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1st November 2009, 09:16 PM
does anyone play the mirror tracks that much.

i recently re-discovered this cheat code and it essentially doubles the ammount of tracks in an already rammed game. pretty impressive.

any thoughts on the mirror tracks? any favourites? i have to say it threw me off, playing them all the oposite way round!!! :D

1st November 2009, 09:25 PM
(sorry, I accidentally posted thinking this was for Wipeout HD)

2nd November 2009, 12:08 PM
I remember playing a few of those, xD most confusing thing I've ever done.

2nd November 2009, 03:35 PM
sure is, escpecially some of the twisty tracks. p-mar project hurts.

it's shocking, as you're so used to the normal lay outs.

5th April 2010, 11:05 PM
does mirror mode simply turn your ship the opposite way at the starting line, or does it flip the course all together?

6th April 2010, 07:21 PM
It's a forward facing track, but it flips from right to left. So if porto koro's first corner is usually a right hander, in mirror mode it is a left hander. It's really wierd xD.

8th April 2010, 11:16 PM
yep ^

really cool for if you're a little tired of the regular layouts and fancy a change.

15th November 2010, 06:40 PM
I finally did it,and I did it on my own so I'm actually proud of it.

I'm playing a converted copy of W3OSE on my NTSC modded Playstation.
( on a 52" LCD TV )

I do own a copy the american version, no harm intented there...:paperbag

The mirror tracks are awesome.
It really brings a whole new challenge to the game.
I must say. Right now, I'm loving it even more than WipeOut HD

Here's a few other tricks you probably already know:
Drive as rescue droid ships DROIDS
Enable Phantom Class PHANTOM
Infinite weapons UNLIMIT
Invunerability and unlimited hyperthrust NOFEAR
Unlock all circuits ALLTRACK
View extra full motion video HITOMI

16th November 2010, 07:59 PM
There's only a PAL version of WO3SE. The game was never released for NTSC. So I guess you're mixing up something when you're talking about owning a copy of the "american version"...

For me the mirror mode tracks more or less double the game's value. You already get a lot for your money with the 8 W3O tracks and the 8 classic tracks on the game disc, but on top of that the game gives you all tracks mirrored, too. That's what I'm calling a real bargain! :D

Oh, and I cannot blame you for loving WO3SE more than HD, as I do the same... :P

16th November 2010, 08:33 PM
Amen. W3OSE is the mother of all wipEouts. Bow before its greatness.

Enjoy your new game, Dexito2097! (I can't even imagine playing it on such a big screen...but I can dream of it. :) )

16th November 2010, 09:14 PM
The game was never released for NTSC. So I guess you're mixing up something when you're talking about owning a copy of the "american version"...

Oh, and I cannot blame you for loving WO3SE more than HD, as I do the same... :P

It's my way to say I didn't pay for the Special Edition. ( who would buy a PAL game when you don't even have the means to run it ? ) But I own the original version ( plus WO WOXL and WOHD ) I've noticed some people don't enjoy the idea of copyright violations ( even if it's a 10 year old piece of software)

16th December 2010, 12:56 AM
This game needs to be on the PSN for everyone to play...it's so damn good.

16th December 2010, 04:12 PM
I second that !

17th December 2010, 12:44 AM
Can I third that? :g No, seriously, all who play HD on Phantom should at least try to play this once in their lives, so they can experience what Phantom class is supposed to be like.

sheer speed, shooting through the atmosphere barely within the limits of control, with no chance to recover when you make a mistake:robot

17th December 2010, 06:20 AM
Imagine Terminal track!:cold, now that`s scary! I`m tempting to put it on possibly tonight on my tiny TV:bat
