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View Full Version : Doubts... Anyone else have doubts?

7th February 2002, 11:03 PM
I hate to say this, but I tried it out at one of the Virgin Megastores in Glasgow today and I didn't like it. I can't put my finger on it but there was something about the gameplay that made me think of trying to steer turkeys around the tracks.

I'm almost heartbroken. This, after all is the game that I bought the PS2 for. (I bought my PS1 for WO3.) I'll take a few more trips down to try it out because I *want* to like it, but I don't want to shell out all that cash for something I hope will grow on me...

Anyone else have similar doubts?

7th February 2002, 11:35 PM
Did you just try the one craft - they handle _very_ differently in WF?

Sorry if I sound patronising, but you know what I mean.

8th February 2002, 07:32 AM
That's a fair point. I only tried Feisar.

It's just that I remember how I felt when I just tried Feisar in WO3 and this is no comparison. Maybe I'm jaded - maybe there was no way Fusion could live up to (my) expectations after such a long wait.

It's also fair to say that it isn't just about handling. The mood of the game doesn't feel right. It looks good and let's face it I've never seen a game that doesn't suffer from slowdown at some point. There's just something... missing.

8th February 2002, 08:13 AM
I don't know.. but anyone here on the board who has played Wip3out, at least likes it.

The greatest mistake you can make is to compare Fusion with Wip3out. Cause it doesn't have much in common with Wip3out!
I can only compare it a bit to 2097... the handling of the ships is sometimes very similar to 2097.
And before Fusion came out many people thought that 2097 was the best Wipeout ever.

What I try to say is that Wip3out was very different from the previous games, and the developers now tried to go back to the roots of Wipeout. And they've done a great job in my opinion!

I don't want to annoy you with my "I love Fusion" posts anymore. But you should at least give Fusion a try and while playing it forget Wip3out. If you don't like it then... well then you should stick to Wip3out for the rest of your life. Cause as I said before: time goes on. And the WipEout series changed more than once: in fact it changed drastically with every title!

8th February 2002, 08:20 AM
It's a different game once the speed gets up - before then they do handle a bit crap. :wink:

8th February 2002, 10:38 AM
Burnhead, your opinion doesn't annoy me so don't sweat it. I think you missed my point though.

Infox, would you recommend perseverance?

8th February 2002, 11:07 AM
Yeah, I would - you get more rewards from the game at faster speeds - that's when the wow factor creeps in.

Sadly when you unlock the Piranha it makes it far too easy - you can lap people by the start of lap 3.

I prefer to step back down to an EG.R or something to keep it challenging. :smile:

8th February 2002, 02:08 PM
The game has very much stuff to unlock, so playing it for some time may turn out rewarding. Time Trial and especially ZoneMode did it for me. ZoneMode is pure speed and pure skill (doing series of perfect laps at an increasing speed), if you are after that.

9th February 2002, 04:00 AM
off the subject [surprise!] but is the new A.I. all that we had hoped for? or close?

::edit: i just realized there is no indication as to who the hell i am...this is joel for those who want to know :wink:::

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: science on 2002-02-09 05:02 ]</font>

11th February 2002, 11:07 PM
OK, I take it all back. I bought it today and have been playing it for hours. Wonder if I could get away with taking a sicky tomorrow :wink:

12th February 2002, 08:52 AM
Hey Joel, the A.I. is just superb. Don't know how to say it any other way... it is superb :wink:!

As Heaven Is Wide
12th February 2002, 02:22 PM
Yeah i love the A.I in the game. they seem to have VERY good positioning with the mines and gravstingers.

12th February 2002, 10:52 PM
i have to say i was a bit wary when i first started playing - tilting the ship up and down doesn't seem to make any difference at all, and that's kind of my whole technique down the drain... but after persevering, i came to the conclusion that it does rock. it's just a (very) big departure from wip3out - but it needed to be! not that i dislike wip3out, i love it, but it didn't sell well, and another poor-selling game would hve been the end of what for me (and i'm sure many others here) is the greatest game ever.