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View Full Version : Need Wipeout 2048 Friends! Plus Augmented Reality Question.

25th June 2012, 05:33 PM
Hello WipEoutZone members :) I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not i'm really sorry! :D

Anywho, i finally bought my Vita and a copy of WipEout 2048 two days ago, and i am really enjoying it. Got the DLC free as well as i own the ps3 version! Anyway, i need some WipEout fans in my friends list as i have no mates that play WipEout (shocking i know) to compare times/ race online etc, plus i need to get back into HD (ps3 version) online as my rank reset after the patch and most of the matches i end up in are really easy, guessing some people playing it online at the moment are those who got it free last year. Basically i want a challenge :D I maybe new to 2048, but i'm a WipEout vet from the ps1 days ;)

So yeah feel free to add me :) I won't bite honest!

PSN: wickedwill1993

PS: I've not completed much of the campaign yet in 2048, (got to about rank 8 this afternoon) and i am just wondering if that AR feature i remember seeing in an E3 trailer last year is an unlockable or was it cut from the final game. I can't seem to find it in the menus. It looked really cool having a little Feisar ship on my desk augmented reality style. So i am wondering if anyone has unlocked it yet or if it's not there anymore. Cheers!

25th June 2012, 07:45 PM
There is no AR museum in the game at the moment. It will be added later as free DLC.

25th June 2012, 08:55 PM
you can add me: MarcoM1972

I guess I am like 20 years older than you are, so you will beat my times easily due to my crankyness :)

26th June 2012, 10:44 AM
Hi wickedwill, welcome to the forum. Is it Preston, Lancashire you're from? If so we may be able to hook up via the Near app, or at least trade 2048 challenges. I've not played it in a while but I'm going to give it another bash, HD's out of the house atm and I'm getting adrenaline withdrawal.

26th June 2012, 04:44 PM
Cheers guys :) and yeah it is Preston, Lancashire Gaddafi. I've yet to properly have a go on near yet but i'm up for that!

26th June 2012, 07:14 PM
Cracking, you're the first person from Preston I've come across in Wipeout. I'll send you a friend request on PSN,

28th June 2012, 07:58 PM
I've sent you a friend request, name's chalovak, though I'm not from Lancashire, not even close, unfortunately. )

1st July 2012, 08:18 PM
Hey there, I'm always in need of more people to race, so I'd be happy to add you guys. I'm afraid I'm not from Preston either, rather from York (the one in America, though). PSN is the same as my name here.

12th July 2012, 08:58 AM
hi my name is Tudor .. not so near to you too :D but if you wish you can add me : aracnofobico88 cheers

13th July 2012, 10:08 AM
Hi ill be happy to add you :D
my psn is terakihi

14th June 2014, 07:35 PM
I think it was cut from the final game but if i could i would make an app for android and ios along with some ar cards that you can print off from the internet. The ar ships could be controled if i get round to doing it.

21st June 2014, 10:35 AM
hi if anyone wishes to add me my name is assassain890 and see if can beat me i will gladly vs you