View Full Version : The Movie: Death Race and, my thumbs itch.

20th January 2009, 05:09 AM
Did anyone else who watched this get itchy thumbs 1/3 of the way through?

I mean, first the auto race with weapons - I somewhat glanced at the thought of Wipeout. But these are cars, and not AG - how closely related could it be?

THEN they had weapons pads on the track - that lit up when ready?!?!?!

AND they weapons pads went "cold" for a few seconds after someone drove over them.

Then I saw a Forcewall appear.

My thumbs almost didn't make it though the movie!

Am I the only one out there who ONLY enjoyed this movie because it made them think of Wipeout?

P.S. : I did a search on "Death Race" and it didn't bring up squat. I find it hard to conceive that no one else connected these dots and posted a thread on it. But when the search was cold - I felt it was my AG duty to share. My apologies if I'm cross posting.

20th January 2009, 08:49 AM
Yeah i thought also too how Wipeout is related to this movie with items such as weapon pads on the race course.

Also i love the concluding scene in this film, how fate is delivered to the Prision Manager in the form of a gift box with a suprise in it. Quote, "Mr Alerick, i always win", followed by BOOM! Looooooool. I laughed so hard then kinda reminds me of my best mates nasty bitch girlfriend, haha, lol. Good film though.

swift killer
20th January 2009, 10:57 AM
Any film with Jason Statham is worth watching, the guy is an excellent muay thai boxer.

20th January 2009, 01:01 PM
It came before Wipeout, unfortunately. There is no relation with games like WipEout where weapon pads activate, etc. The movie Death Race (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452608/) is a remake of Death Race 2000 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072856/), which came out in... 1975. :nod

20th January 2009, 01:31 PM
Saw Death Race twice in the theater; loved every minute of it. Sure it was kinda cheesey, but you have to expect that :P I thought it was a cool implementation of Wipeout-esq items panels, and live-action Twisted Metal (another personal favorite "racing" game).

21st January 2009, 05:59 AM
Its a remake of Death Race 2000? Wow I might actually watch this now I know that. Death Race 2000 is hillarious hehe.

21st January 2009, 06:54 AM
I saw a trailer for this a while ago and instantly thought of Carmageddon, exept without the mowing down of pedestrians.

I also don't mind Jason Statham, so looks like I'll be looking for a DVD release then!

21st January 2009, 07:11 PM
It reminded me to Carmaggedon first...but yes, I did think about Wipeout when watching the movie!

OK movie, btw.

Spaceboy Gajo
22nd January 2009, 05:06 AM
Great post IH8YOU, thought about doing the same when I first saw the movie back in the summer. However I nixed the idea either because I was not feeling the love from the forum, I was a convention that weekend when I saw it and was dead tired to do anything else or a combination of both.

Any ways, like Pere_HD above me seeing the cars drive over the power ups for the first time reminded me how well a series/movie would be :D

As for the movie itself, it's probably better than you'd expect it to be. The trailer was cut very well and it piqued my interest, but thought it'd be just passable if I did go watch it. When I did I was thoroughly entertained and found it way better than the original. Yup I said it. Although I still do appreciate what the original was going for.

For fans of the original movie, you won't be disappointed in the cameo. Which is amazing since I've heard he hates the film. I won't be spoil it for you, but one hint it's not Sly ;)

31st January 2009, 09:05 AM
I did watched Death Race last night on DVD (on hire;))

Well, I thought, it was a brilliant movie but I don`t like the end, more preferable a slightly longer film to give a better finish.

It`s so wipeoutley with wheels! but I like it.:lol


31st January 2009, 09:34 AM
Longer would of been good. But how dont you like the end. Its the funniest part of the film where the evil bitch gets blown up. Quote "I always get my way", BOOM!!!! LOOOOL.

31st January 2009, 10:14 AM
Oh yes, I`d totally agreed with you!. IMO, I do actually expected Ames to come back and sort them out to prove he is a worthy driver(:rolleyes:) but you know what I`m mean? ;)


31st January 2009, 02:34 PM
You know what "Death Race" also reminds me of? It was a PS3 & PSP game called "Full Auto 2: Battlelines", with the weapons and racing, but more on the assault of weaponry than anything else.

Who doesn't love the ending? XD

"Mr. Ulrich... I always win."



"I love this game."

31st January 2009, 08:34 PM
I found this movie very interesting, cause the very first two game my father bought for the first playstation was Twisted Metal and Wipeout... it was them put together pretty much... But I honestly thought it was a bit much lol... I can see it as a video game but not a movie.

9th February 2009, 07:41 PM
Yeah, I also thought of Twisted Metal/Wipeout. I dug the action scenes, and Jason is cool, but man, the plot/dialogue was just brutal in the "We're gonna explain the movie to you cuz we think you're retarded enough not to catch on yourself, even though not much is really going on." way.

For cheesy fun, I thought Transformers was much better and cleverer, and I'm not a Transformer fan at all.

9th September 2009, 10:41 PM
My thumbs itch watching Robot Wars :D But Death Race has defo got the 'itchy thumb' factor, for all the reasons mentioned in previous posts. Seriously though, this movie serves as a kinda proving ground of popularity, imo to maybe pave the way for a (dare I say it) Wipeout movie :)

Any film with Jason Statham ... the guy is an excellent muay thai boxer.

... and an excellent delivery man! :D