View Full Version : dead space - my word, i nearly pooped

3rd February 2009, 04:04 PM
borrowed it off moosemanmike a few days ago.

chucked it straight on hard mode, and my god is awesome.

anyone else played it?? essentialy resident evil but terrifying, pure relentless violent fun

3rd February 2009, 05:10 PM
I have Dead Space lying in my pile of games untouched. I heard good things about it so I got it off eBay for £20 in December. It was a Hong Kong copy which was annoying after I'd downloaded some DLC off the store before it arrived, luckily the DLC was free.

I'll get round to playing it when I have my February break. I can't wait to have to wear clean pants after every session.

3rd February 2009, 05:24 PM
Played the demo last night, had to turn it off, as things like that totally get to me these days.:paperbag

I've never been the same since the first Silent Hill:frown:

3rd February 2009, 09:55 PM
I love Dead Space! Bought it on release date and have completed it several times already. Im going to have a go on impossible mode as soon as its back from doing the rounds from my friends. With the lights off and the surround sound whacked up its scary stuff!

4th February 2009, 08:13 PM
im up to chapter 4 on impossible and it is indeed very scarey (lights off is the only way to play lol) it such an amazing game if ur a sci fi freak is deffinetly worth a purchase

4th February 2009, 11:46 PM
Absolutely. Graphically and atmospherically it kind of borrows from the best sci fi horror films (Event Horizon pops to mind) and plays like resident evil except its actually quite scary. Has anyone seen the film (Dead Space Downfall) yet? Ive seen clips of it but havent actually watched it all the way through. Im quite fussy when it comes to Manga so havent bothered to set the time aside to actually put myself through it yet.

4th February 2009, 11:50 PM
i watched it a while back, it's an ok watch, but i don't rate it too highly. if you like manga's, i'd give it a watch but don't expect top quality!

if you loved the game and want more, definitely give it a watch.

5th February 2009, 09:46 AM
Absolutely. Graphically and atmospherically it kind of borrows from the best sci fi horror films (Event Horizon pops to mind)

You know, I was playing this at a mates place and I thought the exact same thing. Only it's more violent, and with a distinct lack of Sam Neil.

Its pretty much one of the scariest games I've played. You can't get more atmospheric than this

9th February 2009, 07:33 PM
Wow, was very curious, now I'm gonna go get it. Event Horizon, scary Resident Evil, sci-fi, atmospheric...sounds good to me.

If only they could put Sam Neil in it...

Btw, great title for thread lol.

9th February 2009, 09:10 PM
It may not have Sam Neil but the Zero Gravity sections, Vacuum sections and Ripper gun more than make up for it. Its definitely a worthy purchase! Let us know what you think if you pick it up.....

10th February 2009, 04:40 PM
Dead Space is the Sci-Fi game of the year. If you enjoy playing the Resident Evil series, then Dead Space is a must play. The weapons upgrade work bench is awesome!::cold

10th February 2009, 11:00 PM
forgot i made this thread!
is there a difficulty AFTER hard????? i put it on hard 1st attempt... on chap10 wth 0 ammo and 0 money........

10th February 2009, 11:14 PM
This game is awesome, im not leet enough to play this on Hard but I love the whole setting!!

11th February 2009, 02:23 PM
I got stuck in a room with a ton of mutants and I'm dreading playing it again. It's not long after the meteor shower bit, great game though.

11th February 2009, 05:46 PM
is there a difficulty AFTER hard?????

There is. Once youve completed it it unlocks impossible mode. I think youve got to go straight to it after completing it though.

17th February 2009, 07:44 PM
What happens if you manage to complete impossible mode? Full refund?

Anyway, I just ordered this the other day. It was dispatched today. It'll probably just end up on the shelf with all the other games that I fail to enjoy nearly as much as Wipeout HD and hence rarely ever play, e.g. COD4, Prince of Persia, Fallout 3, Soul Calibur 4, Mirror's Edge etc.

Fingers crossed though that the action is gripping enough to hold my attention. If it does then I might be needing to ask you guys for tips.

20th February 2009, 07:01 PM
I never posted it here but my godchild Caroline offered it to me as a Xmas gift, i did finished it on normal mode and i rate it a big 'A', it's such an impressive decent into hell and horror, i havent pooped myself but was close at some point, music fits so well to the immersion into that survival 3rd personal shooter game.
Saturn : you can start again with a level 5 protection body armor ( not the real true word for describing this, anyway :) ) credits and pts to upgrade your weapons or else + weapons you got ( not sure you got them all and/or their ammunitions)

21st February 2009, 01:07 AM
Asa- I only just got the game and am not very far into normal mode yet. I was just joking about how it's called impossible mode, as I'm sure people have probably already completed it.

So far I've enjoyed what I've played of it. Had an interesting moment near the start. Seemingly dead monster thing on the floor - thought I'd decaptitate it just for the craic. Damn thing came to life after it's head flew across the room. Surely that's the wrong way round? Note to self - the head is not a limb, duh!

I like the overall atmosphere of the game so far and I'm only just scratching the surface. After 2 important Wipeout matches this weekend I will probably spend some more time playing Dead Space and I think I'll thoroughly enjoy myself.