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View Full Version : custom soundtracks

17th September 2009, 02:26 PM
sorry if it was already asked, but how do they work?

I mean, i plug a usb drive, connect to ps3 and then what do i do?

also will the track loops during the whole race? where should i enter to change the music after copying it to the ps3? thanks for your help!


As Heaven Is Wide
17th September 2009, 02:58 PM
If the files are already mp3 (or AAC) then a usb stick will work fine. However if you have the music on a cd then you can just insert it and import the music, it will convert it into whatever format and bitrate you set in the music settings menu.

After connecting the usb drive you should be able to access it via the music menu (towards the top) If nothing shows up in there (probably because the files aren't set up in the very specific way the ps3 wants) you should be able to say to display everything that is on there. Copying them just involves highlighting what you want, pressing triangle and then import.

After they are copied to the hard drive, you may want to make a playlist of the songs you want to hear in the game if it isn't an album, as it will only play from one playlist at a time.

When you have your music playlist all set up its just a case of going into the audio options in the game and choosing the playlist you want. The tracks will behave as the default ones do. You can change some things in the audio options if you want them played randomly etc.

17th September 2009, 03:08 PM
thanks i'll try as soon as i can! I guess my WOHD will play lots of old 2097 and wipeout songs :)

messij Xtended forever! :)

As Heaven Is Wide
17th September 2009, 03:10 PM
The wipeout games (at the very least 2097 and 3) were made to be music cds as well as games. They can be put in the ps3 and the music imported straight off them like any regular cd.

I wish more games were like that.

17th September 2009, 03:17 PM
i've already in mp3 the soundtracks of wipeout(pc and saturn) / wipeout2097 (both psx and saturn) and wip3out... so i guess it'll be an easy and fast task to put them back in :)

17th September 2009, 03:26 PM
so was fusion.
Future Sound of London - Papua New Guinea (hybrid mix) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dyy3aTmVfs)
Cut la Roc - Bassheads (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVhvjpBBGOk)

were the 2 best tunes :)

To answer your question though WO recognises music playlists / folders saved on your ps3. Simply save mp3s (must be mp3 to my knowledge) to your ps3, create a wipeout playlist and then select it in the options menu of the game. Easy peesy :)

17th September 2009, 03:29 PM
i used to have a wipeout compilation in my car :) rock on!