View Full Version : HELP! fraud :(

17th February 2009, 09:15 PM
got home today and checked bank account online...noticed about 6-8 POS charges to my debit card for todays date all in the amount of 0.00$. called the bank and they had to shut my account down and reissue a new bank card.

now the 0.00$ amounts lead me to believe that they must have went through and used my card number as a credit purchase instead of debit. so who knows how much money is missing at this point. according to them the charges made have to go through by the 20th, so i need to wait and watch the now closed account to see if money goes so i can file a dispute.

only clue they have on their side to this is that every charge has apparently been charged to something called "RBS"as a POS authorization. any ideas as to where or what that can be?

17th February 2009, 10:11 PM
Bloody hell, that's nasty. Was it a cloned card? Really have to be so careful these days...

All I can think of with regards to RBS is Royal Bank of Scotland, which would make sense with a cash withdrawal, but credit?... That's a toughie

Good luck with that mate

18th February 2009, 02:43 AM
2nd person in as many days that i've heard about this happenning to.
similar things anyway.
mate of mine (living in UK) apparently withdrew all his money in cash from somewhere in canada. WTF?!

hope you can get it sorted FrostE

18th February 2009, 03:55 AM
maybe it was when we were trying to use the card in the UK and Jap PSN stores, dude :P hahaha that would be funny

RBS might be Royal Bank of Scotland

18th February 2009, 07:28 AM
Oh man, this sounds so bad! My bankcard was skimmed last month, but luckely blocked before they could run away with my money. It happens a lot these days. I really hope everything will be alright. Good luck mate.

18th February 2009, 03:24 PM
We have had a lot of incidences of things like that happening round here. The main problem were Shell petrol stations. The cards were being used all over the world in places like Canada, India, Australia, etc. Since its happened (and it took place in at least 4 different service stations) I will only fill up at supermarkets now.

18th February 2009, 05:59 PM
happened to me last year on my current account. looked at my balance one day at random and i was £5000 overdrawn. the statement was full of weird transactions. they would credit my account with £1 then take out £200. Spoke to bank and they had frozen account, there was still about £20,000 due to be withdrawn :p

good thing was bank refunded every dodgy transaction within 24hrs, so it ended up only the inconvience was getting a new card.

there is a worldwide banking code for visa and mastercard that gets everything sorted out very quickly so i wouldnt worry too much :)

Feisar Ltd.
18th February 2009, 06:14 PM
Yeah, just opened up task manager a few days ago and realised that there was a keylogger infection! Luckily I'd only had it for a day and hadn't bought anything online recently.

I need to be more careful on t'internet...

18th February 2009, 07:41 PM
I had my card cloned a while back, they tried to spend several thousand pounds but luckily I was on the edge of my overdraft anyway so the bank froze my card almost straight away. They gave me a call and reeled off this list of items asking me if id tried to purchase them. The culprit got away with 2 train tickets worth about £30 which the bank gave me back. I was very, very lucky! Safest place to use your card these days is inside bank branches and supermarket tills. Anywhere else and the machine could have been tampered with.

19th February 2009, 01:24 AM
I caught a guy going through my garbage a few years back,he had a bag with a lot of papers that I had thrown out [it was in the bag I threw them out in,that's how I recognized it].
I cornered this prick and asked him what he thought he was doing,he came out with a woeful BS story,so I decked him,grabbed his wallet with his ID as well as my thrown out papers.
Got on the mobile to ring the cops.
Meanwhile he had eventually got up and ran off,not realizing I now had his ID.

Well the cops went around to this guys place, and they found an absolute stack of incriminating evidence on this blokes ID theft activities.
He got 3 years jail,and luckily I got a NO CONVICTION for assault.

I have since bought a diamond cut paper shredder and use it on everything.