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View Full Version : Team Nordic Vs North America: For Marcus

16th October 2010, 01:03 PM
I would like to offer a friendly challenge to Team Nordic!:D

I would like to have the privilege of racing with you guys in the memory of Marcus. Also, we never had a showdown between our 2 teams, it would be a grand premiere! :)

I know that some of you may not want to race yet, has pilots of Team Nordic are obviously Scandinavian and inevitably were close friends with Marcus. I assume that you mourn his passing for the time being. You may take all the time you want to arrange this friendly meeting, whenever it suits you. Anyway, Avalon Ascension is taking place next week-end, so it gives plenty of time to schedule something.

Also, i recently declared, after my total failure during the France Vs North America, that i would retire from being the team leader of NAWTy. I was impulsive to state this, but i gave humble and honest reasons, blamming myself in part. This said, i would like to take that back and stay in place as team leader. Probably that Marcus would have told me, with a comforting, reasonable and cheerful comment, to not give up even with the game being so unfair, because the most important thing is to participate and that will still help keeping the WipEout franchise afloat, by having people playing it in a regular way. I like to think that this is what would have happened if somehow, Marcus would have take knowledge of my decision. :)

And without a doubt, this event will also be held in the memory of Marcus / Lurifaxflux.

17th October 2010, 02:55 PM
Sounds like good idea. Though I cannot speak for the team.

I am the latest member to join Team Nordic, and I have never played together with them. I suggest taking it up with DrMannevond or JJPAP, or maybe some of the other older members of Team Nordic, and see what they think.

17th October 2010, 03:42 PM
Yup, JJPAP is our designated adult, but I am pretty sure we can field a team. We will of course be honoured to race the mighty Team NAWTy.

We should be back in full swing in a weeks time or so, so that'll leave plenty of time for some trash talk :p

19th October 2010, 12:15 PM
Yes, this is highly appreciated gesture. I'm all in for this one, and i believe most of people in Team Nordic are. we need to get on with planning the schedule, first we need to sort out all who are willing to take a part and who finally gets to fill the grid etc. We'll be in touch ;)

19th October 2010, 01:13 PM
Great idea:P. l'm for sure in for this:)

19th October 2010, 05:59 PM
I'll gladly take part! Good idea, Team NA :nod

19th October 2010, 06:23 PM
Great thought, Kyonshi :)
Like the guys just stated above, Team Nordic will take up any challenge - and this one especially, racing and rememberance.
Time? I don´t know. We´ll find out, for sure. Give us some days - and I´m sure we´ll have a suggestion :+

24th October 2010, 02:47 AM
That's great news guys. I'll pass the message to my team mates and plan something. I'll keep you informed ;)

25th October 2010, 06:50 PM
Sorry for being a bit "silent" for the last couple of days, Team North America.
The first sunday in november we´ll start our Nordic Sessions again (after an obvious and needed break ...)
So maybe we could do the match sometime during the 2nd weekend of november (time differences and all), but I of course have to hear what the other guys from TN have to say ´bout these dates, 13th or 14th :)

10th November 2010, 05:41 PM
So, Sunday is Gameday! We'll be holding qualifiers just before - man I hope I make it! :mr-t

14th November 2010, 03:32 PM
The event will take place at 20:30 GMT, so it means 2:30 East Coast and 1:30 Central for us in America.

So far, the line-up for North American WipEout Team will be:

- Rezatron (Canada)
- IDReaper (USA)
- Concrete_D (USA)
- Kyonshi (Canada)

We will see each other online now! See ya soon Team Nordic!:D:+

15th November 2010, 10:53 AM
Any results?

15th November 2010, 03:22 PM
Results :
Team North America tracks :
112 - 112

Team Nordic tracks :
112 - 112


We also did two green races. I have no idea of the points on the first one, but Team Nordic had 1st, 3rd and 4th on the last one (17 points).

Extremely close and some great races:nod

15th November 2010, 03:36 PM
I thought it some sort of joke? 112-112 times two? Holy .... :eek

It really should be impossible - I'm very impressed! :+

15th November 2010, 04:38 PM
Must have been a greeeaaat show! Voila! :hyper

15th November 2010, 07:02 PM
Can say it was beyond great:P
2x112 says it all:nod