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Hironobu Sakaguchi
5th September 2009, 07:39 PM
hi everyone :beer

it's so nice to know that there is a forum been dedicated for the fantastic series :rock

what i want to ask maybe all of you familiar with :!

i got WO3:SE -sure it's only PAL- and i have PS1 PAL ...
when i run the game with it, i got the display like this:


if you didn't get my point yet, then i'll make it more clear...
now i also have WO3 NTSC...when i play the game the display is like this:


i think now you understand me :nod

why the menus from SE not appeared as in normal edition???
even when i adjust x:y it wont be as the second photo ...

can you give me explanation or solution??? :?

Hironobu Sakaguchi
6th September 2009, 10:54 AM
OMG :?

where are everyone ???

hlp me plz :brickwall

6th September 2009, 12:49 PM
What type of TV is it? If it's an NTSC TV it might not work correctly with a PAL game. I'm sure someone with more experience in this sort of thing can explain this a bit better. In the mean time you'll have to keep fiddling with the TV and game view settings to try and make it better.

Hironobu Sakaguchi
6th September 2009, 06:49 PM
now i can be sure based on ur talk that my tv is ntsc...
but thats strange ?!!
i got other pal games and all diplays perfecctly on this tv, why not with WO3:SE ???

thnx for replay and looking for more help

12th September 2009, 02:09 PM
In this edition it is still the option to correct the display of the TV, for Wide and Normal? It is in the normal edition of the game. In the video options i think, check it out if you have the option turned to Wide.
If it is not the case (and i think it will be not), i can't tell how what it is.

13th September 2009, 04:37 AM
That problem looks like more than just PAL-to-NTSC, the overlay (the hud portion of the screen) is shifted 1/4 screen down. You can see the blue strip for the race info is way too low, and the craft info isn't even on the screen.
The image is stretched like you see in a PAL-to-NTSC conversion, so that's likely at least part of the issue, but I've never seen the hud seperate from the environment like that in WO3.

13th September 2009, 02:25 PM
NTSC TV displaying a PAL picture.

Hironobu Sakaguchi
23rd September 2009, 05:39 PM
In this edition it is still the option to correct the display of the TV, for Wide and Normal? It is in the normal edition of the game. In the video options i think, check it out if you have the option turned to Wide.
If it is not the case (and i think it will be not), i can't tell how what it is.

no it's not available :?

That problem looks like more than just PAL-to-NTSC, the overlay (the hud portion of the screen) is shifted 1/4 screen down. You can see the blue strip for the race info is way too low, and the craft info isn't even on the screen.
The image is stretched like you see in a PAL-to-NTSC conversion, so that's likely at least part of the issue, but I've never seen the hud seperate from the environment like that in WO3.

NTSC TV displaying a PAL picture.

i have all the series in PAL ver.
WO1 + WO:2097+ WO3 :guitar
All works perfectly on the same TV and PS1 system..
WO3:SE is the only one among them which played in this way :robot

i dont now if my TV is NTSC or PAL -but im assuming it's PAL cause im living in Middle East which almost all our officiall stuff from Europe region (PAL)

so am i stuck??:(

23rd September 2009, 08:15 PM
is it an official version of the game or a CDR/bootleg? if it's pirated, it might have an NTSC patch applied to it which is messing up the resolution...

Hironobu Sakaguchi
28th September 2009, 05:13 PM
in fact yes it's pirated :pirate, but i didn't download it, i bought it about 8 years ago and it was the only pirated game which has this issue..:mad:

why i opened this thread??
cause i have the first 3 games original but SE was the only pirated one, and i wanted to buy it as original , but i was afraid that i will face the same issue with the original one... so it would be a big waste of money :blarg

5th October 2009, 12:46 PM
But the pirated version is probably patched/modified. Before I bought the PAL version of regular Wipeout 3, I downloaded an ISO. It had copy protection which made it crash at the beginning of each race. I needed to patch it (site w/patch (http://consolecopyworld.com/psx/psx_patches_w.shtml)) for it to work properly. The patch also included an NTSC/PAL selector... when I tried NTSC, the picture would stretch off the screen just like your 3SE... Your version of 3SE must have an NTSC patch on it.

If your other PAL games work fine, then 3SE should too when you buy the real disc.

Hironobu Sakaguchi
10th October 2009, 11:08 AM
ok :D
now i can buy the original game without fear :cowboy

thnx for info :+