View Full Version : WipEout HD Trophy Guide

27th March 2009, 12:22 PM
Bronze Medals: http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18438

For those that are new or still trying to collect them. :)
I'm sure most of it's right.

3. Silver Trophies

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3a. Campaign Legend
Obtain a gold medal for every cell in Race Campaign

This means getting a gold medal on all 87 race campaigns, can be done on any difficulty, so this shouldn’t be too bad, it just may take a little bit of time to achieve.

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3b. Airbreaker
Reach Zone 50 (Subsonic) in Zone Mode on any track using only airbrakes and sideshift. Motion sensor controls must be turned off.

Quite a hard one to get, but practise makes perfect. Any auto pilot settings such as pitch and ‘pilot-assist’ must be turned off. All you can use to steer is the L2 and R2 buttons (and sideshifting using these). As usual, use the Anulpha Pass track. Zone 50 (subsonic) takes about 8:20 to achieve. Just try to be as smooth as possible. If you touch the d-pad/Analogue stick once you won’t be awarded the trophy if you reach zone 50, so don’t be tempted.

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3c. Tournament Ace
Win every race of an 8 stage Racebox tournament on Skilled or Elite difficulty.

Simple enough, load up a Racebox 8 race tournament, on Skilled difficulty, using your favourite or easiest tracks and win all 8 races. Turning weapons off may help you with this trophy, if you know you’re faster (remember you can’t regenerate shield again with weapons off, so don’t hit too many walls, or you automatically DNF if you destroy yourself).

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3d. Connected 2
Win 10 online races.

Just like Connected 1, but you have to win 10 online races, instead of finishing 10. Try joining races that are using the lower speed classes and fewer people if you’re having a problem with this, or you could ask a friend to let you win a few~

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3e. Lapped Out
Complete 99 laps in a single Racebox, Speed Lap session.

Easy as pie, but could be boring as hell if you’re the type that doesn’t like to strive for super fast laps. You can just do the lazy man’s method of putting ‘Pilot-assist’ on for your player, and taping down the X button, put it on a Speed lap session with the fastest speed class, and just go get a coffee of something for about 30-40 minutes. Come back and presto, free trophy. Personally I just do the 99 laps as it’s faster. Good time to do it is when attempting the ‘beat Zico’ trophy.

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3f. AG Assassin
Eliminate 50 online opponents.

As it says, destroy 50 opponents on the online mode. If you’re just aiming for the trophy, sit at the back of the grid and try to use weapons such as quakes, plasma bolts and missiles, etc. An easier way is just get a friend, start an online race with just the two of you. Load up ubermall, and ask them to just sit at the part of the track where it splits. Then you can just go round in circles, picking up weapons and destroying them (in a nice way of course.:))

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/silversmiley.png 3g. WipeOut Disciple
Obtain 100,000 loyalty points for any team.

As it suggests, acquire 100,000 loyalty points for any one team. So just pick a favourite team that suits you best, stick with it and go through the Campaign mode and online modes with it. Zone mode you can get a good amount of points for a good run (1500+ points on Anulpha Pass). May take a while, but easy enough.

4. Gold Trophies

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/goldsmiley.png 4a. Elite Campaign Legend
Obtain a gold medal for every cell in Race Campaign on Elite difficulty.

Just like the Campaign Legend trophy you have to get a gold on all 87 race campaigns, but this time race events against Comp A.I (Single races and Touranments) have to be done on Elite Difficulty. This will be quite hard to do, especially when you get to the last Campaign on Phantom Speed, as at this speed class the A.I on Elite is very skilled. Basically time, effort and sweat will help you get this one. As your skills increase this should become easier to do.

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/goldsmiley.png 4b. Zone Zeus
In Zone Mode, reach Zone 75 on any track.

Two words: Anulpha Pass. Seriously if you’re not used to extreme speeds, then this may seem impossible to achieve. You’ll have just have to practise this one a lot. You’ll have to use the airbrakes more and more as the zones and speed increase, especially for the left handers. Try to keep as clean as possible early on to keep your health for later. You’ll need to have nerves of steel and to be as smooth as silk (turning the music off may help). Always try to go for the upper right path and jump off early to the left at the end, at higher speeds you may hit the pillar just before the start line. Remember that a perfect zone (not hitting anything for the full 10 seconds of a zone) will recover 10 health. But when you reach that amazing Supersonic zone world of Neon blue and black, it’s so very worth it.
Example video shown is of me achieving this. Try to avoid the pinball effect if you hit a wall.


http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/goldsmiley.png 4c. Arcade Perfect
Finish 1st on all 16 tracks in Phantom class Racebox races on Elite difficulty.

First note, the game doesn’t list what ones you have won, so write them down when you have. The A.I on elite difficulty is brutal, just like the old Wipeout games, and it will take a lot effort to beat them on every track (including all reverse variations). Chenghou project and Sebenco climb are probably the hardest tracks to win on. Turning weapons off may help you with this one if you’re having no luck with weapons.

http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/goldsmiley.png 4d. Beat Zico
Equal or beat the lap time of 30.82 seconds on Anulpha Pass (Forward), Speed Lap, Venom using the Piranha.

Ah Zico, don’t we just love you. For me personally, and thousands of other people, this caused me much rage and frustration. It literally took me hundred upon hundreds of laps to finally crack that lap time target. Sure it may be flying a ship on the slowest speed on an easy track, but you have to be so precise and fit in as many barrel rolls as possible to get a lap time that low.

Start by saving your speed boost for the lap, and just use it as you cross the start-finish line so you get another as your cross. Cross all three speed pads in the first corner and sideshift after the third one to get a tight line. Straight after this they’ll be a slight bump In the road. This is where you use your speed boost. You’ll need to go tilt up and perform the first of 4 barrel rolls.
Because when you perform a barrel roll you get a speed boost when you land, as soon as you land you’ll be at the top of the hill going down to the narrow section, this is where you can perform a second barrel roll in quick secession. Make sure to land on the track each time.
From here just keep a tight line and run over all the speed pads as possible (2 on the tight left hander). Now comes the hardest part. Where the track splits at the end of the left hander you need to go move to the right across the track and aim to jump off the peak of the track (aiming right of where the upper path is), now you should just barely have enough time to perform a barrel roll, and move back to the left to land on the track again. It’s extremely tricky to fit in a successful barrel roll in the short amount of time you have.
Basically from here, keep your nerves together, jump of the track early to the left (while performing another barrel roll) and land on the speed boost, and cross the line, get the trophy and go get a cold one, because it’s sure one of the toughest trophies you’ll ever earn.


http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/goldsmiley.png 4e. Livery Liberation
Unlock every ship skin in the game.

With the likes of Zone Zeus and Zico, this one’s a cakewalk. Just unlock all 4 skins for each team. This requires you to earn at least 8000 loyalty points for all 12 teams, and unlock the chrome campaign skin. Just takes time really.

Getting all these trophies will reward you with the http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk/images/smilies/platinumsmiley.png Transcendence Platinum trophy, a very tough feat to accomplish. Congratulations if you do! :)

5. Credits
Guide by djKyoto (PSN also this).

27th March 2009, 12:44 PM
For Chengou Project [Arcade Perfect] I explain the tricks or "shortcuts" to use in the video description here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4594jgcGJE&feature=channel_page), as well as performing them once live (As example). You can link to it if you want, it was made to help :)

Nice guide. ;)

EDIT: If they need any more help than in the Chengou Video I'll try to reply to your topic if it's possible with tips, like the little "bounce" I do against the wall for the sharp left we all love and hate at the beginning xD

27th March 2009, 05:17 PM
:clap:rolleyes: nice grind ;)

27th March 2009, 10:06 PM
Nice guide djKyoto.

I thought of doing a BR & shortcut guide using the videos posted and editing them, but a lot of them have been removed.:frown:

27th March 2009, 10:19 PM
look at my speedlaps and br location videos, some will help you, mate.
and the videos of other pilots ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23V18K40XV0&feature=channel

28th March 2009, 12:20 AM
Aaaah chengou-im fking pissed :D what a track......maybe even the best track in next-gen wipeout :D

28th March 2009, 06:50 AM
Thanks Leungbok.
Piraphac is the main offender regarding removal of the "Hard to do but possible" videos that basically scuttled that project.
I don't know why?
Not that it's my call.
They were his video's,he can do what he likes with them.
NO aspersions onto him.

28th March 2009, 06:56 AM
Shameless self promotion time :p


I think it's a pretty good job of explaining the trick on this track ;)
(Like last time check the description for different qualities and help tips)

Don't know if everything can be included in your guide though, it would make it rather large :blarg

28th March 2009, 07:17 AM
I went through EVERY video that has ever be posted and noted all relevant points of interest [Took ages].
I had compiled a list and was about to download all videos to avail for editing.
PM'ed Insertcoin for advice on "Best practice"
Then it went belly up as some of the best ones 'Most perverse place to BR" disappeared.

I'll start from scratch again using what's available.

If any of you have posted a video previously and have since removed it.....well could you PLEASE RE post it.

It's a torturous task I'm undertaking,I want to make it worthy of a frequent visit by all.:mr-t

28th March 2009, 07:51 AM
Here two videos you've never seen ;)

28th March 2009, 08:12 AM
You are correct.

I've never seen those videos before.

A lot of the "Wipeout Arena" posts/videos I am oblivious to.

I know a lot of BR & short cut situations that have been passed out amongst our french friends in that forum that have not been revealed in any detail at the ZONE.

No wonder they are Le premier troupe

28th March 2009, 09:16 AM
Normal that the trick's discoverers improves their times first ;)
You know the SL/TT contest is becoming very disputed, that's why the best pilots keeps their "secrets" for a while, but at the end it's released in public videos. Other reason is that they wants to show their discoveries to friends first to be sure of the efficiency of those, before showing it to everybody.
And yes, Pirhapac is maybe the best discoverer of new crazy and usefull tricks, let's hope he'll show more of his stuff in the future :) But we also need some TT/SL videos of Wellington, Greenix, Yeldar and Luxoflux ! ;)

28th March 2009, 09:47 AM
The whole issue is that the vast majority of even the best Phantom pilots do not possess the skill of a Wellington or a Pirhapac.

Nor the ingenuity to invent and pull off these maneuvers.

These racers are abnormalities ,their skills are far and above the other racers.

Even if ALL their shortcuts and BR places were to be revealed,I sincerely doubt that anybody could pull them off with any fluency,certainly not to be a threat to either racer.

28th March 2009, 12:44 PM
@leungbok: i'd gladly make some tt/sl videos but i'm not sure they'd be that helpful as my times aren't that great....
but if you want i can :)

28th March 2009, 12:57 PM
Looking at the speed that you improve, i'm sure that we'll all soon be very interested to study an analyse your lines and tactics ;)

28th March 2009, 01:34 PM
My Hope was/is have a track outlay/map of each track.

Have the track [pin pointed,Video example] at the places that a BR could possibly be done [could get REALLY specific as in what speed you can do/can't do it at]

Shortcuts would be pin pointed [and where and how to do them] at the appropriate points

All pin points would have you see a video example.

Am I dreaming?
Or can this be done?

28th March 2009, 01:51 PM
You mean something like that (with some comments on how to boost, br etc.)?

It's a good idea, mate, and also a huge and long work !

28th March 2009, 02:07 PM
Leunbok.....are you meaning how I improve?

I wish.
Seems like I have hit a dead wall.
I'm NO hot shot,but I can hopefully hold my own amongst those that records say they are faster than me.
I really have to play online more.
I can't give up.that sucks,I might as well top myself if I allude that situation.

Wipeout: We live ..We die !:hyper

I can't access the ARENA forum [that link] as I am not a member.
I Would like to be but since my French is totally abysmal I see no point.

28th March 2009, 02:08 PM
As I said to you blackwiggle, it can be done on youtube with a bit of effort - you can have a track map video, and there are annotations/links to click on for each BR location, each linking to a different video.

Eg. http://www2.picfront.org/picture/1MXxiXQNWOb/img/Vineta-K.jpg
Track map video, and each red spot links to another video with the BR for that location. The video shouldn't have any red spots so it can be dynamically updated with hotspots for new locations.

28th March 2009, 02:30 PM
Problem is that a lot of the videos have been removed.
Makes it a half completed project.

If I do something ,I want to do it as a complete exercise.

If you want to do something,do it properly :guitar
No half arsed ATTEMPT.

I'll spend some serious time mapping this all out.
See what's it's going to take,then ask for help/expertise when needed.
I WILL need help.
I want as best as can get situation.

28th March 2009, 03:04 PM
Leunbok.....are you meaning how I improve?

I wish.
Seems like I have hit a dead wall.
I'm NO hot shot,but I can hopefully hold my own amongst those that records say they are faster than me.
I really have to play online more.
I can't give up.that sucks,I might as well top myself if I allude that situation.

Wipeout: We live ..We die !:hyper

I can't access the ARENA forum [that link] as I am not a member.
I Would like to be but since my French is totally abysmal I see no point.

If i understand well there's some misunderstandings (my english is not as good to explain exactly what i think, sorry).
I don't talk about your improving, mate, i thought you would that the video makers do comments on their videos to describe their boost/br strategies.
That's all ;)
But if you want to do all the job, hey, that's fine :beer
We just need that the fast guys are posting some new vids ;)

PS : If i succeed a good lap (at least top 5) i'll post a new public video of metropia (i'm trying a new strategy on this track atm^^)... But it may be quite long :D

28th March 2009, 03:09 PM
my little best off if u want ..sorry im not a specialist movie maker lol but u can see all br location or boost br , a tt ubermall and some of my records sl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxqlVdcK5mg

28th March 2009, 03:47 PM
I did commented it few min ago Pih, absolutely rocking video : a masterpiece.

Thumbs up for Xavier & Christian for their great contributions too.

Blackwiggle : after Euro Convention Germany , i shall be able to record internal view in HD quality, that could add a funny speedy vision of Wipeout HD and a little brick to your BR video guide project.

Dj Kyoto : thx to you for those who are struggling getting all the trophies :+

28th March 2009, 04:05 PM
thks asa ,yes it will be amazing a video interior view on vineta :sonar

28th March 2009, 07:15 PM
Pirahpac that was such a crazy video of Ubermall. I had absolutely no idea you could cut so much off the first corner and do two barrel rolls whilst your at it. I hope you don't mind be borrowing this short cut :).

28th March 2009, 07:57 PM
that's pretty much how i got all my times up, just stealing other people's methods.
hopefully one day i'l be good enough to work out my own :P
if that ever happens then of course i'll share :D

29th March 2009, 12:28 AM
blackwiggle, as long as we can get the locations, we can always get someone else to refilm the strategy if any of the videos go down.

29th March 2009, 02:57 AM
My videos aren't going anywhere, unless Youtube takes them down. That's why I'm using CS music now (Have his permission and all), because they already removed my rollcage race video (And I removed the other because it was using music from the same guys who filed the copyright claim). :mad:

29th March 2009, 01:01 PM
Well I went through my previous notes that I had made when I first thought of doing this months ago,and have added a few other locations that have appeared since.

There are over 70 places to BR and 6 known short cuts over the 16 tracks,and that's just the ones I know about.:eek,I'm guessing there must be approx 5 or 6 places that could possibly be BR candidates ,but I've never seen a video of anybody doing them there,I'm basing this on Phantom SL times which seem a fair indication that somebody has found a new one.

I'm still unsure on the best way to go about this,after counting them all it seems an BIG task, and that's a hell of a lot of video to get hold of,edit and write directions for craft positioning,speed needed to pull them off,effectiveness/value rating...also the videos would all want to be of an equal value quality wise, something of a problem ATM as they vary wildly.

I'd do them myself but I'm like Asayyeah and race in cockpit mode,and although that might be fine for some to watch [can be a bit nauseating for those who aren't used to that view],I'm assuming the vast majority of people that might want to view the proposed video guide would get a better idea of what's required if seen in Close or Far view.[opinions welcome about this]

I want to get the track maps sorted first,anybody know how I can get those,I suppose the ones from Pure & Pulse would be the best source?

I'll go back and read through this thread,I was on 3 different forums at once last night and got a bit muddled.:dizzy

29th March 2009, 01:18 PM
If/When I have time, I guess i could record a few. Of course, I'm the most inconsistent bugger on the planet :turd

29th March 2009, 01:27 PM
I wouldn't want to deprive you of your "Toilet Time";) [Private joke]

29th March 2009, 06:27 PM
To Blackwiggle and Insertcoin .Here's my part of the job ;) a link to a speedlap on metropia forward (rank 5 as the deal was ^^)
Two speedpads missed and some lines aren't perfect but i think my strategy is good :banzai

29th March 2009, 10:52 PM
Thanks Leungbok ,that's one of the "previously not shown" BR locations sorted.
The first one immediately after the mag stripe.:lol

I'm still yet to see a video of anybody BR'ing on Chenghou forward ,on the bump at the left corner just before the speed pad/second jump.
I'm assuming it possible to do one there.?The video of a BR coming over the first corner of this track is one of the ones that were removed.

Anybody found anything on Moa Therma reverse?,the only place I could think of that you could remotely do one at is at the first corner, with maybe a turbo/nose up corner cutting move taking out the last two corners and landing you in the straight [I'll do some testing,have never tried it].

29th March 2009, 10:55 PM
thanks to Darkdrium for this one ;)

30th March 2009, 01:24 AM
And it works on Pulse too! ;) (Senses metropia records will move around quite a bit :D)

30th March 2009, 01:49 AM
on moa therma reverse there are 4 possible rolls (that i know of).
i'm not one of the intrepid BR hunters so there may well be more.
i will try to video the ones i know if i get time

30th March 2009, 05:52 AM
Thanks Leungbok ,that's one of the "previously not shown" BR locations sorted.
The first one immediately after the mag stripe.:lol

I'm still yet to see a video of anybody BR'ing on Chenghou forward ,on the bump at the left corner just before the speed pad/second jump.
I'm assuming it possible to do one there.?The video of a BR coming over the first corner of this track is one of the ones that were removed.

Anybody found anything on Moa Therma reverse?,the only place I could think of that you could remotely do one at is at the first corner, with maybe a turbo/nose up corner cutting move taking out the last two corners and landing you in the straight [I'll do some testing,have never tried it].

video for br's on chengou
various brs (moa reverse for example) ;)

Oh, and you'll find many sl videos on my youtube account (badtesterz) with many br locations :beer

Nadia Elenova
30th March 2009, 08:03 AM
Thanks everyone, I'm afraid my skills doesn't allow me to post any video but this thread will surely help me on that matter. Much appreciated :+

30th March 2009, 08:27 AM
I wouldn't want to deprive you of your "Toilet Time";) [Private joke]
Cheeky bastard :P

30th March 2009, 08:33 AM
It's back to the stone age here in Sydney ATM for me.
First some major problem with ADSL2+ across the state with my ISP [still not resolved]I'm having to use dial up. YUK!
Then the majority of 5 suburbs suffered a black out for a few hours,I was just getting the candles out[suns going down] when it has come back on again.

Better recharge the PSP just in case [yes,the battery had no charge,had about 5 races before it died on me during the black out] what a day.
No Toys!

It's given me some time to think this out without any electronic distractions,had a bit of a Eureka moment regarding track maps and it could be made to look really slick.

I thought I would use/record the track fly by's [the ones that come up when your not playing but the games active],have that going ,then when it gets to a BR/shortcut spot have that video stop/dissolve, and then have a zoom in /pop up of the video with the BR/short cut being performed,with a brief description maybe even a photo in cockpit view showing what the nose of your craft should be pointing at.

Then have the video zoom back out again and the track fly by start again till it reaches the next spot etc.
I'm going to have to sort out how much time to allow for each {dissolve,zoom in,video example/description,zoom out},I think around 15-20 sec mark should be enough,so to keep each track guide under 5 minutes and the size of the video down.
I'm still in a "I wonder if that will work" mode atm with file size/length of video.

What do you guys think of this for an idea anyway?

30th March 2009, 08:49 AM
An idea like that isn't flexible if a new BR spot/shorcut is found.

30th March 2009, 08:52 AM
pfiouuuu,:eek You want to do something really complete, Blackwiggle. Great project ! :clap

30th March 2009, 09:04 AM
Depends what software I use to compile it I suppose.
If I use either Adobe Premiere Pro or Vegas it shouldn't be that difficult [Yeah right:eek:brickwall ].

The basic construction would be the Fly BY and that always stays the same,I could edit in any new BR/shortcuts as they were found as an added scene.
Most of them are known thankfully,well the ones of any true value

30th March 2009, 09:19 AM
It really depends what you are going to use, if it is youtube, you'll need to constantly reupload your ammended video.

30th March 2009, 09:43 AM
I know what your saying,and that would be a real PITA.

Hopefully this can be a mutual ZONE/ARENA project,a definitive HD "Masterclass" as done by the best.

See how things progress,I'm being optimistic ATM that people will come to the party and not hold back.

I'll do some tests first to see what Exactly is involved [approx how much time it will take] and worse case re editing,if it's not too much of a burden I'll go through with it as planned,if it's taking for ages I'll re think the approach.

30th March 2009, 11:37 AM
Anybody found anything on Moa Therma reverse?.
The 1st one you mentioned is correct even though i am not very sure it gives you a great benefice compared to a tight left corner entering mag strip(e)
But there's another 2 spots : the one i tried to do and did uniquely 2 or 3 times is the one from Leung-BR-bok ;) , just at the left curve leading to 2nd Mag there's a mini-hill at left side where you can use your turbo and BR over a part of the magstrip but it's extremely difficult
I am currently practicing on just before that left curve mentionned above there's a right one at the beginning of it i throw my turbo , a quick BR and land perfectly well at the beginnign of the mag strip too.

30th March 2009, 12:51 PM
Leung-BR-bok :lol,isn't that the truth.

I've always thought that was a candidate,the hit miss ratio must be pretty low.
I've done it at the same place on the Forward Moa Therma [after I saw a 10 year old kid do it at my place] :brickwall:paperbag

It's sort of similar to the turbo short cut on Anulpha Pass reverse where you can cut out part of the second right corner.

PS: I just went and got a new 100g hard drive for the graphics PC for this project.

All I need now are two things,the different cable to run from the PS3 to the capture card [it's somewhere around here ???] and my bloody ADSL2+ back, dial up sucks.

30th March 2009, 02:53 PM
But there's another 2 spots : the one i tried to do and did uniquely 2 or 3 times is the one from Leung-BR-bok ;)
Oh, we'll not start with nicknames, huh, Asay-yoda-h ? ;)

30th March 2009, 07:09 PM
to lance : ban me if u want ..and learn to talk better

31st March 2009, 12:16 PM
seems like you don't want to be here anyway...

31st March 2009, 12:20 PM
to lance : ban me if u want ..and learn to talk better

What's going on here? :lol

31st March 2009, 12:28 PM
What you said.

I have no clue whats going on in this thread.
But hey, thanks for anyone that used the guide.

31st March 2009, 12:28 PM
translation probs for sure. Misunderstandings and so on. Please Pirah, calm down. The topic of this thread is really interesting, and you're one of the best "content distributor" on HD, so let's stay on it.

31st March 2009, 12:49 PM
PLEASE don't
Neither can be this petty.

There is NO need by either party to draw this out.:naughty

Why the alienation?

What ever happened to the CURLY philosophy?

31st March 2009, 03:15 PM
DjKyoto, this is a great trophy guide you made. Useful for everyone, like you said. As far as I understand, your impressive work inspired Blackwiggle to the point he started to work on the HD graal... Something we ALL want to have... I mean the elite/phantom SL/TT strategy guide. Of course we can't do that without the participation of everyone (here+Arena). I saw ErZed at Arena started something fantastic (map & BR spots, boost strategy...)
We need to be mature, and respect of course, -who found what- with some "thx to" & "big credits to ---" for this particular stuff and so on. I'm sure we can all together act like gentlemen, put our ego aside, and make this elite walkthrough all together. And we promise to not quote huge parts of posts, by the way.

31st March 2009, 04:16 PM
My Chengou video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4594jgcGJE). You've probably all seen it, but it demonstrates the gap jump shortcut and features tips how to perform it in the description. The wall ride one is semi-invalid, as it can be combined with another technique to go even faster.
For blackwiggle compilation.

31st March 2009, 09:00 PM
i ve removed my last video for do better with slow motion (thks yeldar u inspired me with ur last video ;) ) with slow motion u can see the sideshifts importants and precises location br ..im not sure for vineta rev but rest im sure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6iwcr6z1C0 and here the better way for chengou sl("my" grind cant go over 22.50..other method can) found by a friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68udEzmYj5o :)

31st March 2009, 11:59 PM
An advanced SL/TT guide would be pretty sweet actually.

Something that I could actually use. :)

I would paste the guide in the first post Blackwiggle, but theres a 10,000 character limit.
/edit: Managed to fit the important trophies in the first post. Silver & Gold.

1st April 2009, 05:51 AM
I agree about the slow motion of the actual BR's,that's a stroke of genius.:+

Some BR's happen so quickly on some of these videos I've been watching then frame by frame,some I though only one had been done, but it has turned out to be two in very quick succession.:dizzy

Some of you guys must have two thumbs on your left hand to do some of these maneuvers.

4th April 2009, 08:00 AM
Indeed, some of the videos in this thread (especially Darkdrium777's and pirahpac's) are just mind-bogglingly intense and difficult - I've never seen so many BR-s on most of the tracks featured within. :o

Anyway, in response to the OP: Great job with the guide, I'm sure this will help many in their quest for the platinum trophy. :) I just beat Zico yesterday so I got one of the hardest parts (I hope) out of the way, thankfully. :g

4th April 2009, 10:04 AM
Just a quick thought on the guide. Very impressive and some excellent tips.

Can I also suggest that for Zone Zeus or Own the Zone people might like to try Reverse Anulpha. I know some of my friends have found the Own the Zone trophy a lot easier on the reverse and personally I can get to Zone 78 on forward AP and 81 on reverse AP.

A lot of time and effort has gone into the guide though so excellent work