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View Full Version : Eliminator League: Online Competition Idea Draft

6th October 2009, 06:22 AM

Welcome the the wipeoutzone.com Eliminator League!
That right, now you and a partner can shoot those "more welcomed targets" to pieces, and brag about your victories till your blue in the face! :g

What you need to know :

First and foremost - please leave this space for results and banter. All questions, team schedules, challenges etc can go in the social group here -
Teams of 2 compete in a variety of eliminator matches, scores are added together, and teams are placed in a league format based on their total number of points.
Teams can register at the social group. If youve only just found this competition and its mid-way through, dont worry, you can still get involved! The more the merrier! :D
Unfortunately theres no way to stop points being awarded for team killing. The only solution is that team members cannot compete in the same race.
The minimum race size is 4 players, all the way up to 8.
As there will no doubt be some players competing more than others, you can play the same player in up to 4 matches. Its difficult to enforce this rule, just try and be aware of who your racing, and not rack up all your points battering the same player over and over again xD
A season lasts for 20 matches (10 for each team member). Once you reach 20 you have your final score.
All rules will eventually be placed soley in the social group

Scoring works as follows -

Each game has a score total of 450 points, you retain all points scored once the game is over.
You also score extra points based on your final position. 1st place +50, 2nd +40, 3rd +30
BONUS POINT SYSTEM - any player who finishes with over 400 points (regardless of finishing position) earns an extra 25 points.
CHALLENGES - 3 times a season you can challenge any player who is up to 2 places above or below you in the "player rankings" table to a 1on1 match. Matches have a 250 point limit, with no extra points. HOWEVER! The loser will lose 150 points :) You also cannot challenge anyone with less than 150 points.
Each team plays 30 games / 15 each (not including challenges).

League Standings:

[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] Holy fookin' arse bandits - OBH [UK] 000 points & Hellfire [UK] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] Folie Ã* deux - TarotCardKiller [US] 000 points & SaturnReturn [NL] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] Outrun - djKyoto [NZ] 000 points & KIGO1987 [AU] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] THEREDANDWHITE - eLhabib [AT] 000 points & Amorbis [UK] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] Vanina's brother - Wotan998 [FR] 000 points & Luxoflux [NL] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0/30 games ] GreenSponge Ninjas - Greenix [UK] 000 points & Andybob35 [UK] 000 points

Player Standings:

[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] osama bin haydn - Holy fookin' arse bandits
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] KIGO - Outrun
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] Greenix - GreenSponge Ninjas
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] eLhabib - THEREDANDWHITE
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] Hellfire - Holy fookin' arse bandits

Challenges: (challenger in black, player challenged in red)
For rules on challenges please click here

osama bin haydn [450 points] - Holy fookin' arse bandits / Greenix [410points] - GreenSponge Ninjas



K, what do you guys think of the idea?

6th October 2009, 11:30 AM
I like it!! :g haha

Heres draft 2


Welcome the the wipeoutzone.com Eliminator League!
That right, now you and a partner can shoot those "more welcomed targets" to pieces, and brag about your victories till your blue in the face! :g

# Main Rules:
Main rules can be found by clicking here. (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=97)
All questions about the eliminator league can be asked here. (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?&do=discuss&groupid=24&discussionid=&gmid=3865#gmessage3865) PLEASE USE THIS THREAD

# Team Registration:
Simply leave your team details here (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?&do=discuss&groupid=24&discussionid=&gmid=3859#gmessage3859)

# Scoring:
The scoring system can be found here. (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=101)

# Organising Matches:
Organising matches can be done here. (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?&do=discuss&groupid=24&discussionid=&gmid=3869#gmessage3869)


# League Standings: (All team names / players / standings / challenges are currently just examples)

[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] Holy fookin' arse bandits - OBH [UK] 000 points & Hellfire [UK] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] Folie Ã* deux - TarotCardKiller [US] 000 points & SaturnReturn [NL] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] Outrun - djKyoto [NZ] 000 points & KIGO1987 [AU] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] THEREDANDWHITE - eLhabib [AT] 000 points & Amorbis [UK] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] Vanina's brother - Wotan998 [FR] 000 points & Luxoflux [NL] 000 points
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ] GreenSponge Ninjas - Greenix [UK] 000 points & Andybob35 [UK] 000 points

# Player Standings:

[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] osama bin haydn - Holy fookin' arse bandits
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] KIGO - Outrun
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] Greenix - GreenSponge Ninjas
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] eLhabib - THEREDANDWHITE
[ 000 points ][ 0 games ][ 0/3 challenges ] Hellfire - Holy fookin' arse bandits

# Challenges: (challenger in black, player challenged in red)
For rules on challenges please click here (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?&do=discuss&groupid=24&discussionid=&gmid=3862#gmessage3862)

osama bin haydn [300 points] - Holy fookin' arse bandits / Greenix [270 points] - GreenSponge Ninjas


7th October 2009, 12:39 PM
i realised that nowhere on the thing does it say what speed!! :g

even though i love phantom, if we have it on flash we might be able to attract A LOT of people :D

8th October 2009, 10:42 PM
Do we need to have a set speed? It would make it more consistent but this isn't regular first-to-the-finish racing. Maybe an agreement between racers before a race? But then again, there is a huge difference between even a Venom and Phantom eliminator match.

9th October 2009, 06:54 AM
I think OBH wants to use the set speed as Flash or Rapier speed, to attract more people into the game.

I might put OBH in charge of this one,

I think he has everything set, and done well enough for this to work.

9th October 2009, 10:47 AM
To be honest im a little drained from working on the WWC :)
I'm more than willing to help come up with a league structure, but id prefer to just compete this time as supposed to run :g

I love all this sh*t though, if i was desperately needed to the run the thing, i probably couldnt say no :g

9th October 2009, 04:45 PM
Where do I buy my partner from?

9th October 2009, 05:11 PM
China eBay, thats where they sell there children.

9th October 2009, 05:38 PM
They gave that up when the gov made them use birth control and never have more than one child per family.

13th October 2009, 07:52 AM
CoughcoughVartputtinghimselfontheeliminatormarketc oughcough

13th October 2009, 08:20 AM
Kigo, are the teams the same as from the 2v2 comp or this is just a draft, right?

I'd be interested Varz, but you last comment was a bit mean. :P

13th October 2009, 08:32 AM
oh the whole pummeling you?

I meant Pummeling you into the ground.. with LOVE. ;)

13th October 2009, 08:42 AM
Coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough , ive got H1N1, no **** either, been feeling like crap for a few weeks now:blarg

Kigo, are the teams the same as from the 2v2 comp or this is just a draft, right?

I'd be interested Varz, but you last comment was a bit mean. :P

Like our hebrew insulting friends OBH has told me on a few occasions, this is the idea, 2v2v2v2, and as ive said to him the idea is great, but im uncertain how all of this will work since there is no friendly fire feature in the came. So there are going to alot of friendly casualties in the game, not going to make some people particular happy. But we'll see how much interest is in this first before we go to the next step.

13th October 2009, 01:15 PM
Like our hebrew insulting friends OBH has told me on a few occasions
How many times do i need to say there was no insulting!! :g They love me man, not hate me! :D

15th October 2009, 08:45 AM
Any news on the potential start date?

Mr Phlanj
15th October 2009, 12:08 PM
You could play games with teams but only if u had an honor system, if u did the live stream then you could have a pannel of judges to make a note on team kills but the game could get cut short. Another idea is if you loose points for team kills but we would still be stuck on the game potencialy getting cut short.

Just some ideas (but none that helped :D )

15th October 2009, 05:58 PM
I would like to see this work, but there are still flaws that needed to be fixed out, and also there are factors from the WWC which are going to be a problem as well, the massive timezone differences we are all at. In time we'll see if this works.

18th October 2009, 08:37 PM
If the competition becomes up and running, I will be recording each of my races, so I could help out with the whole team-kill issue by watching the video and taking note of who kills who? Of course, I won't be in every race so can't do all of them. Just a thought...

18th October 2009, 09:10 PM
Thats probably is a smart thing to do. If this goes into the green.

18th October 2009, 09:17 PM
Maybe I missed something, but isn't the whole point in a team game the fact that you have to be smart and avoid shooting team mates? If you can just fire randomly and have any team hits ignored then doesn't that take any depth and strategy out of team play?

18th October 2009, 09:35 PM
Thats what still needs to be worked out, when i was discussing about this earlier with OBH. Not sure what to do as of yet.

3rd November 2009, 09:20 PM
I have Taken the liberty to try and get this going as soon as possible by making a partnership thread. It can be found in the Eliminator League social Group.

Lets get some kills going people ;)

PS: OBH can I getchur msn so I can talk to ya? :)

6th November 2009, 09:40 AM
Got my partner, we played some eliminator last night. It was good practice NOT shooting at each other and and ganging up on unsuspecting victims. :mr-t However, if i'm understanding this correctly partners cannot compete in the same race?

Also, I agree about the need to set a speed. IMO Phantom is too fast for eliminator and would prefer Rapier for all sessions.

7th November 2009, 11:30 AM
I think Rapier is the perfect speed for Eliminator. I played some Rapier and Phantom Elimination games last night, and the difference was huge

8th November 2009, 01:27 AM
Of Course Reza would prefer Rapier, its what he races at.

Id Vote for Flash IMO. More Precise Firing. That or Phantom, since you actually have to be good at aiming to get anything done.

8th November 2009, 11:27 AM
Flash would be a great idea to entice newer player into the game, though rapier would be more appropriate to use tbh.

8th November 2009, 12:05 PM
I've always felt Phantom too fast for eliminator. I'm not even convinced that the game itself can handle it - so much stuttering involved. A drop to Rapier has always seemed to just balance things out a little better and make it more fun. Anything below that and a lot of Phantom players might be put off. But it would encourage those at lower speeds who particularly don't have events aimed at them round here. Still, my preference would be Rapier. Not that I'm going to take part, or am I.:?:

8th November 2009, 02:38 PM
I'd be happy for Rapier speed. Phantom is a bit chaotic at times and quite unpredictable, but still may favourite. Anything less than Rapier would be too slow and not very exciting. Rapier looks like a solid choice for veterans and new players alike due to being a manageable speed and not being too slow at the same time.

8th November 2009, 06:38 PM
Rapier sounds good, should be the pick, not to fast, not to slow, just right, and lower cholesterol absorption too as well, Sanatrium Just Right Breakfast cereal.

Ok Canadian Mike, your pick :)

Your The Man Now Dog ;) :P

10th November 2009, 12:22 PM
I'd prefer to have both people from a team per race, much more fun. Team kills might pose a problem, but if everyone tries to keep an eye on who's killing who the whole thing might work..

10th November 2009, 04:12 PM
Still Want input from OBH and KIGO but I was thinking this for the Eliminator league.

Eliminator Rounds are held in "Pairs" so 2 rounds take place at the same time.

instead of having one big game of 8 there are 4 teams of 2. Each partner goes into a seperate game (in this case 4 pairs are taking place)

So im Just Naming Names here lets say these are the teams (I know these arent the teams just play along)

Team 1
Vartazian - Yeldar
Team 2
Rezatron - OBH
Team 3
KIGO - DJkyoto
Team 4
Amorbis - Saturn

The 2 Eliminator Sessions would be held in this way.

Game 1
Vartazian - 200
Rezatron - 145
KIGO - 130
Amorbis -130


Game 2
Yeldar - 90
OBH - 200
DJKyoto - 180
Saturn - 90


Before I go onto scoring might I add that this method of Battle Placement lets both everyone play, and eliminates the possibility of team kills. thus making it more fair. Each Teammate has to still fight his damndest to ensure his team gets points.

I have 2 Ideas For Scoring.

Method #1

The First Method is Take the highest score from EACH PAIR. So For instance for The Team with Yeldar and Vartazian, Since Vartazian's Score of 200 is higher then Yeldar's 90. The 200 is Kept and Tallied for their team. This Conitinues for each pair and the highest of both games is recorded. This method works so that if one team has an "Off Day" they arent behind 300 points in the long run and one team member can still "Rescue" their team with a good performance.

Method #2

The Second Method (which is easier) is just add the scores between each pair (Using team Yeldar/Vartazian as an example again) Yeldar's 90 and Vartazian's 200 Points are each added Making a combined score of 290 points (I didnt want to stress Problemsolver's Math Degree ;) ) This works well and rewards a team who is consistantly strong but is also a harsh punishment for teams that have "off days"

As for Course Selection. I was thinking of Random Determination such as a flip of a coin for Forwards or Backwards and another method to chose between the 12 courses. I was thinking a flip of a coin again to decide First 6 or Last 6 and then a final roll of a 6 sided Die to determine the course. (Because we cant ALWAYS do the big open firing lane courses...)

What do you guys think?

10th November 2009, 06:26 PM
Yeldar - 90
Saturn - 90

I see what you did there. I think I speak for us both when I say -_-

At least it makes up for all the compliments and keeps the universe in karmic balance, or something. :)

I'm really struggling with the team concept as it's being applied to this competition at the moment. We're a team, but we play in separate games and it's possible that only one of our scores would count? What's stopping one person from entering on their own, playing on their own against others, and winning on their own? At the moment it seems the only thing stopping that is the stipulation that two people have to enter, which really only increases the number of single players. If one person's score didn't count at all, then they might be relieved if they had an off day. But those should be fairly rare, and if they don't have an off day and their score is never counted because their partner always scores higher, then I imagine they'd get even more down about it, e.g. in my case, because I suck at eliminator.:bomb Also, if they both have an off day, then what's to stop them both making up for it next time with a good team performance? So yeah, to be honest, I can see the intent with method one, and it's very considerate, but I don't think it fits a team or pairs tourney.

tl;dr? I think method two is way better.

10th November 2009, 09:15 PM
Adding scores makes much more sense, it would be a waste of time to be in pairs otherwise. I wouldn't want to have a meaningless match or for my racing partner to have a pointless match, the morale would be quite low throughout the tournament for everyone.

So to answer your question Vartazian, Method 2 sounds better for a team tournament. Races courses could be in some sort of order if we agreed on one, otherwise random would be OK.

10th November 2009, 09:51 PM
I knew someone was gonna comment on the scores.

As for the Methods I agree with you guys on method 2 as well. I just wanted to have 2 Variants for people to vote on. Is the split okay though? Having a partner fight in a different match?

Not to Mention if we hold 4 player eliminator rounds. we can have partners "Spectate" the match if they so desire.

10th November 2009, 10:01 PM
I do think having players in separate games makes it two individuals rather than a team. Being a team implies that you can both somehow work together. This isn't really working together IMO. It's more like 1+1 than 2, which I will maintain is not the same, despite how stupid that sounds, at least for the purposes of this thread.:P The problem for me would not be avoiding friendly fire. I can already think of a few tactics on how to approach this. The problem would be potential for ill feeling between partners. That depends largely on maturity and good will though, just as much as the outcome of the game.

Incidentally, has this been considered for a singles league? What is the logic behind doubles? Was it the success of the doubles league. I fear that wasn't as much of a success as it at first seemed. :(

10th November 2009, 11:37 PM
Still Want input from OBH and KIGO but I was thinking this for the Eliminator league.
Method #1
Method #2
As for Course Selection. ~snip~
What do you guys think?

Sounds like an idea. Should attempt to put this in practice.

Speaking about djkyoto, where the hell is he? i havent seen him in ages. Like he has gone off the map, let me talk to him, see if he is still interested in the game.

If i see him on msn, ill see if he is interested.

22nd November 2009, 01:58 PM
Someone hit me up in 2011 when this league starts eh? I'm ready to go, let's find some common times people can meet and do this already :hyper

23rd November 2009, 04:13 AM
my racing partner
Guilty as charged :g