View Full Version : Reverse Engineering

17th July 2011, 04:41 PM
This is a good start. You can, among other things, patch handling and stuff now. Enjoy.

Track Viewing WIP (http://neko68k.blogspot.com/2011/07/wipeout-fusion-wip-2.html)
Patching HOWTO (http://neko68k.blogspot.com/2011/07/wipeout-fusion-patching-howto.html)

17th July 2011, 04:44 PM
Not sure if you can start topics like this.

17th July 2011, 04:49 PM
Mods are more than welcome to let me know. I can take my discussion elsewhere.

17th July 2011, 05:31 PM
Man – this is so awesome :P

4th August 2011, 02:44 PM
This was good for some lulz. The game doesn't record speeds over 3999 and the collision detection seems to kind of explode if you go faster than that :D Sure is a lot of fun flying around at 2500-5000 kph though. Also, song injection is confirmed as working.


5th August 2011, 04:38 AM
That was awesome, would look great on a ps2 running smooth. Now we need that wall collision slowdown to be more.

6th August 2011, 12:40 AM
Aw I wish my emu ran that well. What rig you running neko? Must be a beast!

6th August 2011, 09:19 AM
AMD Phenom II x4 3.0ghz(Deneb BE), ATI 4850x2 512MB, 8GB RAM

6th August 2011, 12:23 PM
Is there a difference between how well the emulator works on Windows or OSX? I have OS 10.6 and cannot get those smooth emulations. Maybe it’s only set up with the wrong plug-ins or it’s really the operating system. Might set up Windows to test that (?)

7th August 2011, 12:22 AM
Not sure. That's the most recent public release. I think I have the speedhacks preset up to 5 or 6, it helps. Of course, in OSX you wont be running GSdx which might make a difference. I dont think development is as active or mature on zzogl pg or zerogs.

7th August 2011, 02:13 AM
Just got some ps2 stuff I needed. Will start testing as soon as my nephew comes over to help me set it up. You should try all the stats of the zone ship, except put speed at 3500. Not sure how grippy the turn gets at higher zones. That brake max I think will stop your ship with one brake. It hits that max I believe at zone 297.

7th August 2011, 10:41 AM
Just got some ps2 stuff I needed. Will start testing as soon as my nephew comes over to help me set it up. You should try all the stats of the zone ship, except put speed at 3500. Not sure how grippy the turn gets at higher zones. That brake max I think will stop your ship with one brake. It hits that max I believe at zone 297.

Turning is troublesome. I had to turn up the turning angle and the turning increment to get it to where I had it. I pretty much left braking where it was and made a lot of use of air brakes to get around. It'd be nice to be able to tune this stuff while the game is running. It's a real pain in the ass to rebuild the ISO and reboot every time I want to make a small change to the handling stats. :/ I should see if I can come with some some gameshark patches that might let me do it. It might not be difficult but... it might be :D

Wish I knew someone local who would play with me, I'd love to see how this kind of insane handling would play Vs. someone else. As-is I'm totally going blind and just seeing what I think is fun and playable. The computer has a pretty hard time since its using preset paths on the course instead of actually piloting. Some bigger tracks would be pretty neat too, I'll see what I can do about that in the future(though I haven't done a lot of work on the tracks yet :)

Before I forget. Source code for everything I'm doing is available on request for now. I will set up a github when I get around to it and then everyone can have it all whenever they want.

14th August 2011, 01:22 AM
Great stuff so far, tested this some, and it's cool. I'm looking forward to FUSION XXL :)

19th August 2011, 12:17 AM
Ok, put in a bunch of stats for all the ships, for different modes. The speed increase needs to be accompanied by increases in the braking stats, just which ones I am not sure, gotta test more. The 5000 kph supership needs a much higher gravity rating, but I was able to hit a 15.4 second lap on florian 3, with a controllable ship. The supership class will be ships ranging between 2500 and 5000, and there will be a risk/reward system. If you ride the walls too much, your ship will slow down significantly more than a slower supership, but the turning will not be worse ( I got that figured out). I'll put up a video once I get the stats down a little better

19th August 2011, 03:20 PM
I look forward to seeing that!!!

20th August 2011, 05:09 AM
I wasn't getting a command prompt to work today, so my nephew is helping me out in the morning tomorrow. After I will be gone until Wednesday though, so I won't be able to get a video up until next weekend. I'll do a comparison between the fastest upgraded normal feisar and piranha, then I'll show my newer model regular mode. THEN, I'll show zone mode at it's max speed vs the fastest supership.

21st August 2011, 10:01 PM
If you need a hand making videos I can help.

25th August 2011, 07:01 PM
I am making a better handling more gravity version tonight for testing. Just waiting for my nephew to come over for some preliminary stuff before I can try it.

Damn, sorry guys, you may need to wait until mid sept for those vids, my psp laser stopped reading the disks, so I need to get it fixed.

5th September 2011, 11:48 PM
Ok, got my alpha running, a balanced version, but need some testing in mp to really test it out. The super grippy ships are slower, but you stay off the wall. I set it up so when damage simulator is turned on, the acceleration goes to 60% and the top speed goes to 70%, when you take too much damage. This forces a pit stop to get your ship moving faster again. Unlike the regular version, where the turning went to hell, AND the braking, so you just rode the wall a lot, which was awful. The fast piranha ran around 35.5 on vohl square 3 rev, the ships I set up range between 28 and 32, so the game moves along nicely.

Next). Supership version
Next). Regular version, but all ships stats set to the superior model, and damage slowdown put into place
Next). Will mess with some other stats, try and get a slidey, balanced, but still fast version. This will take the longest, so it will be last.

Oh, I can start zone mode at a higher speed so it ends quicker, and goes faster at the top. This could be good for the tournament, so the zone challenge doesn't last 25 minutes (oggob)

16th April 2012, 12:32 PM
Any news on this? :)

16th April 2012, 09:52 PM
I made the second version already, but missed a few stats in the process of fixing it. The slowdown is far better than the handling going to hell. I have some other ideas with weapons as well. It's not done. This is going to be used in the NA tourney, since ALL ship stats are the same

I also made the fast version, pretty fun. The fast ships are hard to keep off the walls, and if you hit too much you slow down more.

The super ship version needs to be tweaked. The ships can go faster than the zone ship, but if you adjust it too much faster you start going through the floor and walls

17th April 2012, 09:11 AM
Nice :)

Maybe I should give it a go, too. WipEout Fusion already is a pretty fast game, if you ask me, so speed is okay with me. It’s the AI that bothers me a bit. It feels like their weapons do less damage than the player’s one. Also some ships stats are too weak for the strong battles, resulting in countless eliminations per race.
But the biggest problem probably is changing the handling without the ships taking off the track in loopings and such.

Shame one has to re-pack the whole file over and over again for the emulator to read it. Would be so much easier if it could just read the extracted files with no reboot required as well.

17th April 2012, 01:03 PM
I'm using a modded ps2 to pay it on, so it actually plays perfect which is cool. I was trying to get the ship to go into the air off bumps( like pure), but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm thinking there may need to be a break in the track for this to happen, so if part of the track ( thin) could be removed at the top of every hill and bump, it might work.