View Full Version : WipeOut HD : IT SUCKS!!

8th June 2009, 08:21 PM
Now that I have your attention...(hehe)

I don't feel like this game sucks or anything. I think its brilliant in every way. But ive been reading these forums and it seems some of the diehard WipeOut fans are a bit disappointed with the whole experience, and I ask myself why? Offcourse, the online play is a bit chaotic, but thats the fun of human players in my opinion. Their reactions on actions you take is hilarious, and with the new ranking system it makes the game so much more fun. Ive heard there are some connection problems here and there, I personally never had any problems(before the last patch I did indeed, but after...everything runs so damn smooth...its a blast!!). Maybe Holland has a great network or something.

So...question is. Why do the diehard players dislike this entry so much? Pilotassist is one of the reasons, but I think it just adds more wipeout players to the field. I...uh...they will eventually turn to the traditional ways of wipeout gameplay.

Next question is...what do the new guys on the field think of the old soldiers. Is there hatred towards each other? I hope not.. cous the more the merrier.:nod :beer

or am I just talking out of my bum?

8th June 2009, 09:14 PM
I'm a new soldier and I love the fact that I can share my new found passion with other people that have been doing so with each other for ages.
2097 was the first game I ever played so I feel that I have some sort of connection with wipeout but to be honest I was crap at it. This may have been because I was only 5 years old, who knows :lol
1.20 > 1.30 :D

8th June 2009, 09:29 PM
... I personally never had any problems(before the last patch I did indeed, but after...everything runs so damn smooth...its a blast!!). ...
Right -- personally.

Well, I tell you what. I can't go online, my account (PSN ID: ProblemSolver)
is screwed for whatever reason! And I'm not the only one with this problem.
Second, if you ever go for the top, then you might care about clean
leaderboards and also that glitches will get removed as soon as possible.
Not so with WipEout HD. This sux very hard. The game is Ace, for sure,
but the way how bugs / glitches / problems are handled is inferior. :(

8th June 2009, 09:37 PM
I highly enjoy this part of the WO series, and I would say that most if not all the regulars that post here also do. The problem that I have with it is the small things, things that should be fixed or added that would make this unfinished diamond cut and polished to perfection. Stuff like the game freezing which happens to me everytime I play now, vista pads. I would say that most of us are just picking at small parts but we are all huge fans so we see them the most often and we know that the game can be so much more.

8th June 2009, 09:43 PM
I think BR's not working is a MAJOR problem. The amount of times I've lost races due to this problem are many. On a track like Ubermall where BR's are key, it's really annoying to see the guy in front of you roll, when you only hear the faint whisper of a roll that could have been..
Add this to the various lag related problems, super weapons since 1.30, the fact that your'e all trying to take the same racing line and you have a game that frankly, isn't fair or competitive anymore. I don't think anyone dislikes this game at all, I just liked 1.26 a whole lot better.

I've learned to live with the game the way it is now but don't take as much enjoyment from it.

8th June 2009, 09:59 PM
hmmmm, i don't actually own a ps3 or HD, but do play it now and then on my housemates ps3, so i can't fairly comment on the major issues a lot of people have with the online play, however my personal opinion of HD is that it shows that a great looking wipeout can be made on the ps3, but i'm not a fan of the art direction SL took for this entry, gameplay wise, i find it fairly solid...there are some issues, but it's still wipeout.

it's a personal opinion, but one that puts it at the lower end of things, in terms of my favourite in the series.

solid game, great features, just looks too bright and shiny to make it a favourite of mine.

i'll still give my housemate some money and get him to download Fury though!!!

9th June 2009, 03:40 AM
Love this game to bits, but the Elite AI frustrates the hell out of me with their "cheapness" -- in other words special handling and physics characteristics that are not possible by human pilots. This includes being able to turbo boost around hairpin corners, even while in the air, faster recovery times from weapon hits, immunity to being shunted off the course (either by ramming or weapons), and inhuman reaction times (I'm looking at you bombs & mines).

I've noticed that BRs are bugged sometimes as well. The number of times I've failed to BR coming off the huge Chenghou drop while pressing LRLRLRLRLRLR is downright maddening, including during offline play.

It's also a shame that the leaderboards are bugged with false times and zone records.

And the number of people plagued by inability to go online is truly disheartening, especially when they have failed to fix this bug for the last 6 months even after several patches.

But yeah, still a great game.

9th June 2009, 03:49 AM
there are a plethora of threads detailing our frustrations and disappointments with HD... I've voiced my own so much that I'm too lazy to do it again now, so I'll just say have a quick skim through some of the other threads :P

9th June 2009, 03:51 AM
I think pretty much everybody loved HD ,both on and offline,but the online problems which were relatively minor originally,have become worse.

The online chat barely worked before various patches,it doesn't work at all now.

The online problems are so inconsistent as well,you can have one race and all will be fine,the next will the same host,field etc but will be laggy,vista pad strewn,none BR working,craft handling differently farce.

There lies the problem.
Is it the patches to the game that have caused this ?,PS3 system updates?,a combination of both?,SONY expecting the PSN to handle so much? [messaging,voice,chat rooms all available to be used by anybody on your friends list to contact you]

I had a strange experience with the messaging system last week,none of my friends were appearing online [I knew they were] and nobody was showing when last logged on.
I couldn't receive or send messages,but I could play online,so I did.
It was like when the game was first released,FAST,NO LAG,all weapon pads working,BR's easy to do,no ghost ships etc....I was back in HD Heaven.:rock

Not having the messaging was bugging me after the 3rd day,then I found that if you delete any comment that you have on your Avatar the messaging will come back,which I did and things returned to normal.:)

So did all the problems with HD online unfortunately .:frown:

The only thing I can deduce from this is it is the PSN messaging that is somehow throttling HD online,and the more friends you have ,I suspect the bigger the possible problems

9th June 2009, 06:46 AM
Do games like moterstorm have any of the online problems you guys discribe, and what is a good example of a good ps3-racegame that actually works online?

(ow, and srry if this kind of thread is a common thing on these forums. Ill look for similair threads next time)

9th June 2009, 07:27 AM
Not sure about Motorstorm as I never really got into it and have never played it online,but Ridge Racer 7 had online problems as well if I remember KIGO's post about it correctly [not having played it online myself].

I'd try it but I really can't be bothered with RR anymore,I'm a wipeout tragic I'm afraid,always will be.

Even in it's frustratingly problematic online game play,it's still "THE" racing game for me.

9th June 2009, 08:10 AM
yup same for me. The game-concept is timeless, and will always be fun.

9th June 2009, 08:55 AM
I've played Motorstorm online a few times and absolutely no problems whatsoever. As online experiences go it's pretty flawless, I haven't played much though, as of course Wipeout stole my life and my abilitiy to play any other game :?

9th June 2009, 09:24 AM
Why do the diehard players dislike this entry so much?
If "diehard" means people who have played a lot of the previous Wipeout titles, then I am not a diehard player. But starting with WO HD, I will die hard (and do almost every night) :p
I don´t think the "diehard" players dislike WO HD at all - I´d rather believe they indeed love Wipeout so much (including the potential of WO HD, when everything runs smoothly for everybody), that they want the game to be absolutely perfect in every way. A cry out of desperation - for perfection.

...what do the new guys on the field think of the old soldiers. Is there hatred towards each other?
Hatred? My mind is absolutely blank ... I am a relatively new guy: Why the hell should I hate The Old Soldiers? I simply don´t understand. If not for them, the aura and history surrounding Wipeout wouldn´t exist, all the splendid initiatives (as seen on WO-zone) wouldn´t exist. They are indeed a motivating factor.
Believe me, if I ever meet an old soldier around Makana Island, I´ll present him/her a gift! ........... (Shaped as a missile or a rocket) :):):)

9th June 2009, 09:30 AM
Do games like moterstorm have any of the online problems you guys discribe, and what is a good example of a good ps3-racegame that actually works online?

(ow, and srry if this kind of thread is a common thing on these forums. Ill look for similair threads next time)

Thing is, motorstorm: pacific rift as lots of different racing lines so that everything can be accomodated for on the track (from bikes to monster trucks). So, generally, people follow whatever lines best suits their vehicle. In WO:HD, everyone's in pretty much the same vehicle, so everyone follows the same line, and there isn't a great deal of choice.

9th June 2009, 10:20 AM
If "diehard" means people who have played a lot of the previous Wipeout titles, then I am not a diehard player. But starting with WO HD, I will die hard (and do almost every night) :p
I don´t think the "diehard" players dislike WO HD at all - I´d rather believe they indeed love Wipeout so much (including the potential of WO HD, when everything runs smoothly for everybody), that they want the game to be absolutely perfect in every way. A cry out of desperation - for perfection.

Hatred? My mind is absolutely blank ... I am a relatively new guy: Why the hell should I hate The Old Soldiers? I simply don´t understand. If not for them, the aura and history surrounding Wipeout wouldn´t exist, all the splendid initiatives (as seen on WO-zone) wouldn´t exist. They are indeed a motivating factor.
Believe me, if I ever meet an old soldier around Makana Island, I´ll present him/her a gift! ........... (Shaped as a missile or a rocket) :):):)

hatred was a bad choise of words, hehe (srry my english isnt that great)

Without them the franchise would be dead. But you must admit, there are some grumpy old men floating around... :)

9th June 2009, 10:22 AM
I really agree with JJPAP`s post. A lot of "old soldiers" are just perfectionists looking for Wipeout perfection in their different ways. I don`t think there`s much difference between the old and the new members. Some us discovered this site sooner than others, that`s the only difference.

The game is Ace, for sure,
but the way how bugs / glitches / problems are handled is inferior. :(

This is a seperate point to JJPAP`s and just as true, imo. We might disagree about what perfection is, but I think we would all agree that HD is a bit broken in many ways. I`m really not at all confident that anything will ever be done about these issues and the glitched leaderboards. It seems irrational to make a great leaderboard and not maintain it, but I suppose there must be reasons.

9th June 2009, 11:58 AM
I'm quite a competative soul, and to be able to enjoy wipEout online with so many other players has been excellent.

The mechanics, teams, and aesthetics of older games may have pleased me more, there may be some bugs with the current HD version that need ironing out, and the in-game record tables are no match to Connavar and co's own websites, but the banter / arranged matches / avalon + all the other races I get involved in, makes wipeoutHD the best one to date in my eyes.

9th June 2009, 12:37 PM
QUOTE:Without them the franchise would be dead. But you must admit, there are some grumpy old men floating around...

The ONLY reason the "Old Men" became grumpy was because the game BECAME broken and not fixed,this is despite frequent [:brickwall post's about what is wrong].

It must be a generation thing where a service is paid for and is expected to be provided,the current generation are ready to pile HD on the scrap heap [disposable ] and just wait for the next installment.

Spend your $$ and have absolutely nothing to show for them in 10 years time.
Nothing collectible on a dead hard drive and a defunct console &/or OS.

If you think like that,well trust me ,that's the way YOUR life will go,NOBODY will give a flying Fu(k about what you do or what you have ever done,you will be cast off will total indignity,just like the things you covert now but actually don't put any value to.

Sorry to sound so "GRUMPY",but this generation can't see the brick wall it's driving it's self into at supersonic zone speed.

The only people in 10-15 years time that will have a full time job are old age carers and data recovery specialists.;)
Guess Stinkleroy and I are both covered.:p

9th June 2009, 12:53 PM
I see no problem with grumpiness anyway. It happens naturally after a certain age.

I think the main problem is that before any of the recent updates that introduced rankings and badges, online play was (for the majority) pretty much flawless with few missing weapons pads, no BR issues and less lag. Since, well, we have been down that road but its fair to say its not perfect.

In some ways, Wipeout is IMO still very good online. One of my other favourite games is Pro Evo (soccer) and the lag on that game is just ridiculous. Bear in mind, mainly, it is 1 on 1 and the lag experienced is horrific. If you have the misfortune not to be hosting the game can become unplayable. Even, when you host the game does silly things like players teleporting around the pitch, button presses not responding for 2 seconds and an inability to feel in control even when you have the ball. Its not like its even a new problem (happened in last 3 incarnations that I know of) and the ordeals you have to go through just to connect is unbelievable (basically you can only play if your DMZ is enabled - I never even knew what it was before Pro Evo !!), to sign up for a Konami account is also an experience in itself that is beyond normal people's comprehension.

Now considering Wipeout sometimes supports up to 8 players I think in comparison it provides a much better experience. Not saying its perfect but just giving an idea that there are other games out there are much worse. And at least the developers come on here and acknowledge there are issues that are being worked on. With Pro Evo they won't even recognise (publicly) that the online function is awful and needs improvement.

Everyone wants perfection and Wipeout is a game that lends itself to that. No game will ever be perfect for everyone but it is a damn sight more perfect than a lot of the half-baked, half finished games out there. Even more so with Fury up and coming.

9th June 2009, 01:25 PM
Pro Evo (soccer) and the lag on that game is just ridiculous.

You nailed it on the head there mate.

That is the most perfect example of an online mode ruined. Ive been an avid player since International Superstar Soccer on the SNES, and is often the game of choice for "post-pub-banter", but the online mode though is truly SHOCKING. I think "The Darkness" was the only game ive played that came close to the dier lag you have to endure online.

9th June 2009, 01:30 PM
The whole point of Wipeout ,after you are through playing it in Campaign is to be fast,faster than before,then faster than the other racer.

There becomes a limit to ones abilities if playing alone.

This is where online comes in.
You see people taking different racing lines,going for the weapon pads instead of the speed pads.....it all eventuates into a well rounded player that can usually account well for themselves on the track in the most elite of company.

Then you have the "FREAKS" [I mean this in the most flattering way] like Leaungbok & Piraphiac.

They post videos that we mere mortals look at and think ,you absolute BASTARD ,I'll never be able to do that,but you try anyway,and much to your surprise,you actually can pull a few of those moves off,not as well or as frequently,but it's a little win,something somebody else might not be able to do,which I suppose would make YOU the absolute BASTARD when you do pull them off in somebody else's eyes that doesn't know about them.
It's all relative.

The problem is where technology,not know how or ability let's you down.

That's the hardest pill to swallow.

A real game killer.

9th June 2009, 01:57 PM
I think the reason the lag in HD gets to so many people is because it is a game that requires split second timing. I've experienced worse lag/game issues in a few other games..(LBP anyone?) but it hasn't mattered as much as it does in Wipeout. For those of us who are competitive (to a degree) that made the game really infuriating.

But like I said, I've adapted to this style of online play now, I'm just not as competitive. I still love the wipeout franchise and think HD and this community are awesome :)

9th June 2009, 04:22 PM
The only people in 10-15 years time that will have a full time job are old age carers and data recovery specialists.;)
Guess Stinkleroy and I are both covered.:p

Don't forget about we U.S. government employees too! :nod

9th June 2009, 05:02 PM
"The Darkness"Yeah, that was bad. I remember joining a game and I could not move at all. The game was pretty fun (I beat it), I remember watching the whole movie on the TV in there (Too bad there wasn't a fullscreen mode), some glitches and you essentially become overpowered at the end (Black hole, srsly), but the online I tried once, lagged like hell and disconnected. Fortunately it was a rent, I must say I got my money's worth at least.

9th June 2009, 08:26 PM
I enjoyed playing through The Darkness, as well. I'm not a big FPS guy, but when a unique one like that comes along, I can really get into it. Playing through Bioshock right now and absolutely loving it.

9th June 2009, 09:01 PM
Back a couple of months there was a discussion about PA (Pilot Assist) and I said that it's not that big of a deal. Two weeks ago I joined a race with PA enabled, and I think I understand what is bad about racing with it on - when in a narrow place everyone just ran me over like I was a bump in the road, and I could do anything becuase they would just bump off from the wall, ballet (sp) style and ram me instead.

So I apologize if I sounded abit arrogant before, thankfully it is not a problem anymore :)
And thank god I get lag on RARE occasions :+

10th June 2009, 01:16 AM
So...question is. Why do the diehard players dislike this entry so much?

I think you will find that the 'diehard' players ..

1) Respect SL, and the Wipeout Series no matter what
2) dont actually moan about the game - especially publicly
3) belive and trust SL, and that it will 'all come good' in the end

I think you will find the vast majority of people who constantly post negative comments are 'newbies' who have joined WOZ since HD was released.

10th June 2009, 01:29 AM
thats not true mu5. as JPAP said, the diehards are saying things because they have been around for all of the other wipeout entries and we would like to see HD shine as much as 3se or XL/2097.

ive posted negative comments plenty about HD along with many other seasoned WO vets. and im surely not a "newbie" coming into WO for the first time... 1996 my friend.

PS- SL didnt take over WipEout until after the year 2000. before then it was psygnosis.

10th June 2009, 02:32 AM
Really? I always thought it was Studio Liverpool!!! Im *sure* they released wipeout 1!! :D ;)

Maybe there is some confusion here between 'die hard pilots' and 'Legendary Pilots' ;)

Im sure any competitive player on HD who has put in a lot of effort would like to think of themselves as 'Die Hard'. I took from the original post that he was slating the *real* 'Die hard' pilots - the 'Legends' - and I dont think that is very fair, as all they have to say is good words about HD - the mantra being SL 'will fix it soon'. Note: No toys were thrown from pram :D

10th June 2009, 02:41 AM
even the legendary pilot Al...whos name has been immortalized in wipeout credits, literally, has complained about HD ;)

(and technically yes...the company was founded as "Pysgnosis" first before becoming SL)

10th June 2009, 03:07 AM
So...question is. Why do the diehard players dislike this entry so much?

Just because Al complains it does not mean that all 'die hard' pilots dislike HD now does it? ;)

btw there was a heavy level of sarcasm in that last post :D

10th June 2009, 06:38 PM
<3 mu5 lol

11th June 2009, 08:02 AM
Gaming has changed since the first WipeOut. We should be glad things hasnt changed that drasticly compared to other franchises.

Ow, and im not a fan of FPS on PS3. But Bioshock man.... damn brilliant...It plays very different from other FPS'es.:rock

11th June 2009, 06:13 PM
bioshock was cool, i played at a friends house...Fallout 3 was amazing...RPG when it needs to be and FPS/TPS whenever you want!!!

17th June 2009, 01:16 PM
... I can't go online, my account (PSN ID: ProblemSolver) is screwed for
whatever reason! ...
Problem got fixed! (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6302)

17th June 2009, 01:19 PM
Clicking on that link of yours logged me out. :@

18th June 2009, 11:48 AM
I can't go online, my account (PSN ID: ProblemSolver)
is screwed for whatever reason!Driving license suspension for exceeding speed limit in Zone mode ... I have proof :naughty

19th June 2009, 07:03 AM
Hi All.

Every morning in Italy i wake up and play wo hd and during its gamelife i noticed a lot of strange behaviour due to lag or bug.....


about one week ago i have noticed a different weapons distribution system and a slow velocity during game .....mainly it appears clear when you log on the server after a long session of racebox, like laptime.....

I noticed that the ships, during the session online, are slower than in racebox and have a different policy of weapon pads distribution, respect before.

Has someone else noticed this behaviour?

Read You soon

19th June 2009, 07:53 AM
Last nights Nordic Session was the most laggy thing I've ever experienced. It was really bad. Looks like someone took the wrench a bit to rough on the servers...

19th June 2009, 12:01 PM
Completely agree with Mic.
Never experienced lag like this before. I even lacked skills :lol
No pick ups, no BR´s, ghost ships, etc. It didn´t help a bit after changing host.
Normally we don´t have any problems worth mentioning at Nordic Sessions.
But last night ..... :eek

19th June 2009, 12:10 PM
yup, it was terrible. some weapon-pickup pads didnt even work anymore. Im telling yah, they are preppin for fury!!! :hyper

Hacker X
19th June 2009, 08:44 PM
Meh, I'm a diehard fan. Been one since 96' when Wipeout came out, and sometimes I don't understand the moaning either. I know HD has flaws, but I'm glad SL has continued to improve the series overall, AND the game was only 20 DOLLARS!

How can you complain about that? Its not perfection, but they didn't charge people $50 for it either. And we have Fury coming.

Thats why I really didn't understand all the anger on here when SL or Sony charged for the DLC for Pulse either, after all the free dl's for PURE.

Sometimes gamers just are very whiney. Sorry, not trying to be offensive to anyone either, but as much as I love the Wipeout series, I'd hate to se SL stop making them. Their doing a damn fine job for a game that isn't that expensive.

19th June 2009, 09:34 PM
Thats why I really didn't understand all the anger on here when SL or Sony charged for the DLC for Pulse either, after all the free dl's for PURE.Because you pay the original price of the game for a quarter of the content? Because each pack has a different price? Because it was only released in one region?
Just sayin'.

Hacker X
20th June 2009, 08:32 AM
But with PURE look at all the free dlc that came out. They never charged anything for it. Also, look at the lengths of PURE and PULSE. They are both quite lengthy games, that offer DLC. PULSE charged for dlc but its not like it broke people's banks. And like I said, in the end, WOHD was only $20, and its an amazing, and best version of the WO experience.

Personally, like I said, I've been playing WO since 96, where you paid $50 for a very limited WO game compared to what came with PURE and PULSE, and HD so I've been kind of grateful that they've kept the series going for a pretty low price.

20th June 2009, 10:39 AM
Value for money HD is brilliant.
Frustration wise it has also topped the scales with online problems.

I f you were to balance it out ,well anybody that loves this series would agree we have had a fantastic time with it.

Those that play online a LOT are a bit over the problems though.

Masochistic? I don't know.it's the ONLY online wipeout that doesn't need a PSP so there is nothing to compare it to.

Guess we will see when FURY [is ever released]

20th June 2009, 11:03 AM
Game could of been bloody marketed a bit more extensively thought.

1.5 seconds of a Wipeout video was shown at E3 this year. ****ing dumb. All that effort wasted. Sony sure didnt leave any parts of its other famous gaming titles unpromoted, like Ratchet&Clank: A Crack Deal Gone wrong. But there where some awesome other titles there i gotta say.

But Sony was certain about one thing, there target audience was mentioned to be the "Tweens" (gen y all the way down to about 8years old) segmentation of the market. They said it during there conference. Hence why Sony are releasing titles like the "Hana Montana Pink PSP game set" as well as the massive promotion on the new R&C title. Great to see Gran Turismo was promoted quite extensively though.

But back to Wipeout. **** make me ponder sometimes. Maybe i should be a Rep for Sony Australia or something later on, and get some of the famous 90s titles back on to the Playstation Franchise.

Time will tell.

20th June 2009, 11:21 AM
YOU..... A...REP...For ,,,SONY AUS...:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek

The Frustration level would get to you.

Your only public appearance would be on MURDER SQUAD.

The accused

20th June 2009, 11:29 AM
Blackwiggle i deal with fuktards every single day of my life. As this city has had a population explosion of them. Ive almost grown a resistance to them. But i still have an extremely short fuse. As people know when they are a passenger in my car. But ive got good people relation skills, worked both in retail and hospitality, (never intend to work in hospitality again in the rest of my life), Retail had some of its good bits.

20th June 2009, 12:16 PM
Are there many gun shops in W.A.?

Well you did say you have worked in retail.

[I shouldn't take the piss out of KIGO,we have both suffered the same indignities ,thus both storing ammo;) ]

20th June 2009, 01:59 PM
Theres one in Belmont. But you need your gun licence card. I could of had my Grandfathers rifles/shotguns, but ever since the Port Author Massacre in Tassie back in the 90s, ****ing little turd ex PM John Howard, banned all of them, and crushed all the guns. Thats probably one thing better about the US compared to Aus, the right to defend your self and your property. Here the ****ing cunts get away with anything. Im ****ed if i know how Perth was award the 5th most liveable city on Earth. **** it ill move to Melbourne later on. Since thats the 3rd most liveable city on Earth.

22nd June 2009, 11:03 PM
I will tell you one of my dislikes coming to this straight from hardcoring it on Pure. And its that in WOHD the players are all little mobile immovable objects. What that means, is they are sure-stopping walls, no matter what. You use a boost, if you don't completely clear the other racers, its a waste. Missiles, you shoot three, hit TWO, amazing! right? well nope, cause you hit one in the back end that stops you completely and you have to wait until he gets going again to prepare for another pass.

same thing with any weapon, cannon, quake. They stop, they become reckoning obstacles that cannot always be avoided. Pure had it beat in that sense cause the vehicles hitboxes were smaller (that or the tracks were roomier). And that's my only real gripe with this game.

22nd June 2009, 11:40 PM
But with PURE look at all the free dlc that came out. They never charged anything for it.There were sponsors. And you can't deny the way the Pulse DLC was handled was ****tarded.
Also, since we're looking at PurE, can you tell me exactly the content of each pack? As far as I remember, there were multiple new ships, a lot of new tracks, more music and menu skins, per one pack.
Pulse, on the other hand... One ship, two track variants, and it's not even of the same track! So if you want Black/White version of a track you have to buy two packs! And then you have two other tracks left alone, gotta buy the two others to get the full set! Great! I'm not mentioning each pack was like 5$, so 20$ for everything (That's the full price for WipEout HD btw), some stuff isn't playable online...
You can talk to me all you want about PurE, doesn't change the fact that the Pulse DLC was handled in a very shitty way.

Ratchet&Clank: A Crack Deal Gone wrongRachet and Clank Future is a great title. And it wasn't shown that much at E3... There are other things on the list way before I would even talk about removing promotion from R&C and shifting it for HD... Like PAIN (Sue me if you disagree with me, best PSN game of 2008 is non deserving IMHO)

17th September 2011, 10:33 AM
it seems some of the diehard WipeOut fans are a bit disappointed with the whole experience, and I ask myself why?

Ok, this seems to be the right place for some thoughtful criticism.
Now, I recently replayed the original trilogy, without having played any of the later games at all and yeah, I would consider myself a big fan of the old ones.
Then, I played the Wipeout HD Demo at my friends PS3 and to be honest, my first impression was that it downright sucks.
Well, after reading the forum I gave it a few more trys and I noticed the game gave me the same learning process as wipeout 1-3 did.
I have to say the graphics and the online concept are awesome and the game is a lot of fun.
Still, I think that after wip3out, the delicacy of the games' physics have not been that great ever since.
Maybe it got accessible to more people through the simpler physics, people who dont want games to demand a lot of practice. I mean if it's for the sake of the continuation of the franchise, I am happy that there still are great wipeout games.
But as a Fan of the originals I'd welcome some more of the old spirit in future games.

Please don't take this as a "dis" or anything, it's just my impressions.

17th September 2011, 11:15 AM
Maybe it got accessible to more people through the simpler physics, people who dont want games to demand a lot of practice
Tell that to Kanar, and try to beat any of his speedlaps at phantom speed on HD. Easy task normally for a fan used to hardcore gameplay ! ;)

18th September 2011, 08:54 PM
Irrelevant and out of purpose Leung. You can play the easiest game on earth and not reach top 100 if a community is fighting for records.

And yes, HD gameplay is easier, that's a fact.
HD gameplay is less interesting... that's not a fact anymore, just a personal feeling :g

18th September 2011, 09:17 PM
The out of purpose thing is to say that HD don't demand lot of practice ! Of course it's about records, if it's only to race casually and beat the AI, all wipeouts are easy !!
HD gameplay is not easier, it's different, and also richest with sideshifts and BRs, that's a fact !!!

I mean if it's for the sake of the continuation of the franchise, I am happy that there still are great wipeout games
Anyway, it seems that the devs tried to make the game apparently more accessible to newcomers with features like pilot-assist. Also the more powerfull weapons increases the chances of the slower pilots on an online race.

4th October 2011, 02:39 PM
If it's about the records, they should try and make the leaderboard work once for all. And rethink the br's for future releases, no more endless BR chaining on a track.
But what really makes HD suck is the fact that Qirex is not what it was in 2097 :D