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View Full Version : Team Harimau Vs. Team AG-Systems!

Oryx Crake
16th January 2011, 04:12 PM
There has been a challange!

The harimau racers clubhttp://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/image.php?groupid=54&dateline=1283527216&type=groupthumb has been challenged to a showdown with Team AG-Systems http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/image.php?groupid=66&dateline=1292247710&type=groupthumb

Me and Nutcase have decided to round up our teams for a classic match!

As this is the first time this has happened in a while and the first time the Harimau racers have competed as a team since I took over management this is also a call for pilots to join!

PM me or Join the Harimau racers club (can be found on my profile page) to show your interest.

Lets have a classic wipeout competition!


Team Harimau

Team AG-Systems

The match

It will be played in the form of 2 separate tournaments with one enduro decider round(points will be awarded in the same way as in a regular tournament race)

Team Harimau's races: All in phantom all with weapons off.
Chenghou Project fwd
Chenghou Project rev
Sol 2 Rev
Tech de ra fwd
Sol2 fwd
Amphiseum fwd
Sebenco climb rev
Modesto heights rev

Team AG-System's races:

Enduro Decider

The match will be played on a saturday to be determained.

16th January 2011, 05:34 PM
Awesome, :D

ive got 1 or 2 ppl possibly on-board so were 3/4 of the way there possibly ;)
and still recruiting :lol
hopefully we can use this to get others to start there own teams :D

oh and how'd you get the avatars up?:clap:hyper

16th January 2011, 05:49 PM
As I said to Nutcase, I'm up for racing on behalf of AG-Systems. What sort of format will it be?

16th January 2011, 06:04 PM
maybe it would be a couple of tournaments? we'd probably keep it similar to the country v country races. unless say we did something similar to the hd cup? say every one picks one race or we come to a group decision and then have one default? that keeps it short and sweet with a points system allocated to 1st 2nd 3rd etc maybe?

Oryx Crake
16th January 2011, 08:29 PM
sweet I have a roster!

16th January 2011, 10:02 PM
I too have a roster
Colonel gaddafi
Dreamy Elf
Chris Redfield
Medusa (possibly)

hopefully ill get 3 confirms for definate and you got yourself a race :D

Oryx Crake
16th January 2011, 10:10 PM
wow what a roster this will be awesome! :D

16th January 2011, 10:36 PM
Ok now we just need to work out a good format, maybe combine elements of the HD cup format with the nation race format so it uses tried and tested ideas but with its own spin in order to differentiate itself from the 2 i mentioned.

we also need to convince others to start teams :D

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 11:27 AM
I'm thinking 2 divisions either you go lower speed classes in which the two teams choose 4 races in either wenom or flash or in a higher division (which is where I'd like to play) where the team chooses either 4 single races or a mix of single race and zb with a final decider but that would make the scores hard to tally. OR you could do it as 3 tournaments 1 each for the choices of each team and a 3:rd decider... if that is even needed and then a tally of the scores (or you could just make it one tournament with like 9 tracks factoring in the teams choices) but the latter form would exclude zb.... ideas anyone?

17th January 2011, 11:56 AM
I'm a bit clueless with regards to this sort of thing, as I've never participated in a team event before - and I'm not just referring to Wipeout :lol

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 11:59 AM
cant say I've done much organised team playing either to be perfectly honest but there are standards to go by at least =)

17th January 2011, 11:59 AM
What erich123 on team harimau?! Shame on you Erich, you dissin' THE mighty Feisar :cold

I would like to start team feisar, and I know exactly who i'd like to put in... But to be honest I'm too lazy for that...or mauve I'll give it Ã* shot, we'll see ;)

Nice initiative tough guys!

17th January 2011, 12:13 PM
I'm a bit clueless with regards to this sort of thing, as I've never participated in a team event before

Going by the UK v France race i raced a bit in we just turn at a specific time and do a scheduled amount of races, which reminds me i think we should probably have reserves available to rope in? incase someone cant turn up at the start time?

Challenger #001
17th January 2011, 12:25 PM
As far as I'm aware from the nations races, the form is either:

Team 1 hosts 8 races followed by a 20-lap Enduro
Team 2 hosts 8 races followed by a 20-lap Enduro


Team 1 hosts 12 races (The Forward tracks)
Team 2 hosts 12 races (The Reverse tracks)

all Phantom, weapons on.

The 8 races can either be 2 choices from each member of the team, or:

All HD tracks forward
All HD tracks reverse
All Fury tracks

In case of confusion or argument. The Captain would choose the 20-Lap race. So Oryx would choose one for Harimau and Nutcase would choose one for AG-Systems

Sorry if I'm poking my nose where it shouldn't be - given that there's no Qirex team I don't really have much else to do with regards to these matches. xD

17th January 2011, 12:32 PM
Thanks challenger, i was actually about to ask how they did it, you read my mind :D

we could do the 8 races per team thing where everyone picks 2 races? and maybe have a 20 lap enduro if people want to do it

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 12:39 PM
that sounds good to me :)

17th January 2011, 01:46 PM
Sounds cracking, nice and simple too.

17th January 2011, 02:03 PM
What erich123 on team harimau?! Shame on you Erich, you dissin' THE mighty Feisar :cold

I would like to start team feisar, and I know exactly who i'd like to put in... But to be honest I'm too lazy for that...or mauve I'll give it Ã* shot, we'll see ;)

Nice initiative tough guys!

Lol R3BU5ER;)
Sorry but couldn't let this event pass.But your right, shame on me (a little bit):redface:

17th January 2011, 02:45 PM
Whaha yeah I understand mate... Maybe I'll just start recruiting someone for team Feisar to replace you ;) And let you regret it :mr-t ;)

Let's say I can Pull it together; there would have to be made another team to compete right? Otherwise one of your teams would have to play a LOT. Right?

17th January 2011, 03:45 PM
That would be cool if we had four teams competing, perhaps in a round-robin with a final points total. But that's probably much more complicated – not to mention time-consuming, than what Oryx and Nutcase had in mind.

17th January 2011, 04:24 PM
Yeah offcourse, but one team could challenge another and so on and so on...

Challenger #001
17th January 2011, 04:46 PM
I don't think it'd be difficult to put together an Icaras squadron or even an Assegai team. All the French pilots seem to fly the blue and bronze. Mirage would be trickier if deadly (IDReaper, DP89 and TwitchySpitfire to begin with, and there's probably a fourth pilot around there).

You could probably cobble together a Goteki squadron, and that's nightmare fuel in itself - KGB, Hellfire and SaturnReturn to begin with.

Other ships don't have as much love unfortunately.

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 04:51 PM
on the other hand chall people might get interested in going to new teams if it means playing against other teams ;)

17th January 2011, 04:53 PM
I'm certain onyx, And even a second team ag-sys wouldn't be hard to find in my opinion :)

17th January 2011, 05:18 PM
I reckon you could probably get maybe 3 or 4 extra teams like challenger said, theers already a team Goteki social group that people could use as a basis for it

17th January 2011, 05:37 PM
I like it, nothing says "WipeoutZone" like a small one-off challenge spiralling into a massive network of teams :g

17th January 2011, 06:48 PM
Whaha yeah I understand mate... Maybe I'll just start recruiting someone for team Feisar to replace you ;) And let you regret it :mr-t ;)

Let's say I can Pull it together; there would have to be made another team to compete right? Otherwise one of your teams would have to play a LOT. Right?

I didn't know that this will get serious guys or that we are forced to race only with one team... :)
In that case i'll have to resign from AG-Sys team because my beloved Feisar will feel betrayed. lol
There are more dedicated and FAR better pilots than me who use AG-Sys anyway, Luna, Woopzilla, KGB, Xtriko (and almost all Italians) to name a few... :)

p.s. Oh and if there gonna be Zone Battle's in these races then you have my resignation right now... ;)

17th January 2011, 06:59 PM
Traitor! :lol

See if we can get some of them on board then :D

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 07:06 PM
@Elf I'm thinking of this as the inaugural race. and as for what teams there will be in the end if this becomes something bigger, a league or whatever then I am assuming that it wont all be the predetermined teams, there are already a few teams out there, like the pussy cat pilots for example. but these are all questions to be answered for now I'd like to concentrate on this match :)

17th January 2011, 07:08 PM
Sorry nut, i still want to race (if that's cool with the team rules), my fav ships are Feisar and AG-Sys but if i have to choose only one right now then i choose Feisar, you could say that AG-Sys is my ex and Feisar is my current girlfriend... ^^

edit: Ok Oryx, you guys decide whatever you like.:)
If you can't find another fully loyal AG pilot (which is impossible) then i'll race^^

Challenger #001
17th January 2011, 07:10 PM
I guess we can drop the notion of a Triakis squad. xD

17th January 2011, 07:14 PM
LOL dreamy,none of that sorts, was just bullying erich a little, because we always have great Feisar fights online. Nothing serious here! Peace to all! :hyper

17th January 2011, 07:15 PM
Hehe no worrys DE i think this is mainly just a test to see how well it works/ how interested people are :D

17th January 2011, 08:51 PM
well to be 100% honest im a feisar pilot most of the time. So if you asked me to pick between feisar and harimau, the feisar will be the winner :-) my problem is i also like harimau very much lol ;-).

Oryx Crake
17th January 2011, 08:54 PM
oh dear well we'll call it the inaugural season and have a draft afterwards then XD with the signing of "contracts" and break ups of great teams and what not :P

28th January 2011, 03:14 PM
How are things rolling with your team-match?

I've got team Feisar together ;)


So whoever reads this, We await a challenge! :p

Oryx Crake
28th January 2011, 03:18 PM
well we've been a bit stuck because of other things going on but we're getting there and we'll get things done so we can get started with more matches ;) but if your itching for a challenge I hear there are other teams forming too like mirage and icaras :g

28th January 2011, 03:30 PM
Okayokay, that sounds good :)

I'm happy to see some other teams coming up and do some matches, see what happens :)

28th January 2011, 06:36 PM
Yeah we should probably start pushing ahead with plans and things, ill ask people on the social group what tracks they want or something.

heard a whisper aboot the icarus team. sounds scary:blarg

28th January 2011, 07:31 PM
Yeah :)

In my opinion Ã* 2*12 tourey would be the best :)
Just all tracks forward en reversed.

29th January 2011, 04:07 AM
Hey R3BU5ER we of Team Mirage are interested in challenging you, but we are only three members at the moment:


If there is a willing fourth member out there Team Mirage needs you!

Oryx Crake
29th January 2011, 07:29 AM
I've made some choices on the tracks we'll be playing: Tech de ra fwd, Sol2 fwd, Amphiseum fwd, sebenco climb rev, & modesto heights rev. All in phantom all with weapons turned off.

these would be my choices but if any of my team mates want to repeal this feel free to pm me.

Challenger #001
29th January 2011, 09:38 AM
Hmm. Judging by how slow it's been to get together, R3 may have a point at just doing all 12, Weapons On, Phantom. But I think at least the captains should be able to choose the enduros. ^^

Maybe set a date and time for it? Most people'll be online during the Avalon weekend. As for other Mirage pilots I can only think of skrotos32, but his connection is too dodgy for 4v4s. You could still do a 3v3 at least. Maybe this thread could be turned into something like the 'teams championship' and have a list of the teams and pilots on the first post. Or if you'd prefer, I could set it up and be a sort of referee, considering there's never ever ever ever going to be a Team Qirex. xD

29th January 2011, 10:01 AM
I agree, if we are going to ask everybody their tracks it's going to take time and I'm Sure people Will choose some of the Same tracks. If we do all, there is only 4 tracks more, forw. And rev. And people don't have to argue at all. And I think it gives the best reflection of endresults. Also I'm not really Sure about weps off. Personally I love weps off, but in Ã* full room...well you know hoe annoying it can be, and some might be misfortuned by ramming, lag, ping etc. But that's just my thought, as I said I love weps off :)

And about skrotos32, he's in my team ;) Didn't tell me anything about Ã* dodgy Connection though... Maybe T-zig? I've hosted an awesome phantom room for about 3 hours yesterday, and I think I recall him driving some mirage. Not Sure though...

29th January 2011, 11:51 AM
so to make it easier we'll just do all 12 tracks fwd and then all 12 reverse?

Oryx Crake
29th January 2011, 07:26 PM
lol ok I'm beaten lets just do 12 tracks rev and fwd and then one enduro because it's fun. and lets make the enduro hm... some track that takes skill but not something where people will be exploding left right and center... moa rev?

29th January 2011, 10:42 PM
CPRev compulsory 6BRs ^_^

Challenger #001
2nd February 2011, 11:58 AM
Ok Fellas, this might be of interest to all of you. ;)


Oryx Crake
8th February 2011, 09:43 AM
we're trying to set a date now that works for everyone! nutcase and I are tentativly saying saturday 12:th at 10:30 pm gmt I'd like to hear what the involved people think.

8th February 2011, 09:21 PM
I'll be there if you need me ;)