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View Full Version : Online ranking system

14th August 2009, 07:27 AM
Hello everybody,

I find WipeOut HD (Fury) a very good game with a lot of different racing options, but...

what I really miss is a good online allround ranking system. You,ve got a record for every single event and a rating system for the time you've played online, but not an allover ranking system.

My proposition:

We have 24 courses in 4 speedclasses, which means:

96 different speedlaps
96 different time trials
96 different races (computer)
28 different zoneraces
28 detonatorraces

Totally 344 different races with rankings + 1 online ranking = 345 rankings.

Liverpool Studio can easily add all the rankings, this gives a number. If you haven't played a race you get 100.000 point. So if you're number 1 in everything you would have 345 x 1 = 345 points. If you didn't play anything, you've 345 x 100.000 = 34.500.000 points. This points would be the new ranking system.

I didn't include the multiplayer-race, because you can't influence the races which a played online. I also think that if you have a cheater or an unbeatable time, this has only a 1/345 influence on the ranking system, so there are possibilities.

With this calculation, you have to play al the games, all the tracks and all the speedclasses, so it is a really good allround ranking system.



14th August 2009, 07:36 AM
Alternative: http://wipeout-rankings.mooo.com/

Sort by Overall Ranking. :donut

14th August 2009, 07:43 AM
I know this, but i want an online overall ranking system, so that i know i'm on i.e. ranking 1.543 overall of all registered WipeOut-players and i can work on that ranking.


14th August 2009, 10:11 AM
Hi Prttoettoet,

What a funny name you have!! The first time I saw that I was ROFL. The ranking system you are talking about is only seen in Wipeout Pulse. www.wipeout-game.com

Welcome to the zone and be sure to check out our social group; The Flying Dutchmen. You are most welcome, it is under your User CP.

Good luck and see you soon, greetz Mad-Ice

14th August 2009, 02:31 PM

Btw nice name, shame i cant read or speak it :P

Your ranking system is flawed as players like problem solver who is legendary in the zone would probally rank quite low overall because he has no interest in all the other modes.
Some players specialise in certain things so an overall rank score as you describe would really only indicate players who play everything and not recognise the true elites who are masters of their chosen speciality.

To be honest the leaderboards are ok IMO, im glad we dont have race statistics as from previous bad experiences i have encountered only leads to cheating, pulling , boosting and general abuse and always attracts internet lowlife no one wants.

At first i didnt see it this way but over time i like the way the game is. I do not need a ranking system to see how good i am. I know how good i am and I know who is better than me.:nod:nod

the link above to the leaderboards is propper coll i never seen it before. Someone has even entered my details. How very kind :)

14th August 2009, 02:44 PM
I seem not to care what my ranking is in any game, and as a consequence of this, I tend to think that ranking systems are not worth the trouble, particularly since they all seem to be inaccurate in one way or another, especially any system that tries to be some measure of overall excellence. But I could be wrong. Or at least wrong by someone else's preferences.

14th August 2009, 02:46 PM
Couldnt say it better myself.:nod:nod:nod

14th August 2009, 03:06 PM
So few can. <egomaniac :turboeyeroll: :g

14th August 2009, 08:23 PM
I don't really agree. I think the light of WipeOut is goning out. The personel records set are unbeatable (I don't know how they did it --> respect), the aren't many online races. I don't like the fighting part. So online isn't funny anymore and local also because the records can't be broken. But I think that an allround ranking gives more possibilities to race offline with a goal.

14th August 2009, 09:25 PM

So online isn't funny anymore and local also because the records can't be broken.


Records are broken all the time ...
My only worry, I must admit, is the records made by using "BSB" (before Fury), some of my own personal PB´s included (SL, that is). I´ll never be able to better my PB at Ubermall SL for an example ...

:naughty Online is always fun ...

Ranking System:
I simply don´t get your idea of an online overall ranking-system, at least I don´t see how it could mirror the actual performance of the wipers - and very much agree with jasmin-jade: Such an overall system is absolutely ridiculous ...

An example:
JJPAP vs. chaos80 (my Team Nordic-friend)
Overall I´m ranked (way ;)) over chaos80. Jubiii, I´m the best ... oh,no ... By the way, I´m not ... I just raced a hell of a lot of different disciplines and classes compared to him. He´ll still beat me 8 out of 10 times we race. And if he ever chose to do TT´s and SL´s, he would beat me as well. Unfortunately :rolleyes:

But I like your idea of an overall ranking-board - it just have to be very differentiated (like Connavar´s site)

See you online (maybe) :p

15th August 2009, 07:53 AM

first thanks for your reaction.

What i meant with the records is that I and the most of the players won't be able to break a record. Those times are very, very good (don't know how theij did it). But for the more "normal" players (like me), you are happy if you have a 400th place or something time.

I am talking about an allround (for all races) ranking system. The ranking systems for 1 record already exist and people who doesn't want to play the allround systems, shouldn't play for this and only play their specialisation.

But for the more "simple players" like me, it would be nice if you break a own record, you would be regarded with a better allround-score, so you have something to "fight" for.

B.t.w what is BSB?


15th August 2009, 01:09 PM
I don't really understand what you mean.

When you break your own records, the game indicates this. So even if you're not a particularly good player, you can still have fun breaking your own records. But as soon as you start comparing with other players, you're bound to be very far down the list. There is no issue here.

You can already look at your own records. You can already look at worldwide records for a specialist area (e.g. Zone - although the top scores on this are illegitimate and should be removed).

There are only two problems:

1) the current online ranking system doesn't take your records into account - it's just basically counting the amount of time you've spent online - there should also be an 'Overall Rank' that works more like Connovar's site, taking into account all of your records in every game mode.

2) the official data isn't available outside of the game, and we have to make do with Connovar's site, which needs constant attention, whereas the official data would update itself.

15th August 2009, 03:33 PM
BSB - Boost-Select-Boost
As far as I remember Leungbok invented this little trick for bettering his already exceptional times at Speed Lap.
Basically it meant (cause it won´t work the same way in Fury), that you were able to boost before the finishing/start line, then press Select, while in the air (still before the line) and thereby gaining speed and possibilities for doing BR´s at the start of your next Speed Lap.
And that´s my worry: Because your not able to do the same trick in the same way after the Fury-update, these records will never be broken.
Unless you delete Fury and use BSB playing HD only, that is :?

See you, mate :)

15th August 2009, 03:36 PM
for prttoetttoet : a BSB = Boost Select Boost ..before fury was possible to push with select for get a boost for fly..and again push select for boost , fly and br BEFORE the start line ..exemple : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dL_sScBzi8 ..now SL deleted it with pack fury so some speed laps races are ( almost) unbeatable..that suck :brickwall

15th August 2009, 04:42 PM
You can already look at worldwide records for a specialist area (e.g. Zone - although the top scores on this are illegitimate and should be removed).

The only track where the Zone scores are "glitches" are Anulpha Pass forward. Every other track is fine and the scores have been obtained legitimately.

Its really easy to see the glitched scores, they hardly have any perfect zones.

15th August 2009, 05:42 PM
BSB - Boost-Select-Boost
As far as I remember Leungbok invented this little trick for bettering his already exceptional times at Speed Lap.
Basically it meant (cause it won´t work the same way in Fury), that you were able to boost before the finishing/start line, then press Select, while in the air (still before the line) and thereby gaining speed and possibilities for doing BR´s at the start of your next Speed Lap.
And that´s my worry: Because your not able to do the same trick in the same way after the Fury-update, these records will never be broken.
Unless you delete Fury and use BSB playing HD only, that is :?

See you, mate :)

Just to precise that Pirhapac was the first to show that trick (bsb) on a video of ubermall speedlap ;)

15th August 2009, 06:46 PM
Credits to Pirhapac as well, then - I knew it would be you or him, who discovered the trick :)

16th August 2009, 04:38 PM
The only track where the Zone scores are "glitches" are Anulpha Pass forward. Every other track is fine and the scores have been obtained legitimately.

Its really easy to see the glitched scores, they hardly have any perfect zones.
Yeah, that's what I was referring to. And as you say, they are really obvious, so I don't understand why they haven't been removed.

16th August 2009, 04:53 PM
before fury was possible to push with select for get a boost for fly..and again push select for boost , fly and br BEFORE the start line ..exemple : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dL_sScBzi8 ..now SL deleted it with pack fury so some speed laps races are ( almost) unbeatable..that suck :brickwall

I agree pirahpac. It's sad because the idea of getting a boost before the end of the lap was :+ ... but SL didn't expect that it was possible to use it to get better times. The problem is that now that BSB isn't possible anymore, some SL records will stay forever (except the Fury tracks and a few HD tracks). IMO SL should delete all the records that were made during the "BSB era" so that SpeeLap gains interest again.