View Full Version : Difference in WipEout Pure NTSC-A and PAL versions' physics engines?

Worrying Wonton
23rd May 2010, 11:51 AM
I've been looking over the records for both the NTSC-A and PAL versions of Pure, and I've noticed something troubling. The records posted for the PAL version of WipEout Pure tend to be several percent quicker than records posted on identical tracks with identical ships with the same players on the NTSC-A version. Also, watching various YouTube videos of people playing, I've noticed that the ships in the PAL version of WipEout Pure tend to handle slightly better than in the NTSC-A version of the game. Is this just me being paranoid, or is there actually a difference in how the physics engines work in both game variants?

24th May 2010, 12:08 PM
They are the same except I think most people play the pal version far more, since it has more tracks. When I go for my records, I generally try to get records from both versions, and they are always very close. Whichever one I play second is generally faster since I am more warmed up. Also, there was a agreement to use mainly goteki instead of triakis or something like that

25th May 2010, 10:41 AM
I also think the physics are the same in both games. The PAL version is for the fastest times possible in the game, so therefore you need Triakis. The NTSC version is for the best times possible without Triakis. So mostly Goteki45 or AG-systems. Indeed some sort of gentlemens agreement.

Worrying Wonton
25th May 2010, 08:14 PM
Hmmm... I'm guessing this probably means I need to go through and re-do a bunch of my times using the Goteki.

25th May 2010, 08:55 PM
Not necessarily, but if you want to enter Triakis? just do it cos, I do normally enter Gotekis :)

Physics are exactly the same!


25th May 2010, 10:49 PM
I am eventually going to enter some triakis times as long as I am able to dodge Jay, Arnaud, Stin, and Mad-Ice trying to strangle me