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View Full Version : wipeout 2048 on ps3 - a possibility?

18th June 2012, 01:39 AM

'Digital Foundry: Speaking of crossplay tracks, is there any possibility of 2048 coming to PlayStation 3?

Stuart Lovegrove: I think I should turn that question back on yourself and your readers! Do you want a PS3 version of WipEout 2048?'

he didn't say no!

i'd like to take this opportunity to voice my opinion that wipeout 2048 would be extremely well received by the ps3 community, if the psvita reviews are anything to go by (and as long as things have been fixed by the time it was released).

18th June 2012, 07:25 AM
Last rumor about SL is that they are working on a non-wipeout game... so don't expect this to happen.

18th June 2012, 01:50 PM
I would throw all my life savings at them if they did that...

18th June 2012, 07:53 PM
A NEW WipEout will be one billion times better than a new remix... a remix of an half of a game (waiting all the classic options of every WipEout, including the time trial multiplayer in WipEout Pure...)

19th June 2012, 06:43 PM
Why do you want 2048 on PS3? It's an unfinished game in my opinion. They said it's the biggest Wipeout ever! While actually it's the smallest ever with the least amount of options. No Racebox for ad-hoc, online or even SR. There are only speedlap events, A+ Challenges, sucky online campagne and Single Player campagne. Come on! Even with HD/Fury coming on VITA, it really doesn't have anything to do with 2048.

20th June 2012, 09:22 PM
WipEout 2048 on PS3 would be great but I think, like kaori,that an all new WipEout on PS3 would be a lot better. We have enough remix with HD/Fury :nod

21st June 2012, 12:40 PM
I'd like any new WipEout game to be honest. HD/Fury is getting a tad stale..

11th July 2012, 06:05 PM
Id' like to see the first three games made into a new PS3 game all in 1080p60 with full 3D support. Love all those tracks, especially the first two games...would be brill to race them all again in high definition.

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th August 2012, 02:18 AM
Who wouldn't want 2048 on PS3? Yes, they would have to improve quite a bit, but it would be more than worth it. What would be even better is if they made it function as an independent game until you installed WipEout HD, in which case it would 'integrate' itself into WipEout HD. They would probably have to create new Prototype craft for the other teams though. Obviously, you woudn't be able to play those teams in A.G.R.C. events, but at least the teams wouldn't be missing out.

I also want the game to automatically upload and download ghost data, like in Mirror's Edge.