View Full Version : Sonic 2D - HD (Needlemouse)

9th September 2009, 07:03 AM
Todays a very special day in 3 ways:

Wip3out 10th anniversary (was actually 8-9-99, but for half of Australia was 9-9-99)
Sega Dreamcast anniversary

... and most importantly...

Unveiling of Project Needlemouse, Sonic HD!!!!

Heres a link (http://kotaku.com/5355153/sonic-returns-in-new-2d-hd-game) for all Sega peeps out there, is it safe to assume that this will be the greatest sonic game since 1993? (date of release: Sonic CD)

9th September 2009, 09:03 AM
i'm a huge sonic fan (well, the four good 2d ones on the megadrive anyway) In fact i completed sonic 1 last night on xbox!!!

The trailer for this does give hope, but Sega have run sonic into the ground over the last few years...so while i hope beyond hope this is good...i'm prepared to be majorly dissapointed...again :(

Also for xbox owners Sonic & Knuckles is released on Live Arcade in a few hours time! :)

9th September 2009, 09:26 AM
It`s great news that they have finally realised Sonic sucked for a very long time and they need to do something about it, but the capacity of Sega to screw this up should not be underestimated. If it`s just an HD 2D Sonic concentrating on the classic gameplay it could be great. There should be no speech in the game at all, but I just think they will not be able to resist cheesy voice-acting and sound effects, cheesy characterization in general and totally unnecessary gameplay "enhancements". The real Sonic is a 2D guy in a 2D world and he does not speak! Other Sonics than this running jumping silent hero are not the real thing :(

9th September 2009, 04:25 PM
Todays a very special day in 3 ways:

Wip3out 10th anniversary (was actually 8-9-99, but for half of Australia was 9-9-99)
Sega Dreamcast anniversary~~~

Here in the US, Dreamcast was released 9-9-99, too. Not sure about W3O, but it was close to that IIRC. It was about 6 months later that I got into gaming, acquiring a PSX [and W3O and GT amongst others] and shortly afterwards, the Dreamcast, which a few weeks ago, I connected to the HDTV and played the original 'SoulCalibur' on it. Played W3O on the HDTV also. I can't say that it looked notably better than on SDTV [NTSC]. But anyway, W3O was a milestone for me.

I hope SEGA does justice to Sonic this time; I recently played the old demo of Xbox Live's version of Sonic 2. Classic.

9th September 2009, 07:48 PM
I'm looking forward to this, I hope they do a good job of it. If it's anything like the Mega Drive games or Sonic Advance it should be a great game. I'd rather it be a full Blu-ray title rather than a download but I'm guessing it won't be.