View Full Version : Screenshots of wipEout 2048

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24th November 2011, 01:01 PM
New Screenshots showcasing more auricom and qirex craft! http://www.hookedgamers.com/ps_vita/wipeout_2048/screenshots.html#12

I'm particularly interested in seeing that auricom with the 2 prongs which suggests we'll be seeing more crafts than what we're expecting.

24th November 2011, 05:06 PM
The box art has been released, along with those for five other games. Apparently there's supposed to be better versions on Playstation Blog, but I can't find them. In the meantime though...

24th November 2011, 06:24 PM
I receveid this by email, I think it's not the final package, look this picture : http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblogeurope/6376004307/in/photostream

It's the same. But I like this one more than the first try ( facebook (http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/299182_218411871558093_156601914405756_576376_1139 76403_n.jpg) )

24th November 2011, 09:08 PM
Seems to me that it IS the final cover that hellfire and I (and surely a lot of you) received by email (post right berfore yours).

24th November 2011, 11:42 PM
This game is just too cool. It's going to come out to PS3, right?
But I can't help to wonder what they'll do after this one... Will they pick the series up where they left it, in 2207 or will they continue from 2048 on to the future again?

25th November 2011, 04:53 AM
Hmm, Yes good question! I would like to see Wipeout Apocalypse; some deformed cities but foremost places where nature took over again. Jungle tracks and Grand Canyon like tracks and places where there is a lot of water with waterfalls all over the place.

25th November 2011, 07:21 AM
For the moment, the game hasn't been confirmed on ps3. Vita needed some eclusivities for its launch. If this add-on should arrive on ps3, it means that textures and 3d models also exists in PS3 format. Frankly i have great doubt about SL releasing another DOC for wipEout HD/Fury.

I don't want to race where the tracks are changing like MotorStorm Apocalypse or Split Second, but racing in ruins or in nature (i'm waiting this for a long time and only a very few tracks had little nature part). It woule be great to use the pitch to avoid some contacts too.

25th November 2011, 09:42 AM
Honestly I don't think it would be very hard to port the content over to the PS3. In fact as far as ports go I think it would be one of the easiest jobs ever. All the models and textures exist in a master format which is down-converted to run on consoles anyway; it's the code that needs to be looked at... and from what I hear it's very easy to port code between the two systems.

I think they just want to push it on Vita first, and if it's popular enough they'll release it on PS3 6 months to 1 year down the track. I might be wrong though, Sony could very well just be pricks and never release it for PS3 for whatever stupid reason they desire. Technical difficulties, however, won't be one of them.

25th November 2011, 10:01 AM
Not sure if the textures exists in a format where it could be used on a PS3 resolution without us noticing the differences. We've seen some PSP remasterisation like God of War Ghost of Sparta that being developed as a console game didn't have full res textures to be put in the PS3 remasterisation (but still better resolution than the PSP of course).

The code porting is also a matter of system. the PS3 architecture, with the Cell is nothing close to PC/XBox and probably Vita. You can port the code to PS3, but it won't be as optimized.
But since WipEout was release early in the PS3 lifecycle, it should'nt have used all the tricks (shader work delegation?) recent titles used (Unchanted 2-3, God of War 3, etc), so the port would probably not be too heavy.

25th November 2011, 10:11 AM
Sorry, double posting (not sure why the browser send it twice though)

26th November 2011, 11:24 AM
If it’s planned to release the game on PS3 later, one would think they created high-res-textures from the start, which are then lowered to work with the Vita. No need to re-create all textures then.

26th November 2011, 03:20 PM
Don't get me wrong, I really hope that it was planned as a PS3 add-on from the start (it smells like DLC, it tastes like DLC but wasn't announced as so). It's just I can not help but be skeptical after all this time.

26th November 2011, 05:22 PM
It can't be an add-on, WipEout 2048 is a new game, an entire game. The crossplay with the very old WipEout HD is just a bonus.

26th November 2011, 06:51 PM
Also what i think, different storyline, crafts, game's modes. I don't see wipeout 2048 being released as a wipeout HD add on, but there's still a chance that it comes to ps3 later, IMO.

26th November 2011, 10:45 PM
It can't be an add-on, WipEout 2048 is a new game, an entire game. The crossplay with the very old WipEout HD is just a bonus.That's one way to look at it. If you compare the HD/Fury (16 tracks/12 ships) content and the 2048 one (10 tracks / 4 upgradeable ships) it isn't so obvious.
2048 wasn't enough to be called 1 complete game and HD/Fury was stiched to it? or was it originally thought as a PS3 add-on ?

We won't know, but since you can add everything through DLC (several games have proven that ... wipeout included), I hope I won't have to buy a full game for that, especially if I already have it on vita.

27th November 2011, 06:51 PM
First video of Zone mode! plus an indication that the game takes place through many seasons (2048 = season1, 2049 = season2 .etc) presumably till 2052 when 'wipeout' takes place.


27th November 2011, 06:59 PM
kinda psychedelic ! I like it !! :D

27th November 2011, 07:54 PM
Why they never fly on the skillcuts ? :lol

28th November 2011, 01:32 AM
WipEout 2049 ?! (on the 2nd screen where the player is selecting the event)

29th November 2011, 03:18 PM
A short video (at least the part about wipeout), but the ships seems different from the others. Still the feisar, but maybe another speed class/ship configuration

29th November 2011, 04:26 PM

I'm the guy flying the zone ship in The Average Gamer video. So in answer to your questions:

1 - The video was only the second time I'd actually raced the Unity Square track in zone mode. Previously I'd tried some of the skill-cuts and ended up losing tons of energy as I crashed into the sides of the track. The skill cuts are often very narrow. So for the video I stuck to the main track.

Also, there are a few skill-cuts which I simply didn't notice until I watched a slowed down version of the video. Like the one after the second tunnel. I was always on the wrong side of the track to attempt to get on the skill-cut.

2 -Season 1 takes placed in year 2048. Season 2 in year 2049 and season 3....well, I didn't get to play any season 3 races so I don't know.

3 - There are different types of ships available. On the PS Vita I was playing the fighter and speed classes of the Feisar ships had been unlocked. We have another video coming out which shows me racing a track that's not been announced yet where you can see the ship selection screen.

The game is brilliant to play too :D

29th November 2011, 05:36 PM
Season 1 takes placed in year 2048. Season 2 in year 2049 and season 3....well, I didn't get to play any season 3 races so I don't know.
Did you get to see whether the ships changed based on which season it was? Was there a natural progression or just the same models throughout?

There are different types of ships available. On the PS Vita I was playing the fighter and speed classes of the Feisar ships had been unlocked. We have another video coming out which shows me racing a track that's not been announced yet where you can see the ship selection screen.
When will this video be released (please say soon!) and did the devs tell you how close they are to finishing?

29th November 2011, 06:46 PM
Did you get to see whether the ships changed based on which season it was? Was there a natural progression or just the same models throughout?

I didn't unfortunately. I only played two season 2 races. The zone track which you see in the video and another normal race.

When will this video be released (please say soon!) and did the devs tell you how close they are to finishing?

The video will be going out this week. Nope, they didn't mention how close they are to finishing.

Update 6th Dec 2011: Sorry for the delay. The race video will *definitely* be published in the next few days.

29th November 2011, 06:51 PM
Thanks CaptSkyRockets, I wait for the second video :D

29th November 2011, 06:59 PM
No worries. The second video features a full-on race.
Weapons and everything.

29th November 2011, 07:04 PM
We have another video coming out which shows me racing a track that's not been announced yet where you can see the ship selection screen
I look forward that 2nd video, can we see also the speed class selection screen on it ?

29th November 2011, 07:21 PM
thanks skyrocket for the information! looking forward to that video now :D

29th November 2011, 08:02 PM
I look forward that 2nd video, can we see also the speed class selection screen on it ?

No, just the ship selection screen and then some details about the race.

30th November 2011, 03:45 PM
Did you have headphones on (or could hear the music)?

if so was it still that same music track that has been playing with the other builds of the game?

30th November 2011, 04:36 PM
Did you have headphones on (or could hear the music)?

I didn't have headphones on so I didn't get to listen to the music as it was quite a noisy room. I did hear (and identify) some of the music tracks during the races which we should cover in our race video this week.

30th November 2011, 08:13 PM
oh so they're recognisable? interesting! thank for the information :D

30th November 2011, 08:39 PM
Yep, a couple of the tracks are.

I mentioned in my hands-on preview from this year's E3 that wipEout 2408 will feature some remixes of the original wipEout music tracks, to bring the series full circle as it were.

WipEout was the first game I bought for my PS1 back in Sep 1995, I love the soundtrack to bits. Heck, I'm off to see a CoLD SToRAGE live gig on Saturday in London :P

So I managed to recognise one of the music tracks from wipEout 2048 from a particular sample that the band used in the song from first game's soundtrack.

Yeah, I like wipEout.

30th November 2011, 09:06 PM
I'm off to see a CoLD SToRAGE live gig on Saturday in London :P

I don't think I need to say how lucky you are and how jealous I am. :P

30th November 2011, 09:28 PM
Yeah, I like wipEout.

great to see that someone from the press seems to have alot of passion for wipeout! :)

looking forward to hearing the music to see how they've remixed it

1st December 2011, 11:47 AM
I don't think I need to say how lucky you are and how jealous I am. :P

Yeah. I can't wait. I've loved his music ever since the Shadow of the Beast II days in 1991.

Keep an eye on Tim's CoLD SToRAGE Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/c.ldst.rage/) for news about his live gigs. He's only just started doing them this year.

1st December 2011, 12:58 PM
A new trailer has be release, where we can see more ship variation (love the movable front wing for the auricom at 00'40") :

1st December 2011, 01:53 PM
Wipeout 2048 now has Autolog :P

1st December 2011, 03:03 PM
Only just had time to watch the Zone video, good work CaptSkyRocket. One thing I'm puzzled by is the lack of a score. You picked up XP but there was no real score as such, so how would the leaderboards work?

1st December 2011, 08:28 PM

Thanks. Glad you liked the video. It was fun to film and a little bit stressful knowing that lots of people will watching my driving! Unfortunately, I don't know how the leaderboards will work as I didn't get to see any of that.

2nd December 2011, 04:46 AM
I hope it's true and not a bug


2nd December 2011, 07:25 AM
March??!! It seems strange without prior notice.
I still hope they can sell it as a dlc (since i don't want to buy another copy of hd/fury), or at least just the 2048 part (i don't think you could usee hd and 2048 tracks/ships in the same tournament).

2nd December 2011, 10:02 AM
I hope it's true and not a bug
Why do you hope it's true that it's released LATER than expected??? The current release date for Wipeout is 19th January 2012. Plus that price is ridiculous.

March??!! It seems strange without prior notice.
I still hope they can sell it as a dlc (since i don't want to buy another copy of hd/fury), or at least just the 2048 part (i don't think you could usee hd and 2048 tracks/ships in the same tournament).
Enough is enough! They won't sell it as DLC or an add-on to Wipeout HD because it makes no sense if they want to make money (which they want to)
Plus this is an entirely seperate game... You didnt expect Wipeout 3 to be DLC for Wipeout 2097 so why on earth would this be DLC for another game?

Best case scenario: It's released later (a few years) for ps3 as an entirely new game.
Worst case scenario: It's an exclusive for PSV forever. (probably a better idea)

2nd December 2011, 10:13 AM
Why do you hope it's true that it's released LATER than expected??? The current release date for Wipeout is 19th January 2012. Plus that price is ridiculous.

Look better my friend, you missed THE HUGE thing! ;)

... but for me it's a bug.

2nd December 2011, 10:14 AM
Best case scenario: It's released later (a few years) for ps3 as an entirely new game
It's the only hope to have 2048 on ps3 IMO ! ;)

2nd December 2011, 12:19 PM
Why do you hope it's true that it's released LATER than expected??? The current release date for Wipeout is 19th January 2012. Plus that price is ridiculous.

Enough is enough! They won't sell it as DLC or an add-on to Wipeout HD because it makes no sense if they want to make money (which they want to)
Plus this is an entirely seperate game... You didnt expect Wipeout 3 to be DLC for Wipeout 2097 so why on earth would this be DLC for another game?

Best case scenario: It's released later (a few years) for ps3 as an entirely new game.
Worst case scenario: It's an exclusive for PSV forever. (probably a better idea)The game is listed for PS3 (not vita), that explained the release date and the price.

I didn't expect Wip3out to be release as an add-on because it didn't contain WipEout 2097 tracks and ships, and it did let users for both titles to play together, and that's exactly what 2048 is offering. Moreover, the Vita version already demonstrates that both games can be bundled.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it MUST be add-on. A stand alone release containing only the 2048 games (without HD/Fury) seems also a good solution, but that also mean that during cross-platform play, PS3 users will have to change games whereas vita users won't.

If it is just released bundled like on Vita and at full price, I won't take it. It made sense to get it full on vita since no WipEout were there, but since half of the game has already been sold as DLC or on disc for the PS3, it would be a scam to sell it full price on it.

2nd December 2011, 12:43 PM
Look better my friend, you missed THE HUGE thing! ;)

... but for me it's a bug.
I'm assuming it's a bug because pre-orders opened today on zavvi...

2nd December 2011, 12:52 PM
Just found another that has it on pre-order for PS3, UK site this time...

Same release date, 9th March :)

2nd December 2011, 01:00 PM
The bug migh be the price since zavvi is listing both games at the same price and 49€ seems too high (even amazon.fr is listing it at 40€).

2nd December 2011, 01:17 PM
That wouldn't be a good idea... If it comes on PS3, I don't buy a Vita!

2nd December 2011, 01:40 PM
I certainly won't buy a Vita if 2048's going to be out on the PS3, but I'll be very happy if that's the case.

2nd December 2011, 01:42 PM
I simply don't see a launch title being released that fast on another platform !
You know how internet works : one site do a mistake, and so... all the others ! ;)

2nd December 2011, 07:06 PM
I certainly won't buy a Vita if 2048's going to be out on the PS3, but I'll be very happy if that's the case.

So it's why WipEout 2048 won't be available for PS3 before an other top racing game like Gran Turismo be available too.

Look that poll (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/11/26/playstation-blog-recap-112/) : WipEout 2048 is the second booster to sell PS Vitas. Results are same in francophone regions (http://www.jeuxvideo.com/sondage/sond_2065.htm).

The aim of Sony is to sell PS Vitas, it's why WipEout 2048 will be offered for buying a 3G Vita in Europe/Oceania. WipEout 2048 on PS3 = less PS Vitas sold ! Sony can't do that. So wait one year minimum.

If it's not the case, it's a lack of respect for people who will buy PS Vita for WipEout 2048.
And it will be an other disrespect to release WipEout 2048 on PS3 without a real new WipEout.

I hope that the next WipEout on PS3 will be new, with 2048 in bonus, like HD is a bonus in 2048, that is a good idea. Just a simple adaptation is :turd

2nd December 2011, 09:19 PM
And to second my french mate, if 2048 was scheduled to be released also on ps3, cross-play would have been on 2048 vita/ps3, not on wipeout HD.

2nd December 2011, 09:38 PM
If it is released one day on PS3, I suppose that cross-play will be working on 2048 too.

2nd December 2011, 09:50 PM
Probably, but without any announce on that, we can guess it's not on the agenda yet.

2nd December 2011, 11:53 PM
Sony won't be releasing it for a long time, they'll be waiting for heavy sales of 3G/ Wi-fi units and the other systems before they put it up there. Look at MGS4, it took a long time for that to get a demo after the game was released.

3rd December 2011, 09:44 AM
Demo isn't the same thing.
Moreover, the Vita as also other great games appealing to the public like Uncharted, Resistance or Gravity Rush. WipEout is also an important title but 249€ (console) + 40€ (game) seems too high if it's just the only title that is interesting for you.

And some people won't buy the Vita no matter what, like they didn't bough the PSP to play WipEout or the exclusive God of War games (exclusive until this year).

But that would be a bad idea to announce the PS3 version too early.

3rd December 2011, 09:34 PM
New vid with cross play on this vid : http://www.jeuxvideo.fr/jeux/console-sony-psvita/ps-vita-flash-1080p-lancement-actu-462440.html

3rd December 2011, 11:39 PM
it also says that Sony has chosen this card format over SD for security and speed. But since I have really low trust in what Sony representative say, I will wait for transfer speed comparison ...

4th December 2011, 11:12 AM
Yes, but the badest thing is that you need to install a proprietary software to transfer files (music, video...) from your computer to the Vita!!!
Of course, software is for Window$... a Mac version is on its way... but hey, I use Linux... too bad.
What's wrong with Sony??? Are there some people in the company paid to have the most stupid ideas to piss off consummers???

4th December 2011, 02:32 PM
The PS3 will do the job too :g

4th December 2011, 03:42 PM
And when I'm in holidays?
Your vision of portability is that I must bring my PS3 with my Vita when I'm travelling for work for example?

Seriously Kaori... more and more bad news are coming about Vita.

4th December 2011, 06:09 PM
If I were you, I will just bring WipEout 2048 :g
No need a PC or a PS3, you can download a game or other with your... PS Vita. I'm sure you will have a Wi-Fi access not far.

People are crazy, they want and grumble for free backward compatibility, multi account on one PS Vita, simultaneous release on PS3 & PS Vita...

But they forget the most important, the games. PS Vita is firstly a new console for new games. The rest, a simple smartphone can do the same things : internet, camera, twitter, facebook...

I haven't an iPad because it's useless for me, but I don't denigrate that product, because I don't need it. But I'm sure there are some apps that I'll love.
So why people have to denigrate PS Vita if they aren't ready to buy one only for play at WipEout 2048, Uncharted : Golden Abyss, Little Deviants or other exclusives ?

Make a choice, it's just the life. (so it's the life, you haven't the choice :dizzy )

swift killer
4th December 2011, 06:10 PM
*apologies if this doesn't belong here... im not too sure myself if it does

Sorry but am I the only person that feels that WipEout is slowly creeping towards a trashy rock/indy look?

The look of the game feels more rock/indy orientated with a the rust and scratches on the ships, gritty track surface textures and less-and-less futuristic looking design, less bright/vibrant colours with contrastingly dark environments, more over-use of Helvetica and designs that seem either irrelevant to the context of the game (for example: use of Hindi characters in Zone-mode tracks of Pure) or blatantly bootlegged from elsewhere. As I look at the trailers my jaw does drop at the level of detail in graphics but the stuff mentioned above rears it's head and my ears don't get the musical joy that we have been treated to in recent games... there's no blasting from Ed Rush like last time, instead we're greated by the cheesy tittering of a song that belongs in an equally cheesy mobile phone advert which brings me to my next point...

The soundtracks in the game were meant to be all about London's underground/rave culture, you had artists like CoLD SToRAGE (who studio Liverpool have deliberately shunned), F.S.O.L, Chemical Brothers, Sasha, Underworld, Luke Slater, Fluke, Orbital, Leftfield, etc. ...but since WipEout Pure, and even 3, this has been replaced by fake cheesy mainstream music masquerading as underground music from the likes of Aphex Twin (let's be honest, he ruined techno), Plump djs (the guys who ruined breakbeat), Daft Punk (who is basically a pop-Mr. Oizo), what's next? Dubstep? Grime? Garage? Funky House?!!

I'll be honest, I'm friends with an artist who's track was featured in the intro of a recent game but I'll bluntly honest and say that his track doesn't sound like a Wipeout track (when I told him this he threw a sandwich at me lol).

Go through the track listings for the last few Wipeout games and ask yourself "do these songs really represent what this game is all about" ... they may as well totally insult us by having Hospital Records and RAM produce the entire soundtrack.

4th December 2011, 06:26 PM
The look of the game feels more rock/indy orientated with a the rust and scratches on the ships, gritty track surface textures and less-and-less futuristic looking design, less bright/vibrant colours with contrastingly dark environments, more over-use of Helvetica and designs that seem either irrelevant to the context of the game (for example: use of Hindi characters in Zone-mode tracks of Pure) or blatantly bootlegged from elsewhere.
I don't understand what you mean. The ships have rust and scratches because that makes it more realistic (which is possible due to graphical power in current systems)
Gritty track surfaces make sense because the ground is probably still tarmac (considering it's the year 2048 not later) and tarmac is not so smooth.
You think the designs look less futuristic? Personally I feel the ships look more futuristic and wish they'd gone for a style that fits the year 2048 better...
What was blatantly bootlegged?

The soundtracks in the game were meant to be all about London's underground/rave culture, you had artists like CoLD SToRAGE (who studio Liverpool have deliberately shunned), F.S.O.L, Chemical Brothers, Sasha, Underworld, Luke Slater, Fluke, Orbital, Leftfield, etc. ...but since WipEout Pure, and even 3, this has been replaced by fake cheesy mainstream music masquerading as underground music from the likes of Aphex Twin (let's be honest, he ruined techno), Plump djs (the guys who ruined breakbeat), Daft Punk (who is basically a pop-Mr. Oizo), what's next? Dubstep? Grime? Garage? Funky House?!!
correct me if i'm wrong but I don't recall Daft punk being featured in any Wipeout game...

swift killer
4th December 2011, 06:31 PM
Just about have time to fit a reply in, ill provide a full one when I'm back (if i ever am... tough times), Daft Punk were on the 2097 soundtrack.

4th December 2011, 06:38 PM
Yes, but the badest thing is that you need to install a proprietary software to transfer files (music, video...) from your computer to the Vita!!!
Of course, software is for Window$... a Mac version is on its way... but hey, I use Linux... too bad.
What's wrong with Sony??? Are there some people in the company paid to have the most stupid ideas to piss off consummers???Well, it's the same as ipod/iphone with iTunes ... and look how many did apple sold despite everyone complaining about it n__n
I suppose it is again a matter of security, preventing users to put ISO unsigned Eboot onto the console.

But since I won't be using it for video, music nor internet (i have a phone for that), i don't really care.

4th December 2011, 07:19 PM
@Kaori : Well excuse me if with a large nice bright screen and a powerful device I thought about the possibility to see movies.
I certainly am stupid!

@Sch@dows : and that's why there's nothing I hate more than Apple! :g

4th December 2011, 07:40 PM
Terrible news after terrible news it seems.

Really this has an incredibly small part of my attention only because of this game. The rest of the big names seem to be what we've already seen going from PS2/PS3 to PSP and then back. Meh.

4th December 2011, 08:19 PM
Just about have time to fit a reply in, ill provide a full one when I'm back (if i ever am... tough times), Daft Punk were on the 2097 soundtrack.
Ah just did a bit of digging and yes they were featured in the soundtrack but not on the tracklist for the game itself. Quite surprised they were featured considering house doesnt seem to fit with wipeout

Personally I'm stoked that deadmau5 is on the tracklist for wipeout 2048 as I play his tracks on HD all the time (they fit so well)

4th December 2011, 08:22 PM
@Temet Watch movies on your PSP :redface: . Why Sony will try to promote movies on PS Vita when they heavily failed with the PSP ? Now they just provide like others some VOD. Sony aren't able to make an opened system without risk about piracy. So, they put DRS everywhere they can.

But it's not the topic !
Who have told the tracks will be wider ?

http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/06/70/68/th/wipeou10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=246&u=12067068)

4th December 2011, 09:09 PM
So, they put DRS everywhere they can.

Drag reduction system? That must be how the ships race at Super Phantom in Wipeout 2048. :g

4th December 2011, 09:11 PM
:lol nice one Smad !

5th December 2011, 03:43 AM
I see what you did thar....

DRS-Making your life harder by streamlining everything into one incohesive package!

swift killer
5th December 2011, 05:26 PM
Ah just did a bit of digging and yes they were featured in the soundtrack but not on the tracklist for the game itself. Quite surprised they were featured considering house doesnt seem to fit with wipeout

Personally I'm stoked that deadmau5 is on the tracklist for wipeout 2048 as I play his tracks on HD all the time (they fit so well)

Essentially what I meant to say was that WipEout visually and phonically doesn't feel like WipEout anymore with this game but hey we can't say for sure until we've played it right? ....most importantly, lets hope they actually bother to market the damn thing to the mainstream!

I Am Wolfman
6th December 2011, 09:48 AM
Sorry but am I the only person that feels that WipEout is slowly creeping towards a trashy rock/indy look?

The look of the game feels more rock/indy orientated with a the rust and scratches on the ships, gritty track surface textures and less-and-less futuristic looking design, less bright/vibrant colours with contrastingly dark environments

I don't agree completely. The first and third Wipeout games had quite a dark, gritty and rusty look at times. I think the very first game had the nicest look to the tracks.

more over-use of Helvetica and designs that seem either irrelevant to the context of the game (for example: use of Hindi characters in Zone-mode tracks of Pure) or blatantly bootlegged from elsewhere. As I look at the trailers my jaw does drop at the level of detail in graphics but the stuff mentioned above rears it's head and my ears don't get the musical joy that we have been treated to in recent games... there's no blasting from Ed Rush like last time, instead we're greated by the cheesy tittering of a song that belongs in an equally cheesy mobile phone advert which brings me to my next point...

The soundtracks in the game were meant to be all about London's underground/rave culture, you had artists like CoLD SToRAGE (who studio Liverpool have deliberately shunned), F.S.O.L, Chemical Brothers, Sasha, Underworld, Luke Slater, Fluke, Orbital, Leftfield, etc. ...but since WipEout Pure, and even 3, this has been replaced by fake cheesy mainstream music masquerading as underground music from the likes of Aphex Twin (let's be honest, he ruined techno), Plump djs (the guys who ruined breakbeat), Daft Punk (who is basically a pop-Mr. Oizo), what's next? Dubstep? Grime? Garage? Funky House?!!

I'll be honest, I'm friends with an artist who's track was featured in the intro of a recent game but I'll bluntly honest and say that his track doesn't sound like a Wipeout track (when I told him this he threw a sandwich at me lol).

Go through the track listings for the last few Wipeout games and ask yourself "do these songs really represent what this game is all about" ... they may as well totally insult us by having Hospital Records and RAM produce the entire soundtrack.

I agree. Wipeout relied a lot on its charm and style - the designs, fonts and music seemed to compliment eachother, and felt related to the game. Designs that were worth putting on the front covers of magazines etc.

However, since Pulse (maybe include Fusion) I haven't felt so impressed with the aesthetics of the releases. 2048 seems like just another forgettable racing game - with no personality -- and is shaping up to be the first Wipeout I am not really bothered to get. I'd be so bold as to say that the team making this don't understand what people found cool about the earlier games.

6th December 2011, 10:44 AM
However, since Pulse (maybe include Fusion) I haven't felt so impressed with the aesthetics of the releases. 2048 seems like just another forgettable racing game - with no personality -- and is shaping up to be the first Wipeout I am not really bothered to get

2048 isn't released and maybe even not finished yet, that it's supposed to have no personality ! :rolleyes:

6th December 2011, 12:56 PM
Most powerful are the consoles and more detailed are the graphics. So with the evolution, the part of your imagination can create is smaller and smaller.

WipEout 2048 have a personnality, it's the first real WipEout contemporaneous of us ! Who never dreams to fly over a close New York ?

swift killer
6th December 2011, 01:22 PM
I agree. Wipeout relied a lot on its charm and style - the designs, fonts and music seemed to compliment eachother, and felt related to the game. Designs that were worth putting on the front covers of magazines etc.

However, since Pulse (maybe include Fusion) I haven't felt so impressed with the aesthetics of the releases. 2048 seems like just another forgettable racing game - with no personality -- and is shaping up to be the first Wipeout I am not really bothered to get. I'd be so bold as to say that the team making this don't understand what people found cool about the earlier games.

Hit the nail on the head, even though it's a Sony Developer made game, the marketing will be minimal and it just isn't a WipEout game anymore, it's just a glorified Quantam Redshift.

6th December 2011, 08:38 PM
unfortunately the whole aura of wipeout was the fact that is WAS underground and indie and an elitist thing. If they try to make it mainstream and market it so they make more money then inevitably they'll end up losing their core audience and original fans.

I only hope with 2048 they manage to find somewhere in between both groups to make them both happy.

6th December 2011, 08:59 PM
unfortunately the whole aura of wipeout was the fact that is WAS underground and indie and an elitist thing. If they try to make it mainstream and market it so they make more money then inevitably they'll end up losing their core audience and original fans.

I only hope with 2048 they manage to find somewhere in between both groups to make them both happy.That was already the case with PSP and HD games, and after playing 2048, I can say that you won't feel very different from them.

6th December 2011, 09:11 PM
Hey, now I'm playing W3OSE for the Xmas challenge, I really feel that HD/2048 gameplay is really far from being as fun as old games.
Of course it's a lot more beautiful... but there's something wrong with the handling, I don't find how I could explain correctly.

And as said Sh@dows, you won't feel the difference between HD and 2048 (of course... it's a prerequisite to cross-gaming).

6th December 2011, 09:31 PM
That was already the case with PSP and HD games, and after playing 2048, I can say that you won't feel very different from them.
*sigh* yeah I guess but I really enjoyed Wipeout Pure and hope that 2048 is closer to that than pulse or HD even though I throughly enjoyed (and still do) it.

7th December 2011, 08:26 AM
but there's something wrong with the handling, I don't find how I could explain correctly
There's something wrong in keeping posting negative comments on a thread created to share pictures of 2048 ! :naughty

7th December 2011, 01:46 PM
I think the same thing with Sonic, but I can explain it, it's the loveliness of the oldies. It was said this apply to the wifes (or husbands) too :cowboy

swift killer
7th December 2011, 07:49 PM
unfortunately the whole aura of wipeout was the fact that is WAS underground and indie and an elitist thing. If they try to make it mainstream and market it so they make more money then inevitably they'll end up losing their core audience and original fans.

I only hope with 2048 they manage to find somewhere in between both groups to make them both happy.

WipEout was always specifically aimed at rave-goers, as far as indie goes, that sort of music needs to stay in FPS games and other games, WipEout shouldn't be mainstreaming it's soundtrack to get people to buy the game, how about actually advertising the game FOR ONCE.

7th December 2011, 09:39 PM
As long as anyone can used his custom soudtrack (which will be available through the Vita and not from the game as I understood), SL only need electro musics, trademark of the franchise.

7th December 2011, 11:29 PM
WipEout was always specifically aimed at rave-goers, as far as indie goes, that sort of music needs to stay in FPS games and other games, WipEout shouldn't be mainstreaming it's soundtrack to get people to buy the game, how about actually advertising the game FOR ONCE.
What sort of music? I meant indie as in not the typical or something out of the ordinary...
They could quite easily market it to the current rave-goers by going around clubs with it (most noteably ministry of sound) or something to show off the visuals and soundtrack together!
I wish they started doing what they used to do for Wipeout launches and have the launch parties or something but alas that will most probably never happen again.

And yes custom soundtracks are built into the Vita so I'm assuming Wipeout will be able to incorporate that so you can add your own music. Unfortunately because it's built into the firmware we probably wont be seeing the interesting effects that they did to the music in wipeout HD

8th December 2011, 08:59 AM
I don't know if this one was posted : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w028wFHekeA
It's Rockway Stadium, in Rapier!! Speed seems correct for Rapier class :rock

I'm beginning to really hate the Vita... but I don't think I can ignore 2048!!!

8th December 2011, 09:31 AM
At last, ship selection screen !

swift killer
8th December 2011, 10:15 AM
What sort of music? I meant indie as in not the typical or something out of the ordinary...
They could quite easily market it to the current rave-goers by going around clubs with it (most noteably ministry of sound) or something to show off the visuals and soundtrack together!
I wish they started doing what they used to do for Wipeout launches and have the launch parties or something but alas that will most probably never happen again.

And yes custom soundtracks are built into the Vita so I'm assuming Wipeout will be able to incorporate that so you can add your own music. Unfortunately because it's built into the firmware we probably wont be seeing the interesting effects that they did to the music in wipeout HD

This is why I believe that Studio Liverpool aren't fully competent (it would be unfair to just say that they're incompetent). The launch party of this nature should be done, paired up with an existing night or supporting it, if it's done properly then it can easily add to the actual profit of the game whilst adding to the marketing. Also, to add to my previous point about WipEout not being WipEout, notice anything about the new weapon icons in 2048? ...doesn't look very WipEout-ish does it?

8th December 2011, 10:26 AM
This is why I believe that Studio Liverpool aren't fully competent (it would be unfair to just say that they're incompetent). The launch party of this nature should be done, paired up with an existing night or supporting it, if it's done properly then it can easily add to the actual profit of the game whilst adding to the marketing. Also, to add to my previous point about WipEout not being WipEout, notice anything about the new weapon icons in 2048? ...doesn't look very WipEout-ish does it?

yeah I'm not too impressed with the weapon icons at all to be honest :I

wish they's got back together with the designers republic to create some interesting icons as opposed to these child icons they've got now. Granted some of the icons have improved since we first saw them but they're still not up to scratch with ANY of the PS1 era icons :(

8th December 2011, 10:38 AM
This is why I believe that Studio Liverpool aren't fully competent (it would be unfair to just say that they're incompetent)

This is why i believe developpers don't post anymore on the forum as they used to ! How surprising with such comments !! :rolleyes:

8th December 2011, 12:03 PM
Agree with Leungbok!
HD is one of the few games running 1080p/60fps... they are far from being incompetent!!

The icons, the gameplay... all is about evolution. You may like it or not.
I like the visuals, I don't like the gameplay... but it's not that devs are incompetent, it's just they made a choice a don't like, that's all.

HD is still a great game for me, just it could have been better (for me) if some choices would have been different.

8th December 2011, 03:43 PM
New screenshots (http://www.psvitagen.fr/wipeout-2048-sony-liverpool-nouvelles-images-actualite-1184.html) !

I love this one (http://psvita.mediagen.fr/screenshot-wipeout-2048-5_09022003C000348304.jpg). You can spin it in all directions, it rocks :rock

8th December 2011, 04:37 PM
If thrust is gone from the screen does it mean all the ships have the same thrust or is it hidden/combined into speed somehow?
I don't understand why they couldn't display five stats anyways. 2097/XL had a bunch more displayed, and thrust is a pretty big deal in my opinion. More than speed anyways.

This is a question, not a complaint.

8th December 2011, 07:47 PM

Proper look at a few of the ships! :D

8th December 2011, 08:52 PM
It's kinda strange this story of profiles speed/fighter/etc ... but it can be interesting!!!
And it may also mean that there will not be 1 ship dominating all TT and SL :+

13th December 2011, 11:09 AM
WTF ???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_n6MCv8UEI

It's a commercial, showing PSVITA and PS3 crossplay... ON 2048 TRACK !!! o_O'

PS : maybe the topic should be adapted, since there are a lot of vids here :g

13th December 2011, 11:32 AM
There already was a vita clip, months ago, with cross play on a 2048 track, i still believe it's a mistake of the director of the commercial ! ;)

13th December 2011, 11:52 AM
The Vita is out this saturday in Japan, that would be a huge mistake o_O'.
I don't know what to think honestly :paperbag

13th December 2011, 12:50 PM
I must have missed the previous one, since I was surprised too.
(finger crossed)
It would help me waiting for another revision of the console, since I was very disappointed with the battery life. But Uncharted and Gravity Rush still tempt me >__<

13th December 2011, 01:09 PM
I don't know what to think honestly :paperbag

Go to japanese psn and check features related to psvita (available games etc.)

13th December 2011, 01:19 PM
It would be a huge mistake to launch 2048 on PS3 so soon after the VITA! It would certainly mean less VITA's being sold. So many games are going to be able to be played cross-play, so only the real hard-core handheld gamers will buy the VITA now! If Sony would release VITA games at least three months later on PS3 they would definately sell more VITA's, then almost releasing the games at the same time.

19th December 2011, 07:41 PM
One interesting point since the vita was released in japan this week-end is about loading times.
Games bought on card seems to load faster than those bought on PSN and store on the proprietary card.

Either the game card are fast (optimized for reading), or the data card are slow / low bandwidth.

Either way, It seems very uninteresting to buy games on PSN since they load slower and are generally sold higher (I compared prices on the japanese PSN and amazon.co.jp).
Let's hope the few second spared will be usefull on wipeout since we will have a loading time between each event.

20th December 2011, 07:53 PM
I saw some vids of comparison.
The gap is very sharp... there's no real difference.
In other words : the so expensive memory cards are not that fast. Well, I didn't expect something different!

20th December 2011, 08:08 PM
I hoped for something fast for the ridiculous price they make you pay.
Nope! Just Sony! Price gouging as usual.

Here's a video for those wondering. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKQ3AnXZVT4)
It's a small difference but the point is it shouldn't even be there for the price you pay for those god damn cards.

20th December 2011, 11:35 PM
It's possible, if the internal circuts are fast enough, that third party cards will be faster. It's a mystery if anything is going to happen about that, though. Wouldn't expect them to be cheap though, and most 3rd party cards would probably be as fast as Sony's or slower.

21st December 2011, 06:56 AM
We can't say anything about the qualities of cards from theses videos. Both are proprietary format (could be both slow or fast), don't know if the bus give advantage for the game card, or if the game card is optimized for reading (only a few games allow to write the saves on the game card) whereas the memory card should be average for both, or if the content loaded on memory card is checked constantly to counter piracy, etc.
We need a test where the same data is transfered onto a memory card, and a sd card, to be sure.

All we know is game cards loads a little faster. It is a matter of 1-2 sec from one game to another, but it could be important for games like wipeout which have loading time between each event.

Also, i don't know if there will be third party memory card. Sony defends their choice by saying things about speed and security, but it also let them to be the only one to sold them. Any company which is planing to sell those cards should pay a license to Sony ... If they accept.

I didn't feel the need for a big memory card (don't plan on using the vita for music or video ... I have my phone for that), but now that we know game cards load faster and they are generally cheaper (compare japanese psn prices and amazon.co.jp) i definitly plan to buy the 4GB and no more

2nd January 2012, 12:54 PM
Here's a nice blog with a lot of concept drawings regarding WO2048:

10th January 2012, 07:02 PM
Found in todays tablet edition of Metro, a free UK newspaper

10th January 2012, 08:27 PM
So is that actually 2048 running, or is it the usual media ignorance when it comes to mixing up screenshots?

10th January 2012, 11:34 PM
The Metro screenshot looks like a pre-release screenshot of HD from around 2006-7, based on the ship model for Qirex. I think that screenshot is in the instruction book/one of leaflets in the box for Uncharted 1.

13th January 2012, 11:19 AM
new screenshots (http://studioliverpool.tumblr.com)

15th January 2012, 02:51 PM
I saw that article in the actual paper version with a slightly different layout, it had a caption directly underneath commenting that 2048 was looking visually stunning. I didn't think accompanying that caption with a pre-alpha render of Wipeout HD did the guy any credit!

Oryx Crake
15th January 2012, 03:04 PM
I've been noticing a slightly distressing trend in all of these screenshots... and that is that all the tracks look so very similar. not in how they play but the look and atmosphere. it's always dusk or near dusk and you constantly really have the city towering over you (the exception so far being sol) and while I like that look, I think I might become a bit bored with it if that's all there is.

15th January 2012, 03:13 PM
there's the same phenomenom on classic tracks on pure or vr tracks on wip3out ! They really feel the same at first. Same colour layout, effects etc. But trust me, once you start to know them a bit you really feel the differences, what makes a track particular IMO, are the turns or straight lines and the way you take them (differently on each wipeout track). Off course there's some atmospheres that gives some tracks a real identity. And also on 2048, the track's look seems logical with the story line, lot of tracks are from New-York and the few Others from Canada. ;)

Oryx Crake
15th January 2012, 11:16 PM
yeah no it's nhot a big thing I just think it doesn't really show off the design of the thing as well as it could, like in HD you have all different types of atmosphere which really does show off the ship graphics very well. Like I said though it isn't a big thing I just would like it to be a sunny day on some tracks you know :)

16th January 2012, 07:48 AM
Here's a nice blog with a lot of concept drawings regarding WO2048:

I love Wipeout concept art! I got every single gold medal on Pure just so I could go through and check the concept art :)

16th January 2012, 02:25 PM
I'm a bit uncertain about that footage of 2048 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dtnXK_vpNQ
Is it a replay function ? a race with pilot assist on ? a video imported on the vita ? what do you think guys ?
We'll have answers this week, but... :p

16th January 2012, 03:44 PM
I'm a bit uncertain about that footage of 2048 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dtnXK_vpNQ
Is it a replay function ? a race with pilot assist on ? a video imported on the vita ? what do you think guys ?
We'll have answers this week, but... :p

It seems to me that whoever created the video played the game, then superimposed the video of himself playing the game onto the Vita on the desk, as it seems like the edges of the Vita's screen fluctuate from time to time. This is likely so that we can watch the gameplay without seeing some man's hands.;)

Either that, or it's magic.

16th January 2012, 04:40 PM
hmmm, i see what you mean, but why do he interact a bit with the vita on the desk then, by pressing the ps button or cancelling the picture at the begining ?
Weird stuff !

16th January 2012, 08:22 PM
http://i46.servimg.com/u/f46/12/06/70/68/th/8189bb11.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=253&u=12067068)


16th January 2012, 09:37 PM
I'm curious; is that official?

16th January 2012, 09:48 PM
Yes it's the european gamecard.

17th January 2012, 08:22 AM
demo's footage : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV8GTfWpcvQ

17th January 2012, 10:34 PM
Firstly, there are a lot of "official" screenshots on SL art blog :

Secondly, here is the presumed opening video of WipEout 2048 :

I must admit that I applaud too. I like a lot this kind of video which tells a story instead of showing action without any link between each other.

PS : will we see a racing game with the intermediate vehicles between F1 and AG ships ? Seems fun racing with a Mazda Furai on walls >__<

18th January 2012, 07:05 AM
I think we need a new thread for videos! :g

18th January 2012, 05:13 PM
downtown, i think is rapier class B


18th January 2012, 05:43 PM
I went at some import shops today to see vita's price, i hesitated and decided not to buy it at 400€. I think i took the wisest decision but fortunately for my bank account i didn't see that video before ! :lol

Great track, love it !!! :D

18th January 2012, 05:49 PM
I'm a little disappointed there are so few track environment. Since every tracks seems to be in the same city, most of them don't have "personality".

400€ ?!! That's import for you !
I won't buy it at the european launch either (250€ + 4GB memory card + game(s) ... with so few autonomy ==> too expensive for the moment).

19th January 2012, 07:35 AM
subway track : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgriPvWXtY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

19th January 2012, 08:43 AM
Man, I am already in love with that track! It looks awesome! Thanks Big L for that link :)

19th January 2012, 09:12 AM
I must admit this track seems pretty nice. It doesn't seem that wide (must be because of the tunnel).
I found funny the way the player got most of the speed pad on the straight, moving from left to right and again like he was skiing (1'24").

19th January 2012, 10:04 AM
*fangirl squee*

19th January 2012, 10:29 AM
subway track : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRgriPvWXtY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

OK, this track looks great - colorful, wild, challenging and rapid.

19th January 2012, 11:11 AM
Subway looks awesome

Seems like every team has a different announcer

19th January 2012, 11:40 AM



19th January 2012, 11:46 AM
yes this game looks absolutely stunning, loving all the tracks so far can't wait to get my hands on this!

19th January 2012, 12:20 PM
Wow, Subway and Sol are better that any HD track !!!! :clap

19th January 2012, 08:57 PM
Love the sound of the Qirex announcer! ;)

Must say I'm liking what I'm seeing so far, hope it plays as good as it looks.

20th January 2012, 01:55 PM
found that funny vid ^^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgygRK80Ac

20th January 2012, 03:50 PM
It seems to me that whoever created the video played the game, then superimposed the video of himself playing the game onto the Vita on the desk, as it seems like the edges of the Vita's screen fluctuate from time to time.

Magic. ;) I don't think there's anything moving on the edges apart from what seems to be the simulation of head movement. Look at how the HUD gets pushed and pulled in relation to how the ship moves on the track.

RJ O'Connell
21st January 2012, 02:51 PM
Has anyone unlocked Altima VII yet? I'd really like to see how they re-made this course for 2048. :s

21st January 2012, 03:54 PM
A member on neogaf has posted screenshots of what I believe is altima VII, they revamped it


Drop with an added arena style, and a magstrip upthere


second part of the track most likely

I need more vids!!

22nd January 2012, 12:14 AM
The second picture is Altima, I'm 100% sure

22nd January 2012, 10:30 AM
Yeah, that looks like the quick left-right near the end before the tunnel

22nd January 2012, 10:49 AM
Are we sure it's Altima 7 ?
It could be Altima 6, for example. No ?

22nd January 2012, 03:15 PM
Eliminator is back in!

Fixed time, get as many eliminations/damage as possible.

22nd January 2012, 08:03 PM
YES. I really enjoyed eliminator in Pulse and HD, glad to see that it's still there. I wonder if there are any event-exclusive weapons like the Repulsor this time around.

23rd January 2012, 08:41 AM
I didn't really liked the eliminator mode as it was implemented in Fury.
Don't know if it was because the amount of enery restored when crossing the starting/finish line was so little, but in the end, lots of player (most of them ?) were just "camping", lurking in reverse waiting for opponents to pass ...
If at least there was a fixed number of laps or something that made the players run a little ... For now, it could be an arena that it wouldn't change anything.

I wished there was a mode when the last player of each lap would be disqualified, or even multiplayer events where when you die ... you die and don't respawn until the next race.

23rd January 2012, 09:23 AM

I`ve finally got round to posting a new set of 2048 screen shots:

More to come, hope you like :¬)

23rd January 2012, 10:16 AM
No I don't like, I love ! Zone colors are very Pure !

23rd January 2012, 01:17 PM
Some very, very short, but nice videos of the 2048 crafts:

24th January 2012, 08:00 AM
I prefered the 2 last vidéos of the playlist (which were in fact the 2 first chronogically) where we could see very well the 3D models.

Oryx Crake
24th January 2012, 09:15 AM
grah oh cruel world I will not be able to buy a vita... I'm gonna be late onto the wagon... tbh not really excited about it being handheld but what the hell.

them screenshots do make it more and more impossible to me not to get it though ^^;

25th January 2012, 06:41 PM
Altima in class A : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOQCAyDFN44

Amaaazzzzziiiiiiiiinnnnnng !!!!!!! :clap
3 levels during the jump !!!!

25th January 2012, 08:51 PM
Haha, seems like they used the pitlane as a skillcut. Nice.

25th January 2012, 09:29 PM
Really interesting track.
3 level jumps, 2 skillcuts (even if those 2 seems easier to takes than the normal road), part of the track flooded ... but most of all, I really like it isn't in the city anymore.

I hope suprises like this will continue (but how many tracks are there in the demo ?)

25th January 2012, 09:45 PM
2 skillcuts (even if those 2 seems easier to takes than the normal road)
"seems" easier... only !! ;)

25th January 2012, 09:56 PM
Well, the road it tighter, but it felt more simple to go straight into the skillcut, than having to make the turn to stay on "normal" track.

25th January 2012, 10:20 PM
Well, the road it tighter, but it felt more simple to go straight into the skillcut, than having to make the turn to stay on "normal" track.

the road is not only tighter, the handling is more floaty and slidy than HD, at high speed, you really have to anticipate a lot to take those skillcuts. Don't judge how it looks easy on the video, it's the current WR ! ;)

25th January 2012, 11:38 PM
I'm not saying the skillcut is easy to negotiate (even if I do think it is for these 2). I'm saying it is harder to avoid taking the skillcut than taking it (and maybe raming the walls until the exit) because the skill cut just needed to go straight instead of taking the corner.

In other tracks, We've seen a lot of skillcuts where you need to quit the main road to get the skillcut.

Also, I did play the game during a french convention (it may have been tweaked since then but doesn't seems so) and didn't really feel any differences from HD/Fury (just heavier ships but was surely because I wasn't used to play Venom anymore).

26th January 2012, 12:30 AM
there's no venom. The slowest class C (flash) is as fast as HD's rapier, the demo shown at many events was slower than the final game. About the skill cuts on altima, you take in consideration the bouncing of the track, you can't just go straight and control your ship all the way like in HD (at A speed class or faster). I also tried 2048 at PGW, the game appeared to me pretty similar than HD, but now it's not the case anymore, once you reach A class races, it's totally different and the handling's differences you hardly felt at slow speed are veeeery significant, more floaty, slidy, a bit old style wipeouts.You really have to anticipate more the turns. 2048 season is very easy, 2050 is very hard. AI cheats far more than HD on the A+ challenges, they hit top 10 almost everytime. Zico and Zeus are a joke, but elite completist is way harder than arcade perfect & tournament ace.

26th January 2012, 07:09 AM
Thank you for the feedback.

Too bad SL couldn't code a decent AI this time too. I hated how the oponents cheated in HD u__u
Let hope the net code will be better.

PS: damn, 15min to write that with my phone because the google ads keeps getting in the way (put itslef over the text area)

26th January 2012, 07:45 AM
Tthe oponents cheated in HD

They did?! I'm outraged! :)

29th January 2012, 12:48 PM
Beat zico, internal external :p

29th January 2012, 06:35 PM
Asa's flying on Sol, litteraly : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtpHWLnELT8
Make sure you have the sound lound enough... because the silence is awesome!
(yeah I know, I kinda means nothing until you see the vid :g )
Thanks Leung for this fantastic day with you, Asa and G-Superpilot!

PS : more vids to come, A+ again :p

29th January 2012, 06:43 PM
Thanks guys for the vids! I know you had a great time together! Thanks for sharing it with us! Greetz Mad-Ice

29th January 2012, 08:02 PM
Another one, with Ag-S prototype double-BR ability : http://youtu.be/DfhBiEidoes

Sorry for the blur... first tests were quite clean... don't know what happened.

There is an insane skillcut, but's is so fast I don't know if you will notice lol

EDIT : I added anotation to specify the skillcut ;)

30th January 2012, 07:13 PM
thx for posting this guys :)

It was such a blast this weekend at Leungbok's place : the true PGW : Paris 2048 game weekend!

Thx so much for invited us to play the jap version of 2048 : i lost 2 tenths at each eye due to the blazzing speed but I am so happy :g

Can't resist to think to Temet way of handling the Vita (the upside-down factor :g) : don't flip the console when you want to start a race ;)

Rendez-Vous le 22 feb 8)

30th January 2012, 07:17 PM
that day was too long with those guys didn't letting me approaching my vita ! :bomb
It was a pleasure mate ! ;)

30th January 2012, 07:27 PM
Can't resist to think to Temet way of handling the Vita (the upside-down factor :g) : don't flip the console when you want to start a race ;)

I was looking the screen on the camera to check the quality!!!!
Bastard! :g

31st January 2012, 09:39 AM
the road is not only tighter, the handling is more floaty and slidy than HD, at high speed, you really have to anticipate a lot to take those skillcuts. Don't judge how it looks easy on the video, it's the current WR ! ;)

I do agree though: I think the "skillcut" is more of a regular "shortcut" in terms of how difficult it is compared to the main track. As a matter of fact, it's rather easy to find that extra second on quite a few of them. Which isn't a bad thing - I'm just saying that Sh@dows' observation fits how I feel about the track at that particular spot. :)

31st January 2012, 09:59 AM
Skill cuts on altima are harder to take than you may imagine, but i agree that it's not obvious on the videos. Remember one thing, you can't control your ship as easily as in HD in A+ ;)

31st January 2012, 10:04 AM
Try the double-90-degrees shortcut of Rockway Stadium in class A+, good luck :g

31st January 2012, 11:51 AM
I'm not saying "all the skillcuts"! :) And I'm already playing it, so... It's not easy to do them perfectly, but I do agree with Sh@dow in that going straight is easier than taking the left to stay on the main track - at the location he was talking about.

31st January 2012, 12:40 PM
Play the track at A+ first, we'll talk again about relativity of what's easier after. There's always a difference between theory and practice ! ;)
Oh, and i completed the solo campaign on elite and i can take all the skill cuts of each track at super-phantom, altima's ones aren't the easiests !

31st January 2012, 01:44 PM
The 90° skillcuts on Rockway stadium seems pretty hard to engage, but seems fairly easy once the ship is on it.
This seems to be the opposite of Altima where it seems easier to engage the skillcut (since you "just" have to go straight and don't turn) but isn't so easy once that road is taken.

31st January 2012, 02:02 PM
Entering on the 90° skill cut on rockway stadium at A+ speed if you BR on the bump just before is hard, the skill cut in itself is straight... but it's short and there's a bump here too, to BR eventually, the exit is harder than the entry if you want to avoid walls. The problem of skill cuts on altima aren't the route that seems easier (more straight) to enter, it's what happens before, altima is the most bumpy track of the 10 (kinda sebenco of 2048 ), the speed, sliding and bouncing don't let you following the perfect line to take the skill cut (except if you release the thrust, but then no advantage in taking a skill cut IMO).

31st January 2012, 07:59 PM
wow, what a super Sunday :D . Thank you again leung for inviting us to test wipeout 2048. I was very happy to see Temet, leungbok and asayyeah :g .
The game is beautiful, awesome and super fast :rock . I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and originality of the circuits, the speed really resort their souls, and the game takes on another dimension. Indeed, in the classes of lower speeds, they may seem large, easy, and long (especially Climb Empire) but with super-phantom and skillcuts, that changes everything and it becomes really hard, enjoyable and addictive.
The plunge on altima is just awesome, especially silent during the fall surprised me at every lap.
I have a slight preference for capital reach and Subway.
I am eager to be February 22, it will be hard to wait :| .

31st January 2012, 11:02 PM
Would one of you keen gentlemen with a copy of 2048 be willing to post a screenshot or a video showcasing the ship select screen? We've seen bits and pieces of this in media coverage over the past few months, but there's never been a comprehensive look into it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would really appreciate it. :D

1st February 2012, 01:20 AM
The ship select screen is basically a grid. Columns: teams; rows: model (speed agility fighter prototype not necessarily in that order.) On the right of that it is again divided into two: top is ship 3d model (it moves with the sixaxis and probably other ways, not sure) and bottom are the ship stats.
How it works is you touch the ship you want and then touch the checkbox in the bottom right.

1st February 2012, 01:24 AM
Ooh, so the sixaxis-controlled model viewer is back? Neato. I really enjoyed that in HD.