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View Full Version : Endurance Challenge!

19th August 2010, 07:58 AM
I was online the other day and was playing the usual phantom races.
when I bumped up the laps from 5 to 6. I get nasty messages in my inbox

"you idiot, change it back. are you retarded?"

and the like.

So heres the challenge!

Online phantom race 50 laps!
Put your name down to apply.

19th August 2010, 08:25 AM
20 is the maximum ;P
Unless you play eliminator without using weapons.

You should check out Avalon Leauge, we play endurance races there once in a while :)

The last time was last weekend, so it's going to be at least a month until next time.
Check out the thread in this forum section :)

19th August 2010, 11:36 AM

Challenger #001
19th August 2010, 11:40 AM
Sympathy for you man, I sometimes play around with the number of laps to keep things interesting for my players and some of them get all angsty with me. Good Zoners like Woopzilla, Phantom and Unctuous are polite enough, but it's the same problem you get without good communication. I've even had the idea of going through the tracks and increasing the number of laps each time as well, so starting with Vineta on 5 laps, finishing on TDR with about 17 laps.

19th August 2010, 01:17 PM
Hi. I'm interested in playing some 20 lap-endurance races! I'll be online this evening. PSN id is MrOrbital.

19th August 2010, 03:18 PM
I was online the other day and was playing the usual phantom races.
when I bumped up the laps from 5 to 6. I get nasty messages in my inbox

"you idiot, change it back. are you retarded?"

and the like.


You could post that here lol : Stupid messages/chat sessions (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5480)
They are really retarded to be unable to host their races !


I've even had the idea of going through the tracks and increasing the number of laps each time as well, so starting with Vineta on 5 laps, finishing on TDR with about 17 laps.

16 laps ;)

25th August 2010, 02:28 AM
if only u could kick rude players out of your session..how cool would that be..