that I don't attend, as I'm currently suffering with a rather vicious case of Gastro.

As much as I would like to race, it's pretty much a certainty that several times during the meet my craft would suddenly be abandoned at the side of the track due to me having to rush off to the bathroom, and God knows for how long.:redface:

Next time.

1st June 2013, 11:02 AM
and so ozone begins.

1st June 2013, 11:20 AM
Sorry to hear you're unwell blackwiggle, gastro is horrible. I'm online now (bit of a late start),

Tiduch - no set times for elims mate, we'll change modes and speed classes frequently. Come and join us and we'll do some.

1st June 2013, 02:17 PM
It seems my network wants to keep me out of Wipeout lately. Damn, I was having so much fun. Sorry to leave guys, I'll try again later.

Rapier Racer
1st June 2013, 06:21 PM
Is anyone still playing Ozone?

1st June 2013, 06:34 PM
I'm just on a break, will be back at 9.30. Gotta spend some time with Yvonne before she goes to work for a night shift.

Ragsus Maxima
1st June 2013, 07:43 PM
A good time I had although I was there for an hour. It's good to see there are people who still give competition. :)

1st June 2013, 11:18 PM
Guys have you ever seen a lobby look so beautiful?


1st June 2013, 11:54 PM
I was able to play for only 2hours but was fun anyway, good to see old and new very good players here ;)

2nd June 2013, 01:34 AM
That was great. Hope to see more of these. :)
And thank you!

2nd June 2013, 06:23 AM
I have found wipeout generations soundtrack which you have spoken Erik
I paste here because cant find ozone fb page.

You had right. Its great.


2nd June 2013, 07:19 AM
Thanks for organizing another Ozone, Adam. Didn't have that much fun with this game within months. I have been playing all day.
It was also good to see there are still new pilots joining the community. Great races everyone. Hopefully there will be another ozone soon.

2nd June 2013, 11:12 AM
Thanks a lot for this session Adam!
Hope to see and play with you all soon.

2nd June 2013, 02:05 PM
Gutted I couldnt play longer >.< Had fun as always though ^_^

2nd June 2013, 10:26 PM
Thanks to everybody who attended yesterday, it was a really good laugh. Apologies of I've missed anyone here, I had to take a fairly lengthy break in the evening:

Azurooth, LJthezombie, Knux_Chaotix, Aeralys, Feydius, Liod19, theconzio, Olivariox, Ericd7m, Tiduch, onlykpop, blue-banjo, Gekko_P, Weed_Junky4, sinus1, JFthebestJan, Bartx_PL, Rennfisch, Flint_Fandango, Aplle_Guy_Cipher, duncandes, Ace_Flo, Mikahail, outsider_PL, Rizlaboyblue, Rapier_Racer, cofflabob, Ragsus_Maxima....

I think that's it, anybody I've missed give me a shout. Some really good races, Elims and ZBs, plus a few tournaments (the Triakis tournament was a lot of fun), even a some Green races.

I'm glad the demand is still there for an event like this, I'll sort something out for early July.


Adam :)

Ragsus Maxima
3rd June 2013, 01:11 PM
I was there for an hour, but I could play several tough races with Liod, Cipher, Feydius, Mikahail and Outsider_PL. I wish I could had stayed longer, but I attended quite late, and I had a training session with my clan in another game.

I'm happy to hear there'll be another Ozone the next month. I'll try to be there as early as possible. :)

3rd June 2013, 04:05 PM
I hope my network issues are gone for the next Ozone. I want stay longer next time.

Thanks duncandes for that music!

3rd June 2013, 06:06 PM
Looks like there's an Ozone I can hopefully attend next month :D

4th June 2013, 01:55 PM
Yeah, it was fun. Thanks Colonel ;) Looking forward to meet you all again at the next Ozone.